The chunk 115 The message -575-

«У японских университетов низкий мировой рейтинг по нескольким веским причинам. Практика «плохого управления» занимает центральное место в таком низком мировом рейтинге, но я думаю, что есть веские основания утверждать, что академическая культура Японии, так же как и корпоративная культура, страдает от более широко распространенного макиавеллиевского оппортунизма в условиях культурных ценностей «гармонии» ... в отличие от «критической традиции» гуманитарных наук.
Это накладывает поверхностный блеск «образования» на то, что является в основном укреплением соответствия власти, и сортировкой студентов по линиям грубых навыков запоминания...» размышлял Ахмед.
Работа в университете в Алжире и работа в университете в Японии — это две большие разницы. Труд в Японии дороже чем в Алжире, и зарплаты у японских мужчин намного выше, чем у женщин. Половина японок вообще не работают. Они даже часто держат китайских или корейских служанок для работы по дому, а сами занимаются детьми и нарядами. Японец поступает на работу и начинается его очень медленная но верная и надежная карьера, зависящая целиком от склада его ума, его эффективности, благонадежности, верности императору. В целом это все напоминает Алжирские реалии: похожая на Алжирскую система квалификационных экзаменов и балльная система социальной активности введена и в Японии. Алжирские достижения в сфере образования и социологии стремительно распространялись во всех развитых странах, способных и готовых такую систему содержать. "Обмен специалистами в этой сфере в последние годы особенно активный, но что же теперь будет из-за короновируса," — вздохнул Ахмед, — “какое влияние на эффективность образования окажет изоляция учеников и студентов от учителей и особым образом обустроенной образовательной среды?"
В Алжире попасть на работу в любое государственное учреждение, а все учебные заведения — государственные, непросто: нужно сдать жесточайшие тесты и собеседования.
Несмотря на то что в Алжире труд мужчин и женщин оплачивается одинаково, нагрузки в университетах Алжира распределяются неравномерно: как правило, преподавателям назначается нагрузка в соответствии с рейтингом, и у мужчин эти баллы часто ниже, а заработок учителя, как правило, получается соответственно занятости.
Конечно, если учитель занят в научной работе и имеет патенты, госзаказы и высокий рейтинг в научной сфере, он может быть очень богат, независимо от его гендерной принадлежности.
В Алжире есть несколько очень богатых кланов, зарабатывающих исключительно научной деятельностью. 65,4% членов клана Ахмеда заслуженно заняты в образовательной и социологической областях, из них 43,2% —мужчины, 12,3% — с научными степенями, 6,54% имеют патенты, 3,21% —  академики, а 1% -- по обмену преподают… эм.. преподавали теперь, из-за вируса... за границей в лучших университетах мира: волшебные цифры!
Ахмед и его бывшая жена входят во все перечисленные группы клана и даже в ту тысячу избранных, доверенных людей, выполняющих сложную задачу просвещения за рубежом. Клан огромен и, если бы собрать их всех вместе, они могли бы основать небольшой городок.

The message - 284-
Hello, God.
Ahmed does not exist, I think. The shadow of the "Ahmed'', my bright Ahmed, is probably there somewhere. I miss my Ahmed, need to see and feel him, trust and believe him...he has not any tiny interest and forgot the page of the strange woman. Of course, clever, respectable people should avoid freaks and jerks to never get in an unfortunate situation.
I also avoided giving my address to that Japanese person: he always reminds me by hints in his messages. I made it all right: he seems to be a little aggressive despite always remaining calm. He is not of a nervous nature but I now can read his facial expressions, can understand his emotions despite his unusual forine appearance and quite different way of thinking. I mean, facial expressions are the same for all people, but it is a bit complicated to be read from an asian face. You know that the faces of all the foreigners for the beginning of acquaintance seem similar. Why does he always need my address?
I am lucky in life. I was lucky with my partner. He still loves me, cares about me, helps me. But I don't want to be with him, so I refuse him. I am still thinking I would better be single.
Also I made the best choice asking exactly this one black guy  (I have many contacts of other black guys here in Yutmen) to be my teacher: I am sure I can trust him absolutely in many issues. He is always polite and delicate. He really helps me, doesn't look at time during lessons, he always teaches me longer than agreed time of the lessons. He is involved in the process and needs to be useful to me for my benefit. It is important. It was what I wanted to avoid: the feeling that he came to earn money only. As I understood, he is not very competent in English spelling: sometimes he makes simple mistakes, I always see if a word is written wrong, (I have good eye memory in whole, but not always reread my messages to correct mistakes).  But I decided he is good at speaking English and doesn't make mistakes here, at least he sounds natural. His mother and father in Ghana both are lecturers in a University. I saw his interview on Yutmen TV several years ago where he also talked about his family. He was the most trusted student in the faculty, and was a leader. He also worked as a teacher or helper in several Yutmen language schools. Also he tried to make his own club where he tried to teach people language through entertainment, easily. What went wrong here, I don't know. In short, he was a cool guy and he became a cool man of 29 y. o.
I was busy with my customer, a middle aged woman, she works in the tax department. We ended the deal when he opened the door and looked at us questioningly. I asked him to wait a bit. When he closed the door, the woman claimed she didn't love Blacks. But the worst thing was when she came out: she opened the door, had shown him, paused in the doorway and then went round track demonstratively around him in order to be much more far from the guy. He was sitting on a sofa, pretending like he was reading something on his smartphone. I felt a shame for all Russians.

