Something I regret but not too much

I used to be a bit far from being concentrated during the 4th year of my  formal college studies in Ukraine.

I had high grades, my attendance rate was mostly decent and I certainly was passionate about languages and foreign culture.

I didn't even pay attention to the term 'speakeasy'. I thought it was a bar/club designed for visitors who support the freedom of speech and the freedom of assembly. My second guess was that it was a place where speakers were easy to turn on and off.

On the other hand, not only was I credulous and pompous, but somewhat self-critical deep down, so in most cases I tried to get away with being a bit inaccurate during the speaking part of tests, because later came the CWC (here:Cram-Without-Cramming) part.

Thus, the idea is about having a grown-up, balanced and realistic self-criticism.

Information is a flexible and dynamic concept; self-education, teaching, schooling and unschooling are different methods but all of them have their place in our world. I support the idea of academic pluralism and diversity.

Maybe after a bit of additional research I will dwell some more on the pros and cons of cramming and my virtuous attempts to avoid it/make it less traumatic.

The concept of 'eco-cramming' will be delivered to my readers in 2 to 8 months or maybe even earlier.

Hope you understand that not all the diagrams will be posted here, as this would have been too spontaneous, too self-dstructive a decision.
