science anti-science the tactics the cia capitalis

Science and anti-science in the conditions of class struggle

War state ruling class violence militia tribe Hobbes Marx anti-science science madness of the masses class struggle history pseudoscience propaganda ideology without ideology private property

The strategists of the hidden psychological ideological war have created many hypotheses justifying the existence of a class society. Their diversity is given out for pluralism and lack of ideas, but in fact their true tasks are: distracting attention from the truth.
The ideology of perfection of the American capitalist monopoly system, globalism, caste system, social Darwinism, anti-human environmentalism, eugenics, the domination of material values, the domination of the values of globalism-post-capitalism is produced imperceptibly, unobtrusively, covertly and everywhere. Alternative points of view have been completely torn out of all institutions of society and are being persecuted in the media and education controlled by the oligarchic and state structures - the CIA (and its branch in the Russian Federation). Antihuman, consumerist, materialistic, egoistic values are presented as the only ones, and hypotheses in education are presented as the ultimate in historical development and true. But this is not the case. That's a lie. The finiteness of the development of history and the change of formations is unprovable and absurd. Each system, having established itself, insisted on its historical finiteness (except socialism) by American ideologists with the money of the oligarchy- the state, the very money that was appropriated from the people with this money, whole cascades of ideological sabotage in education and the media were developed for the controlled RF territory. There are enough accomplices of the CIA in the Russian Federation, both among the sold-out elites and among the branches of the CIA - state structures (from which the real proletarian patriots of the people were etched back in 85-91)
Science today is not some kind of an idealistic science. This is a real wrecking organization in the service of the CIA, the oligarchy. Hundreds of textbooks are being developed that lead away from the truth, from real values, corrupting, and most importantly creating confusion in the minds. Under the guise of non-ideality, a policy necessary in the interests of capital is being imposed.
The theory of formations and class struggle has been etched. The Marxist scientific approach has been etched out. The high Christian and communist morality has been etched out. A scarecrow has been created from all the humanities. And all system "scientists" and pawns only execute orders and instructions, broadcast the agenda from above. The agenda from above is not an idea. Unprincipled science is an oxymoron. This is a myth. The absence of true ideas is silence, there is complicity in confusion and an enemy agenda.
The whole cycle of science is under attack. What the Marxists-Stalinists managed to develop and what they didn't even have time to write.
For example, literate social scientists understand the essence of the state, its appearance is associated with violence, with private property.
On the contrary, oligarchs extol in textbooks such hypotheses as Hobbes' "war against all". Passing her off as an innocent. "ideology must be removed" (Putin) The hypothesis is clearly anti-human in nature. He brings down a man for cattle, who must destroy his own kind. But to prevent this, the state was allegedly created by a caring ruling class.
Even propaganda films have been created that undermine respect for the tribe, community, and religious law. Whole anti-Marxist philosophies have been created (Nietzsche) Intramarxist chamelions have been created that forget about the exploitation of man by man and country by country.
But there is no Lord.
Marsism has already proved it. War, violence, inequality appear with private property. Not with the division of labor, but much later. It is the monopoly on violence that is the main task of the class state. It was war and violence that created the state as a mechanism-a tool in the hands of the ruling classes to suppress the exploited.
There is no war in the tribe. War appears if and only if hierarchy appears, the appropriation of rudimentary states from tribal unions. War and violence ensured the appropriation and ascent of the ruling class. There is no war of all against all of the next Hobbes charlatan promoted by bourgeois occupation ideologues in all school textbooks. There is a class struggle, which is the driving force of the historical process, the change of formations (which was torn out of textbooks with a bang, sometimes the upper part of the socialist formation is torn out - a classless society).
How monstrous is the degradation of so many masses of people. They participate in the conveyor belt of universal madness, turning humanity towards a new medieval, caste society. System workers "teachers", "doctors", "scientists", "siloviki" are submissive silent accomplices of insanity. All of them suddenly forgot that this system is the past, that the most progressive system was taken away from us. All of them silently tore out information about the progressive system of socialism from textbooks. How cowardly and trembling they look when they are asked about it. There was nothing decent left in their head, only the thought of a feeder. Materialistic idolatry. And the void of ideality is persistently filled with anti-human ideology (environmentalism, mesophobia, fear of infection, Nazism, material fetishism, idolatry) The only humanitarian knowledge that can be obtained today is the knowledge obtained through self-education. Under the pretext of idleness, everything good, everything true, has been uprooted. Mass madness.
