Online training development pits and falls

It's compelling to take part in short trainings when you try to move from middle to senior in IT.

Some people and organizations, however, tend to become counterproductively hyperproductive.

This is a slight imbalance which is further from covert deals and shady behaviours than from simply too much cramming, too much formality, too much ceremoniousness as a first impression of a corporate culture.

Let's imagine someone is such a devoted geek of the topic they major in that they slightly overestimate the dull side of orderly behaviour and underestimate intuition and workflow.

The early 2020s appear to be so turbulent economically, ecologically, politically and culturally that only truly healthy organizations keep a straight face and follow their values during harsh or uncertain times.

People believe in short mottos and simple decisions, dramatic stories and detailed research, productivity and harmony, however, in many cases criticism is memorized better than a usual consequence of hypocritical 'thumbs up' activities.

To name but a few, about 10 years ago I used to proselytize for one book about personal efficiency.

Now I would say it works, but only in some microsocial groups, in certain historical periods, and it might be really efficient at some stages of the organization's growth.

The theory is meticulous and multi-faceted, its implementation is much more tricky and challenging.

I still find it useful, I still believe in some points and statements, but the bigger picture seems to be more intriguing than before, with economies and cultures blending and learning to interact with each other, facing and degragmenting legends, overcoming bias and misrepresentation.
