Forced change of the social management paradigm

(Declaration of scientific discovery under formula «regularity»)

1. The paradigm of social management throughout the evolution of human as a species exists as a constant set of the same components:
- «infantilism» (protectorate of leaders);
- «conformism» («people are silent»);
- «consumerism» (standard of living as a super goal).

2. At the same time this paradigm recognizes as a given such specific signs of human behavior as:
- «reasonableness» (unlimited ability to learn);
- «sociality» (an individual does not become and/or ceases to be a person outside the society of own species);
- «productivity» (ability to work productively).

3. In the 21st century human evolution is influenced by three global trends:
- «informatization»;
- «globalization»;
- «robotization».

4. There are stable correlations between «signs» and «trends», namely:
- «reasonableness» + «informatization»;
- «sociality» + «globalization»;
- «productivity» + «robotization».

5. Under influence of global trends a deformation of species signs occurs:
- «reasonableness» + «informatization» = «dilettantism»;
- «sociality» + «globalization» = «deviance»;
- «productivity» + «robotization» = «unclaimedness».

6. How are the current paradigm of social management and the effects (deformations) of global trends combined (?), namely:
- «infantilism» and «dilettantism»;
- «conformity» and «deviance»;
- «consumerism» and «unclaimedness».

7. The combinations of pairs mentioned in clause 6 above give the following socially unacceptable results:
- «infantilism» + «dilettantism» = «mass debilitation»;
- «conformity» + «deviance» = «social chaos»;
- «consumerism» + «unclaimedness» = «general parasitism and predation».

8. The only way out of situation outlined in clause 7 above is to change the current paradigm of social management in all components to directly opposite settings of behavior, namely:
- «sovereignty» (self-government) instead of «infantilism»;
- «conventionality» (social contract) instead of «conformism»;
- «creativeness» (quality of life in the sense of «long-healthy-successful-useful-happy» as a super goal) instead of «consumerism».

Dr. Igor Skryagin, ethologist

