New generations, technologies and differencies

On the whole, I should say and confirm that each new generation should be more intelligent due to access to new technologies that weren't available before.

But, to be coherent, at first I have to identify the conceptual apparatus for my short exposition.

Intelligence allows appropriate conclusions and to be able to solve problems. But, if intelligence is limited only by egoistic consumerism with hopes based on new technologies, but without attention to the experience of previous generations the legacy for the future will consist of just surrogates.

In relation to the species Homo sapiens sapiens, each new generation is a community of people generalized by the time of birth in each particular era. In its turn, some events of technological development in each era is the starting point of the chronology for a specific generation.

So, thus, we can notice some bright events and passionate eras on the prehistoric and historic line of Homo sapiens sapiens and sub-generations in its frames:
- making fire
- stone building and primitive tools
- agriculture and domestication
- bronze
- wheels
- iron
- concrete and glass
- gunpowder, cannons and guns
- printing technologies and mapping
- industrialization and colonization
- post-industrialism era and plastic materials
- nuclear and space era
- new information order and cybernation
- AI, nano- and meta-technologies, recycling energy and hybrids

At the same time we should remember that not only generations cross and neighboring each other, but degrees of technological access for social communities and groups as well.

For example, we have school boys and girls who visit comfortable study buildings every day with access to Meta and visual interactive technologies in the center of Almaty or Astana. But some of their peers in villages far away do not have advanced equipment and even internal comfortable toilets in school buildings. Both parts are a united generation in the frame of technological era and age status. But, they do not have equality in technological access. That’s why we can’t totally separate the human population on generational stratas only. Moreover, future children of these two parts of current school boys and girls possibly will have a much deeper chasm between them.

From such a deep difference in access to consumer opportunities or informational access, inequality arises, which leads some children forward, while others are pulled to the bottom with negative social manifestations. On the basis of this, perverted religious ideas and traditions can appear, disturbing the so-called more civilized people. But, all this can happen in one generational stratum!

It's important to note that humanity includes not only ethnicities, social communities and groups, which are signed in statistical reports. It consists of all historical components and paradigmal viewing of each documental fixed time period as well.

In other words, all favorites of fortune or orphans and the poor of the current generation should be immensely grateful to the geniuses of the past, who created paradigmatic prerequisites for changing the nature of the transmission and exchange of information. At the same time, I want to say that not everything is lost for people who find themselves on the sidelines of civilizational development and on the generational bottom in comparison with their peers or another generation.

However we are confronted with social Darwinism every time in our life, which levels out any attempts to say that the next generation should logically be more developed genetically and intellectually due to progressive technologies and parents

The paradox is that the complication of the social system with the use of more and more new technologies entails an increase in the index of social entropy and difference between people. In this situation, the selection of the best of the best and the change in their adaptive abilities are taking place, and not the improvement of a whole new generation. Only a few from each new generation are able to pass on qualities adequate to new trends to their descendants.

If females of octopuses continued to live after laying eggs and guarding their descendants, they would have increased the intellectual potential of their own species. But, they die and the new generation of octopuses should get stuck in one furrow again and again without grandmothers.

In our case, we have grandpas and grandmas. But we spend time with repeating mistakes, generation after generation, leading to the loss of the possibility to multiply its intellectual abilities. Each generation has their parents, but connection is always weak.  This is not due to the fact that families have bad relations, although this is not excluded, but because the generations are separated by social circumstances and algorithmic sequences. Technologies can not help in this because our social technologies in general are oriented to competitive advantages.

In this situation it is so difficult to change something. Whatever scenario parents offer to their children, each new generation still makes the moral choice themselves. Because every new generation can't reinvent the wheel, but wants to get stuck in the same furrow again and again. The main difference between generations and paradoxical reality is in the same and recurring  mistakes. We can’t understand that each human goes through several age conditions which are called as generations.

Finally, it has become clear to me some of Francis Fukuyama's fears about the end of history and the last man in the context of crushing the USSR. By the way, it wasn't a program product from neocons, but an explanation on the lost generational transit when people repeat octopuses in each new generation again and again as well. Each generation should be better than the last one, but changes affect only a tiny fraction of a percent of genetics and intellectual potential, but at the same time not for all members. All other changes are the legacy of the sequence chain from the previous generations.
