Marx, Christ, the Virus and the Herd

Marx, Christ, the Virus and the Herd.
Marx Christ Lenin Virus from an Idea to an Icon for the Herd
People endlessly believe everything that has been coming down from above for several millennia.
How naive is the belief in all these statistics. People do not realize what kind of power the state has. And states, and all states on Earth, are an instrument of financial capital.
They have the power to draw 300 percent for power in elections or 500 percent of patients with the virus. They have the power to force everyone to perform the ritual of submission: to wear accessories when entering public places.
If earlier they crossed themselves and bowed before the entrance, now they wear an accessory.
A new order, concentration camp digital fascism with medical terror requires a new religion. Fascism as a fusion of capital and the state on a global scale requires a completely new type of person. A submissive man.
The ritual of acupuncture and wearing an accessory is the strongest educational lever.
And this is only what is noticeable externally, not to mention the reduction - stupefaction of the population, chemistry-genetics-biology.
The teaching of Christ and the church teaching that emerged 300 years later are not the same at all. How could Christ imagine that the image of his death would exalt kings alien to the people. There is nothing in common between the teachings of Christ and the texts of prayers written by monarchists.
The same thing happened with Lenin's teaching. And nobody forbids the Bible and Lenin's books. But will anyone read? Will anyone from the Communist Party remember the real teachings of Lenin? Unless someone will think that the elections are drawn, which means that any statistics can be drawn. No. 90% of people don't think. A submissive person is already there, but they need even more. And so 90% of people are a combination of selfishness, "thoughtlessness" and meanness. Out of 10% of people capable of high morality and reason, only 2% are aware of reality. Of these, less than 0.5% seek to learn the theory. Because if a person is busy and well-off, he has no incentives and no time. (It's about 10%) The ruling class is 0.02%. Officials, lackeys, security officers - 2% Of them are people without any abilities and knowledge. The state machine must follow the instructions of capital without hesitation. The parasitic ruling class in the new world order wants to ensure succession to the throne despite its degradation. The crisis of capitalism, overproduction and monopolism drove capitalism into its death throes. It is possible to exclude world social progress, revolution, and preserve parasitism only by a global new world fascist order.
In such circumstances, religion has already lost its opportunistic role and needs to be replaced.
The ideological niche and religious niche is being filled with a new medical-digital ideology. The virus and fear are being built into the cult of a new religion. A new Inquisition and a new Reich are developing before our eyes. Apocalyptic predictions are before our eyes. What power is concentrated in the hands of the backstage, when the whole world executes all instructions from above, contrary to reason. Security prevailed over freedom. In fact, it is a new religion. The ideology of fear, the religion of the virus. It is amazing what a powerful force the "evil forces" have around the world. It's hard to fit in your head, it's hard to get used to even thinking. And the layman of the Reich of the global order will not think about anything. But the events are truly apocalyptic, according to John: "AND no one can buy anything without the mark of the beast" Even capitalism itself cannot imagine the future of humanity is not apocalyptic. After all, the meaning of life under capitalism (fascism) this is personal gain, selfishness at any cost.
The informational, spiritual war is not going on on some fronts. In every person's head there is a struggle between egoism and altruism, fatness and asceticism, fear and freedom, submission and will, degradation and reason. In society as a whole, this is expressed as a struggle between the ideas of a free socialist society against a society of egoism, capitalism, fascism, that is, class ideas, ideas of social Darwinism. From the ideas of the market and egoism to the ideas of social Darwinism and fascism, it's not that close at hand - it's the same thing. Selfishness breeds frenzied schadenfreude and envy. Altruism breeds solidarity, empathy and joy.
In the world of the forces of evil, the backstage of big capital reigns supreme, the forces of evil rule in the world.
But the last battle for human souls is going on in the minds of the people themselves.
The last choice is up to the person himself.
There is no exploitation of man by man!
