Causes of the US-China Conflict?

Causes of the US-China Conflict?

Since 2008, the US has discovered a way to inject billions of dollars into the economy out of thin air. At first, they threw in 500 billion and nothing, and since 2015 they began to draw trillions.

China, seeing all this "disgrace", studied the issue and since 2018, the Central Bank of China has copied this model from the Fed.

And he also began to inject first a trillion, then two, then three.

The United States, seeing that the Central Bank of China got out of the control of the Fed, cut it on with a pandemic.

Instead of obedience, since 2020, China has begun not only to inject trillions of dollars out of thin air, but to do so 5 times more than the US Federal Reserve.

At the negotiations, he said that since our population is 5 times larger, then the emission will be 5 times more.
Which infuriated the Fed.

Still, the Fed's centenary monopoly on the world money supply was broken.

Since 2021, all those empty trillions from the US -3 and China -10 trillions have poured into the real estate and energy markets.

Real estate and energy prices are breaking all records.

Thus, two swindlers China and the United States are leading the planet to environmental disaster.

China is going to draw another $ 50 trillion by 2030 and give it to 5 billion Africans, increasing air emissions 1000 times.

Europe is in a panic, covering its entire continent with windmills, which created an unbearable noise background for the inhabitants.

China is investing this empty 10 trillion in new factories for the production of robots, which by 2030 will increase unemployment in the world to 5 billion people.

The world's most immortal Bill Gates, together with Baba Yaga Zuckerberg, decided in advance to start giving these 5 billion soothing injections so that they would not smash the offices of Microsoft and Apple.

#china #usa
