Shaman Kip

If a person who has been sleeping forever is suddenly awakened, what happens to that person next?

Orlinaya, Krestovaya, Monastyrskaya, Komarova, Refrigerator - these are the names of the hills that rise above Vladivostok. They are so pretty and so big! Next to them, a person feels like a bug.
But there was on earth, according to legend, a man who was higher than the mountains. And his name was Erlan.
There is a beautiful legend. According to this legend, the great warrior Erlan decided to make life easier for the Chinese. Erlan possessed incredible, cosmic power. His strength was like the strength of the gods.
And it happened like this: Erlan raised his hands, inhaled the air, and when he exhaled, he decided to direct his exhalation to the mountains and hills that interfered with agriculture. Erlan helped himself with his hands, incredible power came from the palms of the hero. The flow of power from the hands, connected with the flow of power from the exhalation, and nature admitted its defeat. Hills and mountains were pushed as far as the Ussuri region. Several hills have taken root in the territory where Vladivostok now stands. From now on, there is more free land for planting for the hardworking Chinese. And the land of Haishenwei, as the land where Vladivostok stands was then called, acquired viewing heights. Bohai, Jurchens, Manchus, Mongols-people of these nationalities came to the hills of Haishenwei later, when the hills became old. When, at the request of Erlan, the hills were located on the territory of Haishenwei, the grass and stones on the hills were very young. The hills were 99 years old when warriors with bald skulls came to the lands of Haishenwei. In that century, Asian men were proud of their long hair, braids, tails, but the warriors who came to the lands of the five hills were completely hairless. Hair interfered in battle and was an annoying hindrance. So, each hill became a place where warriors who came to this region from unknown lands carried their service. In the land of swarthy people, the faces of these warriors stood out with deathly pallor. The eyes of the warriors did not have the same color, they changed all the time. The warriors knew trouble would come soon. Every warrior whose watch fell at noon knew that trouble would come from the sea. The hills violated the natural balance, they should not have been on this earth, but now they were, and this fact could not be avoided. The earth was hard, she caved in and groaned under the weight of foreign hills. The earth was the sister of water, the water-sea sympathized with the sister and was outraged. Accumulated water of strength to destroy foreign growths.
The shaman of the Nak people saw the future and sent warriors to save the land of Haishenwei. The trouble was to come from the sea. Sending the warriors, the shaman warned that trouble from the sea would come at noon. Therefore, the sentinels slept peacefully at night, but a reinforced patrol stood on the hills every day at noon. The shaman of the Nak people loved this land because this land was the birthplace of his mother. From here, the wedding palanquin took the shaman's mother to foreign lands, the shaman's mother wanted to return here when she grew old. The shaman has never been on this earth, and he did not need it. His inner gaze pierced time and space, and he did not need to be where danger awaited. The shaman's father was the supreme ruler of the land where one day the mother of the future shaman arrived in a wedding palanquin. One day the shaman's mother came to the yurt where her son lived and expressed her desire to go to her native land. The shaman glanced at the place where the mother was supposed to go, and saw the danger. But the mother insisted and wept. Then the shaman agreed with his mother that her path would begin in a year. If the danger passes, then the shaman will send his mother home with a light heart, but if not... Then the shaman will have to get on his feet. The shaman became most powerful only when he felt the ground under his feet. The fact is that the shaman was disabled. He couldn't walk for long. The blacksmith made the shaman something like a wheelchair, and the shaman moved around on it. The shaman could walk, but saved his strength, because he knew that the moment would come when he would have to stand on his feet. The shaman's father was a great warrior, but the warrior's son was... an invalid. The fate of the villain sometimes throws surprises even to great warriors. The shaman was the only son of his father, and his sadness was genuine. The shaman knew that his father's lineage would end on him. The girls were afraid of the shaman, because each of them was like an open book for him.
The warriors sent by the shaman to a distant land looked like zombies. However, they were zombies, ghouls, who were forced to rise from the earth by a shaman. Warriors had neither family nor tribe. These were warriors who came from foreign lands, and perished in battle. They didn't have names. A shaman would not dare to make the people of his people, even the dead, zombies. The people of his people had names, they were preserved even after death, such people were not subject to transformation. Only strangers who wandered into the land of the shaman became warriors of the night, as the shaman called zombie warriors. Hence the bald skulls and white skin of the warriors who went to guard the lands of the shaman's mother. Together with the warriors of the night, ordinary people also set off on a long journey. The supreme overlord singled out nine of his army. The warriors of the night had no contact with humans. They obeyed only the shaman. During the day, the warriors of the night hid from the sun's rays, at night they stood on patrol. The warriors of the night did not rush at people and did not try to drink human blood. They didn't need that kind of food. Every night, before going on patrol, they received power from the hands of the shaman. Distance was no barrier. Human warriors kept watch during the day, non-human warriors kept watch at night.
