
I was offended by your mother. Although after the revolution of the nineties there were turbulent times, and many rushed into religion. Then there were many religious sects .

In one of the sects, you were with your mother. I have already moved to another city. I said to myself: "What can you do? Your daughter lives with her mother, and her mother feeds her, you must accept this and pray to your God"

It's time, and you married a guy from your sect. Normal guy. It seemed a bit rustic. But it normal. Dads are too critical to the grooms of daughters. The wedding party took place at the factory cafe.

Early in the morning after the party you Wake me: "dad, we are now going to my Church. We will hold a ceremony there"I said to you, "I want to sleep, can you hold the ceremony without me?". "And who will lead me to the bridegroom?"you asked me. "Uncle Glory". "No, you're leading me. Get up, dad, " you said calmly. That day I saw that there were many calm and cold-blooded people in the Church.

We were not entirely correct. And dad, too. True, religion is often the basis for conflict. Man by nature is not tolerant.

I mean: unfriendly look. And other gestures of disapproval. To my surprise, the members of the church and the bishop were tolerant, polite and did not react to our aggression. As if they know the ultimate truth. and I thought, "Okay, is your daughter worse? No. Do not you need to thank your daughter's mother for finding the truth for her? Yes"

Your mother went to another world a few years ago. Remember, I once confessed that your mother was a good wife and a wise mother? I told you all this sincerely .
