The real definition of the State

The real definition of the State
The State is an official system of suppression in the interests of the ruling class. The state ensures the domination of a certain class in a certain territory with the help of law enforcement agencies.
Country and state are different concepts. A country is a territory with a population with a historical community. The state is a system. States control as much territory and population in the historical era as it corresponds to the interests of the ruling class. In the future, states will give way to transnational corporations, as they will be more in line with the interests of the ruling class. The state as a territory and religion as god are presented not only out of simplification, but also out of the interests of the state in depoliticizing the population, in accordance with the ideology of bourgeois pseudoscience serving the oligarchy.
From such representations, society is easy to manipulate. The state is a subject, not an object, but if we take the opposite, it is easy to form the illusion that the state is outside society. No, the state is not outside or above society. This is a social system that works for certain groups of people.
Naive definitions write: "with a fixed territory" But for some reason no one asks the ideologists of capitalism: "Who secured the territory?" "Who appointed the public authority?" "In whose interests does the state work?" "Is there any influence on the state?"Is sovereignty possible in a global market?" There is no answer to these questions. There is only a definition under which any separatist society can be driven. With such apparent lack of ideas, it is possible to prepare the destruction of states. Without seeing the true interests, people become pawns in the interests of the ruling classes. Somewhere they are ready to go against their interests. Somewhere they are taught that a state alien to them is their state. A single ruling class no longer knows any boundaries, they are very conditional. The new states are corporations headed by an oligarchy, and the oligarchy also rules the classical states. But pseudoscientific definitions represent the state as a public authority. What is hidden behind publicity other than formality (non-secrecy)? Nothing. This definition of the state is very superficial, suitable for anything. And it does not reflect the essence of the state as a system of the ruling class. And the very main definition of the state lies about the territory. A country is a territory and a population. The state is completely different. This is a subject, not an object. System. People who do not understand the nature of the state are not able to defend their state and fight against the alien. They become puppets in unnecessary conflicts and are unable to defend their interests.
