Quotes of Thoughts October 2021

#TrinityParadigm =
Democracy + Automation + Inclusivism.
#Democracy solves existential problems
#Automation solves most problems
#Inclusivism solves
via #super_co_ops problems caused by automation http://proza.ru/2019/07/18/1103

#Super_Co_Ops (in which  everyone own shares) start #CircularEconomy that aims not only efficient use of energy & raw resources, but also at a nonstop circulation of finance as M;bius strip of supply & demand cycles:

The creation of a present or future similarity w/ the East India Co that eventually came to rule large areas of India & assuming administrative functions is inherently dangerous & wrong direction in the quest for a better future...
See more:

The true solution to current & future problems: the creation in democratic communities
worknets of IT platforms of global & national #Super_Co_Ops in which each citizen owns a personal share and controls them as a co-owner & as a citizen.

Dear Mark Zuckerberg, as a designer, I advise you to horizontally stretch the two ovals on the META logo.  Otherwise, your opponents, unfortunately, can easily create a vulgar parody of the META logo. pic.twitter.com/GNH7C52PPX

 #GennadyZherebilov practicing philosopher and #rethinker :

"even a small lie causes a big mistrust".

#QuotesOfThoughts #quote #Wisdom

And if we will be beautiful and wise
then each of us will love
and will be loved.
Just open soul and you discover
that Our World can be as Paradise!
#TrinityParadigm =
Democracy + Automation + Inclusivism pic.twitter.com/h1gUCZCD04


"People Are Co-holders of the World"!

#EraEden #Vow2World #UBI #BasicIncome #EndPoverty

"Will you be happy if you'll own nothing?
Every person could be happy if everyone will own a personal share in everything!"

#GreatUpgrade or #GreatReset ?
#EraEden #Vow2World #WellBeing4HumanBeings #Hi_HoneycombProperty
#Super_Co_Ops #coops4dev #UBI #BasicIncome

practicing philosopher & rethinker:

"equality in rights is not equal to equality in lack of rights"

#CodeOfExodus #QuotesOfThoughts #quote #Wisdom #GreatUpgrade #GreatReset #inequality #HumanRights

Happy #coopweek
We need #GreatUpgrade thanks to
Democracy &
#BinaryParadigm = #automation + #inclusivism

#Automation solves most problems
#Inclusivism via #super_co_ops w/ a share of  everyone solves problems caused by automation

"Cynicism isn't objectivity".
#quote  #wisdom  #QuotesOfThoughts

#GennadyZherebilov - practicing philosopher & rethinker:

"What is most worth
that is not for sale".

#quote #QuotesOfThoughts #Wisdom

Thomas said: “Unless I see in His hands the mark of the nails -- I will never believe” (John 20:25).
"Faith is the path to Truth, and knowledge is the distance that people have traveled along this path."
Thomas united faith and knowledge

#HandsEcon & #Automation leads to global unemployment i.e. lion's part of population will receive unemployment benefits or #UBI .
Thanks to #HeadsEcon every citizen owns shares in fully automated #Super_Co_Ops & receives dividends for harmonic development

#Einstein: E=mc2
Metaphysical formula
Energy of Love & Cooperation:
E = lc2
E - energy, L - love, C2 - cooperation P2P & cooperation btw Humanity & the World.
"Love the World as yourself"
http://proza.ru/2020/02/10/760  pic.twitter.com/N8WT79qt5L

#UBI is a first step to a shareholder inclusivism in which every citizen of the world owns shares of net of IT platforms of fully automated global & nationwide #Super_Co_Ops

#BinaryParadigm = #automation + #inclusivism

#ActNOW #G20Italy
Sabbath of sabbaths:
“Proclaim Liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof”
(Lev 25:10).
In #20s21 #pass_over to a new course for Humanity: everyone've right to live as co-creator, not working horse

"We are Yellow, Red, Black, White...
We are not left and not right,
we go up to humanity heights".

Far-lefts lead to barracks socialism, far-rights lead to oligarchic capitalism.
#Inclusivism leads us up to #AllinclusiveSociety

 #BinaryParadigm (#automation + #inclusivism) as a base of #EraRA (#Robotics & #AI) can be realized in democracies, not in autocracies.
#Automation solves most problems
#Inclusivism solves problems of automation

A government and people of every country must require from offshore capitalists:  stay home! #StayHome !

#PanamaPapers #PanamaPampers

"Famous people just love being pampered".
They launder money, let's we help them to wash their "Pandora pampers".

#Inclusivism via #super_co_ops w/ share of everyone solves problems caused by automation

W. Shakespeare + #GennadyZherebilov - practicing philosopher & rethinker:
"To be or not to be, that is the question" - on which each person answers with the actions.

#QuotesOfThoughts #quote #Wisdom

#cooperative movement by global & nationwide  #Super_Co_Ops with shares of everyone as a democratic base of #BinaryParadigm = #Automation + #inclusivism
could be the master key for #GreatUpgrade of the World