And now this time has come. Almost a year has passed since the shaman made a promise to his mother.
On the eve of this noon, fog thickened over Haishenwei. The fog was so dense that the people standing nearby could not see each other. It was very stuffy and the stuffiness was not replaced by coolness. The horses of the warriors were nervous. The warriors of the night did not yet react to the fog and stuffiness, they did not care. Having received a boost of energy from the shaman, they simply stood with their eyes open. In the days when the sun sent its solar storms, and the shaman could not feed the warriors of the night with his energy, the zombie warriors fed on the energy of the black stone that the shaman gave them with him when he sent them on a long journey. The cave where the non-humans hid from the sun was completely dark, only in this cave the warriors of the night could rest. It was cool in the cave, but still stuffiness penetrated here. Until noon, the warriors of the night did not react in any way to the closeness, in the afternoon even they began to feel discomfort. From stuffiness, their skin became damp and began to slip in patches. The shaman had not slept for two nights, he knew about the approaching disaster and tried to help people and warriors of the night. However, his strength was running out. The guards were disoriented. They knew that trouble would come from the sea, but they did not understand where the sea was now and where the land was. People began to choke. On top of that, the ground beneath my feet began to shake. The world has become shaky and uncomfortable. It seemed that a giant creature was approaching people. The creature's tread made the ground shake. The shaman saw everything, the fog was not a hindrance to his eyes. The young man saw what happened today, a year ago. The shaman thought until the last moment that his visions would not come true, but unfortunately, this turned out not to be the case. The warriors of the night were locked in their cave. The fog blocked their path. The sentinels were one on one with the approaching elements.
Haishenwei was a land where several families lived. To be precise, there were once about sixty families, but now many houses were simply abandoned, the children grew up and went to no one knows where, and the old people lived on, trying to help each other. The houses were old and dilapidated. Close relatives of the shaman lived in one of the houses; it was them that the shaman's mother wanted to visit. The shaman had long ago ordered the human warriors to protect the last inhabitants of Haishenwei, he even wanted to take them away from the impending disaster, but the people did not listen. They did not believe that the water spirit would be so cruel that it would try to flood this land.
“We have been protecting this land for many centuries,” said the old man, who was the second cousin of the shaman’s mother, shaking his head. I know that they do it in the neighboring country, China, but we have never done it. We have nowhere to go, this is our homeland. Our ancestors are buried here. There will be trouble if no one burns the sacrificial money for the ancestors on the spring holiday. We won't leave.
That's what the old man said and the lookouts left with nothing. Now, even with all their will, the sentinels would not be able to get to the old people, because they did not understand where the East was now and where the West was. But fortunately, the old people themselves found the sentinels, they lived here all their lives and the fog was not uncommon for them. Of course, they did not have to see such a fog, but still, albeit with difficulty, they got to the sentinels. A little over seventy people came. Among those who came was even a young woman with a one-year-old child. When the shaman saw the child with his inner vision, he went cold. This child was in big trouble. Neither he nor his mother will be able to survive the revenge that the water has prepared. In the meantime, the sentinels placed the people who came not far from the place where the warriors of the night were hiding. It got even darker, but the ground stopped shaking. It became very quiet. And suddenly the child's mother screamed
- We need to get out of here. Fifteen minutes from here there is a place where the earth is flat. This place is located away from the hills. We must go now, otherwise it will be too late. And you soldiers, come with us. Whoever stays here will die!
“Daughter-in-law,” one of the old women wailed, “you have a fever, we can’t go there, there’s nowhere to hide.” There aren't even any trees.
“Yes, I know,” said the young woman, “that’s where we’ll be safe.” Let's go!
“We won’t get there!” Stroking the woman’s head, her mother said, “We got here with difficulty, otherwise we simply won’t find that place because of the fog. We'll perish in the fog, and they won't find us.
- As you wish, - the woman shouted, - and I take my son and we leave. Mom, now is not the time to retreat, can't you hear how quiet it has become. And it got cold. The moisture that appeared on the body due to stuffiness froze. Mom, you yourself taught me to fight to the end tsa, but herself ...
“Hush,” the woman’s mother-in-law put her finger to her mouth, “stop screaming, you’re scaring the child.” We will go with you. Just stop screaming.
