fascism now business capitalism communism

The typical tactics of the masters of the CIA are attempts to compare the USSR and the Reich, they do not say anything about the essence of fascism, that it is based on private property and, most importantly, on the idea of the superiority of one over the other. How can the opposite ideas of good and evil be compared? But the CIA pulled the ideology, the essence, out of the description of socialism, and left only the form.

But let me ask you a question, wasn't it the elements of socialism in the economy that allowed the market Reich to resist the whole world? And could anyone but the USSR have stopped this evil? No.

The idea of good, of socialism, is the opposite of the idea of evil. The ideas of equality and fraternity of peoples are opposed to the ideas of exploitation of some people by other people. Exploitation is the essence of capitalism and its bestial form of fascism.

The goal of the CIA and the gentlemen is to hide any knowledge about the USSR and socialism. Will not tell the CIA about the essence, causes, financing, ideas of capitalism. Yes, yes, it is capitalism in its latest bestial form.
The film tells about the construction of a global fascist society with total control. The connection between the ideas of the oligarchy on population reduction, eugenics, breeding of service people and ideas of racial superiority is revealed. It is scientifically proven that there is only one idea that can stop evil. This idea of communism. Communism is completely opposite in content to fascism, presupposes socialist property, equality of freedoms, humanism. Fascism was created by the oligarchy as a defensive reaction to the offensive of the working class, to protect its rule, to protect its right to exploit people by man. Nazism was artificially caused to divide the working class.
Fascism is a terrorist dictatorship of capital, whereas the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, where oligarchs rule, is falsely called democracy. Fascism is the logical historical global end of capitalism.
