A religious scholar revelation

I analyzed my generation once and suddenly understood how it is heterogeneous, complex and multifaceted. It would be wrong to name it "the lost", many my peers were not skinheads and scumbags. Every lives in accordance with his mind, does not he? Like me, for example.

I was interested in art, religion, philosophy, linguistics and cultural studies since school years unlike major my peers who exchanged comics and drank beer in courtyards on benchs. The theme of religion always excited me, no matter was it an orthodox faith or New Age - self-knowledge always was above all. I was not like everyone, so I was very proud this fact, without boasting of cource, otherwise that would be a road to nowhere.

School years went away, I started studying in an university. During that time I discovered for myself one of the religions, which especially touched my soul and has still been staying with me. This is the catholicism. I got to know catholic church first time during a tour in Croatia. A small church was near by a hotel where I had holidays. The church had "modern" style. The mass was being spent on a glade because the church could not fit into itself more people. Ethnic composition was not homogeneous: there were croats, Germen and Italians. I didn't understand Croatian, but perceived the mass with heart, that brought me indescribable joy. In the end of the mass we sang "Pater Noster", then shaking hands truly smiled each other. Believe me, that was not an ordinary mass.

One or two years after that I visited mass in the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary church. I met there Spanish padre Daniel and Peter from Slovakia. I have developed the most friendly relationship with last exactly. I express my heartfelt gratitude and respect to him for all years that we spent together.

Origin of the picture: https://asiarussia.ru/articles/20877/