The sentinels left with the people. The trees shook, the ground began to groan and vibrate again. Stones began to fall from the hill, which was close to the cave where the nonhumans were hiding. The warriors of the night couldn't do anything. They were still not allowed to go outside, the day was in full swing. However, besides the sun's rays, another danger lay in wait for the warriors of the night. The rockfall intensified. The danger of being buried in a cave became more and more real. The warrior of the night, one of those who during his lifetime was the commander of the detachment, suddenly began to roll his eyes. He alone of all remained in touch with the shaman. His fury and valor, which he was proud of when he was alive, has not gone anywhere even now that he has become a warrior of the night. It was part of his character during his lifetime, it remains with him now, when he became a warrior of the night.
“Sir,” Yang said, losing consciousness. That was the name of the warrior of the night during his lifetime, I will leave the same name to him now. - I, warrior number seven, will have to confess to you that I am powerless, the rest of the warriors have already lost all their skin, only I am still intact. Your order has not been fulfilled.
“Number seven, remember what I said when I sent you to this place?” the shaman asked.
“Yes,” Yang replied, “I remember. You said we might have to sacrifice ourselves. It won't hurt, we're dead anyway. That is why you raised us from the earth and sent us here.
“I didn’t think it would come to this,” the shaman began his thought again, “however... Why are you showing me such strange pictures?
- We can not help. - Jan's voice became less and less distinct, - the water has penetrated the cave and is rising higher and higher. The exit is littered with stones, but the stones did not interfere with the flow of water. The water moves the stones and probably, if we tried, we could get out of the cave, but it's still light outside. The sun will burn us. Forgive us sir. I'm sorry I couldn't help you. Farewell.
The shaman was shocked. He did not see in his visions all that was happening now with the warriors of the night. The shaman felt sorry for these unfortunate non-humans. Of course, they were not alive, but the shaman felt responsible for interrupting the eternal sleep of these people.
- Excuse me. - the shaman was shocked, but there was no time for emotions, - let your eternal sleep now be strong. No one else will disturb you. What should I do?
Among the detachment of people there was also one telepath, but his gift was weak, he accepted the messages of the shaman with difficulty. Usually, orders from the shaman were passed on to the watchmen by the warriors of the night, but now this connection will have to be forgotten. The shaman tried to contact the sentinel telepath, but this man's thoughts were only occupied with saving the people who had entrusted their lives to him and saving himself. People did not reach the place where the young woman was so eager, the tsunami began. The only salvation of people now were those very hills, against which the water-sea so rebelled. If people hadn’t listened to the young woman, they would have reached the hills in time, but now only five people remained from the sentinel detachment, and the inhabitants of Haishenwei were now not in the numbers in which they left their homes. The water took away more and more people from the small detachment. The young woman felt responsible for the missing people, but was not going to give up. She didn't even give the child to the watchman who wanted to help her. The baby dangled and tied tightly behind her back. The child was hoarse from screaming, he had not eaten for a long time, he was wet and dirty. But the mother did not pay attention to the wheezing of the baby, she knew that her son was alive and that was the main thing, the mother was going to quickly fix everything else, as soon as they were safe. The woman's name was Moon, and the son's name was Kip. The woman's husband left to work before the birth of his son, but has not returned until now. The shaman had the same name as the son of Ming, this was not unusual. The name Kip was one of the clan names of the shaman's mother's clan. This name could only be given to a child in Heishenwei.
Here, in the land of steppes and ashes, boys were called by other names, and therefore the shaman was shocked when he caught the name of her son in the mind of a young woman. Moon was awarded the same cursed gift as the shaman. However, the shaman cultivated this gift and constantly used it, while Moon considered the gift a curse, and in every way suppressed it in herself. Now the small band of people were relatively safe, and so the shaman breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly he remembered that he had not eaten for two days. Turning the wheelchair, he left the yurt. The light hit his eyes, the shaman sat for a long time with his eyes closed, trying to get used to the daylight, and then he felt that someone was driving his carriage. The blacksmith, a childhood friend, became alarmed when he saw that the shaman was sitting motionless, covering his eyes with his palms. The shaman opened his eyes and smiled at his friend. Soon, childhood friends were already sitting in the yurt of the shaman's mother and were racing to enjoy the dishes that the shaman's mother had put on a low table.
“Mom,” the shaman stroked his stomach, “my stomach says thank you to my mother!
“Yes, madam,” said the blacksmith, “it was very tasty!”
-Dobles There is no woman when her food gives joy! - the shaman's mother smiled. - Now they will bring koumiss, don't leave, wait, and I'll go to my husband. A messenger came and said that my husband was waiting for me in his yurt.
“Mom, wait,” the shaman tried to get to his feet, but immediately collapsed onto the mat, “I wanted to ask...
