The horsemen of the apocalypse are globalists

Horsemen of the apocalypse?
"And there will be a mark of the beast on the hand or forehead and will not be able to buy without a mark...."
Horsemen of the Apocalypse:
The plague
The Antichrist
God save me from the tricks of the evil one

Globalists are building their new world - a concentration camp

Russia is thrown on the altar of world capitalism.
Globalists are building a world concentration camp. All their enmity is a performance and a theater. One hundred percent there is a contractual war. A massacre according to the canons of the globalists -masked.
Russia is burning in the furnace of world capitalism.
As soon as I heard about the fighting, I was seized with a stupor. It defied all logic. It was impossible to understand it. 30 years of shame and ruin are replaced by active actions.
30 years of colonial decline, the raw material appendage of the West is deprived of any hope of independence. Ideology is abandoned and trampled. The idea is torn from the body and destroyed. The trunk (industry) is looted. A market and a laughing stock has been created out of the empire of justice. The Empire of justice has been reviled and turned into a rabble of selfish robbers. All sorts of WHO terrorize the population.
And suddenly the fighting begins.
What for? Imperialist ambitions? Of course not, the West will not allow the raw material appendage to raise its head. (Although there may be uncoordination between fanatics, oligarchs, PR people on this issue, but only insignificant. For small players, something is unprofitable, something is profitable. The big ones are apparently under the influence of the West in the role of subordinates or in the role of forced vassals of the market. The market is the world of the West, its ideology, its essence of robbing the whole world. ) The market is a system of plunder between the center of capitalism and the periphery, between the interventionist vassals and the people (the proletariat. The market is a scheme for destroying competitive countries. The market is an anti-Soviet ideology. The anti-Soviet ideology is Russophobia. 30 years of betrayal and shame. And suddenly.
What for?
Why now?
And I began to analyze. Awareness of the West about actions, coordination of actions. Withdrawal of reserves in dollars... The presence of foreigners at the head of all companies that have not yet been killed.(And even more so in the dead) The complete absence of steps in the economy for all 30 years... What is the true purpose of the action in Ukraine? For 30 years, the second Nazi Germany was nurtured in Ukraine. Ukraine is a huge country, there are 3 residents of the Russian Federation per one inhabitant. And now the moment has come. But what are the goals?
The West needs an external enemy. The West has always done this. Both in the first and Second World War. Hitler, as an obvious anti-communist, was raised by the oligarchs of the United States. They need an image of an external enemy, for consolidation, for the promotion of their imperialist (capitalist) interests. The only beneficiaries of this slaughter are the West. Semi-colonial Russia fulfills the order of the West. Once Trotsky wanted to put Russia on the altar of the world revolution, unlike the statesman Stalin, who raised a great power. (It is difficult to say whether Trotsky was right, but his predictions, alas, came true)
But now Russia has been put on the altar of capitalism. Capitalism needs new markets, an external enemy, and war. Capitalism (monopolism) is suffocating from crises of production and it needs a war. Russia is being thrown into the furnace.
At first I wanted to rejoice, I thought that Russia was being exalted.
But WHO's orders continue to be carried out. Anti-Soviet textbooks with Solzhenitsyns and "unprofitable communism" continue to be stamped.
All the country's reserves are located abroad. There are no steps to develop a State Plan in the economy. There are no socialist trends for the development of an independent economy. They don't need an independent economy, because it's all a performance. A performance of history.
It seems that at the top of the country half of the CIA agents and traders. The other half are anti-Soviet fanatics who are easily manipulated from the West. As a result, such a lack of coordination of actions. Fanatics of the "imperials-vlasovites" easily follow the lead of merchants from the West. They do not take any action on the state monopolization of foreign trade, Gosplan, socialism. For them, there can be no such actions in the economy, because it is not consistent with their anti-Soviet ideology. They follow the lead of the CIA dealers, if only against the USSR. As a result, Russia continues to go into the abyss to sacrifice for world capitalism. Capitalism will delay its death and the world revolution by devouring Russia. In this case, Russia has sad prospects.
Before that, I thought that the colonial CIA power in Russia was more monolithic. It turned out that half of the state apparatus are fanatics who do not understand that they are being led into further dependence. Capitalism is the ideology of the West. They are the masters in it. Russia had and can have only one path - the Path closest to socialism, the most protected from the world market. The world market for Russia is a path of colonial dependence and a raw material appendage. Folk wisdom says - "Whoever pays, orders music." Marxists know that capital has no Homeland. The situation in the country can turn in any direction.
"Either Russia will be Soviet or a colony of the West" (Stalin) Now the only way for Russia is the way of the experience of the first five-year plans of the USSR. Creating an economic basis.
But so far there are no signs that the government is working for Russia.
It is clear that the blinded fanatics are being led by the Western hosts. They are not doing anything to create an independent economy. In the conditions of an enemy market. There is only one path for Russia - the path of a planned socialist economy. Such an economy requires an idea - an ascetic, fair, altruistic idea. You can say the communist idea. A truly communist idea and morality, without idolatry. It is necessary to understand that a socialist state should be able to defend itself no worse than capitalist aggressors. The state must protect its ideology! Any anti-Soviet and Russophobic antics should be despised.
Russia will be in the future world only as a socialist-oriented state. Otherwise, the world of the future (electronic concentration camp), having exhausted all markets and the full potential of capitalism, will still come to socialism through the world revolution. But only without Russia. They want to devour Russia in order to delay the death of capitalism. It's time to forget about anti-Soviet fanaticism. Russia needs communist morality, a planned economy!
Only through fundamental changes in the economy and spiritual elevation can we save Russia!
It is necessary to abandon all these iPhones and recall the experience of the five-year plans of the USSR. That's the only way.
In the near future, either Russia will be reborn or will burn in the furnace of the market.
Either Russia or the market.
You give socialism. Let's save Russia!

The epoch and the people give birth to great personalities. Personalities are born by the class, the people. Public consciousness is created by everyone and everyone! I want to believe that there are people! I want to believe in a miracle that the spirit of reasonable asceticism, justice, altruism, high communist morality and Orthodoxy, equality and brotherhood will prevail over selfishness and haggling!
I want to believe that the people will wake up from sleep, stop taking any sides in the feigned conflicts. He will wake up and throw the globalists into the trash.
