Crime without Punishment

The UN continues to support the Gaza Strip, the Palestinians as a people, and the terrorists who control these territories. However, the last time, the level of support has not just risen, but has crossed the red line of anti-Semitism.

In May of this year, an article was published on the official website of the UN upon the history of the alleged Arab-Israeli conflict. One example of this is the mention in the report that during the two intifadas Palestinians took part in strikes and non-violent demonstrations, which included only children, laborers and women and that they did not pay taxes. Meanwhile the world watched and remembers how those "children" and "laborers" blew up buses with Israeli citizens and carried out most of the terrorist attacks throughout the country. The distortion of the truth and the provision of misleading information in the mass media have become a tool for promoting the image of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and Judea and Samaria. The UN prefers to protect only the weak side, in their opinion.

In fact, in the United Nations Charter, in Chapter One, Article 1, Point 3 of the "Purposes and Principles" the following ideas are noted:

"... Respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, regardless of race, sex, language or religion." - Original text. And now let's go back to their main article on the Arab-Israeli conflict, one of the most shameful articles since the organization's inception to nowadays. How many words in it really refer to victims on the Israeli side during the two intifadas? Or perhaps the article contains an exact number of missiles and Qassams that were fired and launched into Israeli territory and aimed at innocent civilians? It should be noted that there is no fact about the right to exist of the State of Israel.

But the worst one of all is that in almost every university in the world in modern history studies or political science - students use the UN website as a reliable and veracious information source. Such publications cause anti-Semitism to grow among young people abroad Israel, and responsibility for these processes lies with the conscience of the authors of this article (if they have it at all).

Links to the original sources:

Vlada Goldstein
"The World Community"
Tel Aviv, Israel
