The path to American citizens

                The path to American citizens

A lot of people from all over the world dream of living in America. There is a myth that here, the stars pour down from the sky, and dollars are jump into wallets!

Over the past 23 years in the US, we have not noticed any of this. Money must be
earned—and through hard work. Our family overcame all these difficulties; my
husband and I receive social assistance from the government, determined by our
age and the number of years spent working.

 For two years, we were all given permanent residents status, and after that, it was necessary to pass a citizenship exam, by having to learn a hundred intricate questions and answers (of course, in English), as well as confirming knowledge of the language by dictating a few sentences. We diligently learned to answer questions, testing each other.

 Finally, an interview day was scheduled in the city of Charleston. On the way, we repeated the answers, checked our answers, and were very nervous. And so, just before we had reached Charleston, we had a problem! Our car suddenly waivered to the side and we heard a suspicious sound. We moved to the side of the road and saw that the front wheel was punctured and was deflating more and more. Oh my God! What do we do now!?

You cannot be late to the exam, let alone skip it! We were upset and
anxious. Luckily, our eldest son  was riding in his car behind us. He offered to go to the repair shop, leave our car there, and we go in his car with his family for the interview. We had just enough time to do it. In short, we were on time, and all passed the exam safely! Hooray!

 We became citizens of the USA! At work, I was congratulated and presented with the American flag! How marvelous!

But with this, our adventures with obtaining American citizenship did not end! Alas!

Evidence of naturalization is usually issued after passing the exam in a month or
two, arranging a big celebration for new citizens. We happily arrived at the park
where we were told we would be receiving our documents. The celebration was a
success! Satisfied and happy, we celebrated this event in a restaurant and went

 Charleston is located on the ocean; there are many beautiful bridges. We
were driving on the same car that had failed us once. And then, as we were leaving the bridge, suddenly we felt that we were slowing down. What a nightmare!
Frustrated and worried, my husband and I waited for the end of this slow-down!                We               
had to stop after coming off of the bridge. Imagine what it was like! There was no
help from anywhere, we did not have mobile phones at the time. Vlad and his family rushed ahead of us. We stopped near the road, and cars and trucks flew by. Nobody paid any attention to us. We had already stopped hoping for help. We were told that Americans are not in a hurry to help anyone, just like that.

 And not a single police car passed us by! What were we to do?! Distressed and worried, we stood on the shoulder of the road in the darkness. And then, a miracle! Near us stopped an American car, from which an elderly man emerged and asked us what had happened. He lifted the hood of our car and tinkered there. And the car was woundup! Thanks to him!

The man asked us where we are going and promised to accompany us to Columbia, as he was travelling farther. And the man kept his word!
He was behind us the whole way and was ready to help at any moment. So, we met a wonderful man, luckily! The next day, we took the car to a repair shop.
This is how we became citizens of the United States.

A very sorrowful story, but at the same time the very atypical US one. It just goes to show how asocial and egoistic the american community is as a rule. It's a very lucky chance to meet a helpful and self-denying man.

Александр Жданов 2   02.02.2022 06:34     Заявить о нарушении