The message - 285-
Hello, bh.
I made a mistake. And now I am shipping my poor body to the south coast of Krym. First train, then airplane, after that autobus and I am in Alushta. It was impulsive to buy the tour. I'll spend a week there. Alushta is an ancient small city with a very soft and healthy clima. They write that the air of the city is full by specied aromas. I will live in an uncomfortable old sanatorium that was built in the 1950-s and remains the atmosphere of those times. There is a big park in the place the building is. Park with plants I've never seen earlier, only read and saw pictures in an encyclopedia in my childhood.
I think I didn't cope with my feelings, and made an impulsive step, because actually I should have spent the time and the money for my education better. I regret a bit I am so stupid and weak. But maybe our life became richer due to our foolishness. My foolishness makes me happy from time to time.
It's empty in the train. I have been going to Ekaterinburg for five hours: I was there many times because I had many relatives here and later, when all the oldest died, I came here with my daughter for trips in the mountains. There is a fine, cute place near the city called "Deer streams", with very beautiful landscapes, fresh air, almost wild places: if one makes a step in the wrong direction, many caverns, rivers and small seas. We saw snakes, hare and amphibians, fish here. I am grateful to those people who organised this place, for I had a chance to show my daughter who was grown in concrete jungles, a piece of fine wild nature. I think parks like that were better than what I saw in my life. But the parks I had been to were not absolutely wild. I would say they are as wild and un... as the economy of the country is healthy.
The names of the places I pass on my train, have tartar's routes: Tugulym, Yushala..these lands just four hundred years ago were Tartar's. Even the name "Yutmen" is Tartar's. But the closer to Ekaterinburg, the more Russian-like sound names of the stations. I think all the names are , like, an alive history.
It will be interesting to follow the names of places in Alushta: firstly it was one of the castles of Visantia, then came Turkeys, then Russians, then it became Ukrainian and in 2014 again Russian.

The message - 286-
Hello, Ahmed.
I am not for the first time on a flight, I was in an airport about a year ago with my daughter and she led me through all the airport clearance procedures, but today I am alone, and feel a bit  confused. It is so long and boring, I prefer see landscapes..But the plane is two-store Boing, very comfortable and big. Interesting, how will the flight be? Last time with my daughter I had no room to move, it was econom class and too tight. It's absolutely full and here's a lot of children. They, it seems, are creeping everywhere, many families with two or three kids.
My daughter told me before we took off that she likely didn't enter a University. She said that "she didn't guess the lottery and lost". Some abiturients who had lower grades than her entered because "guessed", she didn't. To say that I want to cry or, better, to die, is to say nothing. I'd rather say to myself: "don't think about it today, will think about it tomorrow" and every day like that..inside me is almost ready to leave them all, go to work in another city, in Petersburg or in Moscow, where I can rent a room and find a job. I don't want another year like the past one..but I will think about it tomorrow...

Makoto 56
very hot here.
usually +35maximum degree everyday.
i need a mask,i go to customer.
i am not comfortable everyday and many stress.
because corona virus second wave in japan.
i can keep good helth.
please take care of yourself.
be safe,protect corona virus.
i hope you good keep helth.
why not,
i need you.
i hope you a wonderful weekend.
from japan.
for you.
my short poem
