Romantic identities

Recently I came across a long list of English-speaking young people, mostly Gen Z-ers, confessing about being lithromantic.

Maybe for the time being they are right. Some of them claim they suffer, the others are sure they don't. People with this romantic identity mostly feel confused and misunderstood.

In our oversexualized consumer culture people focus on their 'body lists'. Lots of them, pickup culture adepts in particular, build their affectional self-esteem on lists of people they shagged. Yuck!

Which alternative do aces and lithromantics have to invent?

A  'soul list'?

What do sapioromantics and sapiosexuals have to come up with?

A 'mind list'? A 'brain list'? A 'bright list'? A 'genius list'?
A 'smart list'? A 'neuron list'?

Do you imagine two female friends who have majored in Philosophy sitting in a bar and discussing their distant and in a way spiritism-like transcendent cognitive, romantic and emotional experiences?

- Seneca was a steamy thinker although he was maybe a little bit too persistent at constantly moralizing, but his style and argumentation get me high...
-Come on, sister, that's total waste of neurons. Seneca was an Ancient Roman douchebag who definitely lacked originality. If I were his initial and main reader, I would have dumped him and his overrated book. Descartes was perfect. His schemes and definitions ooze with harmonious and idealistic nature while being hands-on even nowadays. He absolutely nailed it!

And so on, and so forth...

It's cynical but it might be of use in such cases, especially if you are some kind of a platonic panromantic polyamorous personality with particularly high expectations.

To make things even queerer than queer, can you imagine the emotional landscape of a male philosopher who is cognitively and romantically drawn to Carlos Castaneda and his ideas?

It might work this way - if he gets really far on this exotic path, he ends up screwing his Spirit, Ego, Illusions, Willpower and Death at the same time rolling in realities as if they were sheets!

So one of the main messages I'm trying to get across here is that you have even more things to explore and enjoy without getting physical and sometimes even without getting traditionally reciprocal since the presence or absence of telepathy and other forms of mind interaction are still to be discovered and proved.
