You were and will be forever in our hearts

For the great, talented singer Freddie Mercury (5 September 1946 – 24 November 1991).

Your condition of soul,
When it seems that
Totally alone, but closely
There and were all your friends.

Everything for you!
Cheers, applause
Of screaming crowd.
For your music
And for it again!!!

Look upon this world –
You are among us.
And music is in our
Hearts, whole warmness
And kindness of your songs
Still there.


Behind the door is silence
And I hear rustle of
Your dress – oh,
You are here, didn’t I
Call you early???

Hoping in my dreams,
Keeping dates,
Numbers, years, but
You are here.

In doubts –
Who I will be there
And whom for them?

Here I am a legend
And music is inside me
Ringing – could I
There write my music?

And would I feel
Whole pain of my soul?
Don’t make me wait with answer
And your voice
From silence –

And these silent steps –
Thanks, that
Having time,
Writing at nights music
For you!!!

So in every breath
World, while changing,
You could understand
Also yourself, who you
Are today.

For later, obstacles
Not for them and so, not building that,
What you can sorry for,
By consequence of all words.

Silence soul, I am glad to see you,
You are with me, didn’t leave
Me, I am happy,
That I live – oh life,
You are so beautiful!

And what’s next?
Autumn rushing
To drop leaves
From trees, following
Gray rain, silver,
Grumpy walker wind.

Scattering leaves away,
For glimpse admiring
With beauty of leaves –
They were circling in dance
Of walking away days and against
Of all, humbling with destiny,
Were laying on the ground flat.

Oh, God, about what,
Tell me, thoughts
Walking, away
Rushing, who
Force them?

Tell, please –
That world is
Under your power and
Is there any place for me,
So I could with music,
Like that in this there

And maybe then
I wouldn’t care to
Keep me in hands, grabbing
Out of last powers, trying to get
Every moment into music for you!!!

So I could be after,
Resurrecting –
Maybe, while in music
Living, I will be close.



«Queen - The Show Must Go On» -

Picture is from the Internet.