And how easily they changed the name of the militia to the police, let's say they do not know about the class essence, they have forgotten since the age of 53 (brainwashed traitors at the top) But after all, about the fact that the policemen were enemies, about the fact that this is a clear hint of the work of the CIA and vlasovism at the top? About the fact that our grandfathers fought with the policemen, how could they forget?
Let me remind you of the class essence of this question as well.
The police is the body of protection of the ruling class, protection of the private property of the ruling class, the system created by the ruling class. Ideological police (for example, the CIA and its affiliates in the Russian Federation, media censorship) protection of the prevailing anti-national and anti-national ideology, the development of ideological psychological operations in the media, as well as direct operations to ensure the media and propaganda in the interests of the ruling class. Punitive police (for example, detachments to disperse workers' demonstrations, detachments of policemen in the occupied territories)
Militia - detachments formed by the proletariat to protect public order, protect people's property, protect the gains of the revolution, respect rights and freedoms. Ideological militia (KGB, censorship) - in the presence of a capitalist environment, the fight against the introduction of anti-national anti-Soviet ideology- Nazism, the fight against the sabotage actions of foreign intelligence services and attacks on national property.
The main defender of the progressive system is the people, a literate, educated people, with a developed theory of education, able to destroy treacherous tops. For the preservation of the system and its improvement, the main factor was and remains - the class struggle. The people must constantly and directly participate in politics, build their own system. And all the organs of the workers' state are aimed at protecting the people. Electability is needed at all levels.
How does the workers' state differ from the exploiters' machine?
It can no longer even be called a state, only a universal democratic Soviet society is capable of socialism.
Socialist (as it is called the state) this is no longer a punitive body. This is a progressive social system that carries social obligations - as its main function, carrying the function of planning...
Today's capitalist state has its own socialized and not so punitive appearance only thanks to the conquests of the class struggle. And to claim that this is the "end of history" That capitalism (or the new world order) is a "single caste state" that this is the end of history? Capitalism concentrates capital in a monopoly - this is where its historical mission ends. No matter how much the punitive state is ennobled, it does not become socialist from this. No matter how much you talk about small and medium. Monopolies are the end of capitalism. And attempts to contain history - to create a digital caste.. It's not scientific. This is crazy. Only popular class activism will save the world. But pseudo scientists are screaming for pennies for profits: "capitalism is happiness, America" "the war of all against all" "people don't need freedom" It was already in Germany in the 30s... It's either the people or the end of the world of people.
People increasingly understand the utopianism of Dewey, positivism, tredunionism, and other opportunism.
They will never distribute shares and rights to everyone. Capitalism is built on inequality, there is no capitalism without poor people and countries, there is no consumer madness. Capitalism strives for monopoly and enslavement. This is the contradiction of capitalism. Slaves don't buy goods. Slaves are needed to maximize profits. There is a crisis of overproduction, monopolism, inequality. Capitalism has fulfilled its historical function.
On Unionism and pos. The people will achieve nothing with demonstrations, no trade unions (CIA political officers), no concessions will move history from its place anymore. And no expectation of progress will erect socialism. The system works against man and history. Of the collective methods they have only - a digital concentration camp. They will turn everything to harm. This madness will destroy both man and the planet if the people do not finally master and develop a strategy and tactics according to Marxism, with good psychological preparation, against all kinds of ideological and scientific sabotage.
Will they be able to build a society of absolute unfreedom of "security" (for them) to reduce the population, create a society without freedom of thought, their own post-capitalist caste digital fascist "brave new world" With its anti-science, anti-morality, anti-philosophy. Will the people rise up? Or is this the last time of humanity? Time will tell.
