Этруски - это интересно

     Мои исследования этрусского языка не только критикуют и замалчивают. Ими ещё и интересуются. Приятно, например,получать вот такие письма:
Interesting.  You have replaced the usual Etruscan reading for C with the Russian Ts. You also read the M as a Russian Se rather than the usual S/Sh (plus e or a) sound (It became and M later in Western Europe. I find your reading interesting. Have you a photo of the statue in question which would also show the inscription? I am reluctant to replace the C (which has done yeoman duty as a C/ch sound in other Etruscan inscriptions in ancient Etruria and in Italy). Have you other cases from Italic inscriptions which show a Russian affect? I rather think they would be rare at that time. The Etruscans in Northern Italy of course must have run across Norther Europeans from time to time. I am not convinced by your translation, but will continue to think about it. Thank you very much.

All the best

Don (Donal B. Buchanan)
