The chunk 122 The message -582-

Ревность была, возможно, безосновательной, но непереносимой и они грубо скандалили из-за этого и из-за денег.
Все заработанные деньги каждый месяц им переводили на общий счет, а потом он выпрашивал у нее денег на спортивные принадлежности к Айкидо. Она жадничала, они спорили, и обижались. Так он потерял жену, дом и детей. У него осталась только работа и хобби, выросшее из увлечения боевыми искусствами…
Теперь он считал брак большой ошибкой.

The message - 299-
Hello Ahmed!
"Are you hungry? Why don't you find a woman?"
"I'm afraid to infect you and my daughter with a venereal illness. I cannot allow myself to bring it here, so I can't date while I live in your house. I will move out soon", he promised, "then...".
Should I believe him? I don't want to think about it, to make any assumptions, I am too lazy to figure out why when he speaks with some of his customers he always goes into another room or says to them that me, his wife, is near him now.

usually peoples have emotion.
peoples change mood everytime.
sometimes smile,cry,angry,silent etc.
i hope share with you,
each other emotion.
why not?
i can  more than know you now.
and i feel close to you.
of course we like our personality very nice things.
thank you warm and caring message to me.
and worried to me.
my dear.
for you.
my short poem
i use back up my video on instagram.
yes you saw before my video.
i don't up to date everyday my instagram.
because i propose take a photo and video,you see my photo and video enjoy and relax and
i tell you my situation.
are you can enjoy or relax see my photo and video?
Wouldn't it be great if my videos and photos were one of your pleasures.
i am thinking of you everyday.
i hope you keep helth and helthy.
have a nice weekend.
my dear.
from japan.
for you.
my short poem.
Yes. You don't want to talk. You just need the place you can imagine you are loving and loved. To lie to yourself is so sweet.