A conversation with the mother confirmed the shaman's guess, Moon and her son Kip were from the same tribal clan as the shaman's mother. Moon was the natural niece of the shaman's mother, and it turns out that she was the shaman's cousin. The shaman returned to his yurt stunned. He had many cousins on his father's side, but never had a sister. Feeling a strange responsibility for the people who were now in trouble, and especially for the people of the mother's clan, and therefore his clan, the shaman tried to get up from his wheelchair, but immediately fell. Things took a bad turn, the shaman did not know that his muscles had atrophied to such an extent. He was sure that when the need arose, he would be able to stand up.
The hill on which the people took refuge was close to the sea. The sea has not yet been able to swallow this hill, but it was a matter of time. The remaining three hills were already under water. For the first time in his life, the shaman panicked. This young man was always calm and self-confident, his father's warriors respected him, the inhabitants of the steppe always turned to him with their misfortune or joy, and today, for the first time in his whole life, he could not find a way to help the fallen into a death trap for people.
However, help came unexpectedly, and from where the shaman did not expect it at all. Suddenly, a voice sounded in the shaman's head, the young man at first thought that he was imagining, but then ... He was delighted!
- Sir!
-It's you? Number seven, is that... you?
Yes, sir, it's me. I and all the other warriors of the night are alive. As soon as the water receded, we came to our senses. Turns out we're not that easy to kill! My subordinates look terrible. All their skin is gone, I probably don't look any better. But we are alive, if of course it can be called life. We are fine and waiting for your orders.
- I... I'm very happy! Over the years, I even became attached to you and was depressed when I thought you were dead.
Yes, sir, we are conscious and ready to fulfill your desires.
-Good. People and sentinels are in trouble, they are on that hill, which is closer to the sea. I need your help. Is it night or day? I can't understand because the sentinel has closed his thoughts from me.
We don't know sir. This will become clear only when we move the stones away.
-Good. Mind your own rescue, but as soon as you can look outside, let me know.
- I do, sir.
The shaman considered. He did not foresee all this. He saw a completely different situation, saw people who were saved thanks to the warriors of the night and the sentinels. In his vision, all seventy people were saved, but in reality everything happened differently. And then it seemed to the shaman that the earth was shaking under him. The world is no longer stable. For the first time in his life, the shaman doubted his abilities, and then he understood. He realized that the situation could change if a person with strong abilities to see the future intervened in the future. In this case, a woman from his clan intervened. It was not clear why she, having such abilities, made the wrong decision, but nothing could be changed.
The shaman did not know that his cousin saw the right decision, saw what he saw a year ago, but the woman hated her gift so much that she decided to act contrary to him. If Moon obeyed her inner voice, then now all the sentinels and people would be alive and safe.
“Sir,” Yang interrupted the shaman’s thoughts, “we removed the stones. It's night outside.
-What about the sea? Has it receded?
- The earth is wet, the legs are numb, but the sea has really receded.
-This is a temporary lull, there will be two more tsunami strikes, you need to have time to take people away from danger.
- Sir, we're ready, but...
-I look at my warriors of the night and think that people will be afraid of their appearance.
-Yes. For some reason I didn't think about it. But I think everything will work out.
At night, because of the fog, it is difficult to see even those who are standing nearby, and your task is to go ahead of people.
-Yes, sir.
-Did you manage to prepare the underground way?
Yes, we've been doing just that all year. During the day, when it was impossible to be on the surface, we prepared underground escape routes. The dungeon stretches for many kilometers and can lead so far from Haishenwei that the sea cannot catch up with people.
-Water-sea wants to destroy the hills, it does not care about people. If people get in the way, the tsunami will wash them away, if not, it will not catch up to destroy them.
-Yes I know. You told us about this a year ago.
-Good. How many kilometers have you walked?
-I'm not sure... The fog makes it difficult to navigate... We must have walked two kilometers. I hear the thoughts of one of the sentinels, people are somewhere nearby.
How long will it take to walk through the dungeon? How many kilometers have you dug it?
-The dungeon does not go straight, we followed the topography of this place, and dug so that there was no collapse.
-But still? How?
-The dungeon stretches for about seventeen kilometers. Excuse me, I hear voices people, the sentinel leads them to us.
-Good. See people to the dungeon.
Try not to scare people.
-Next to the dungeon, as you said, we hid a chest with capes. The hoods are very deep.
-Yes, now the most important thing is to bring people to the dungeon. Are there small children among the people?
- Yes, a woman is following the watchmen and a child is tied behind her back. There are no more children. The people who go after the sentinels have crossed a half-century milestone for a long time.
The shaman sat on the floor of the yurt and prayed to someone unknown. He was so involved in this struggle for survival that at times it seemed to him that he was there, along with frightened people. If a year ago he decided to help these people, only because his mother wanted it so, now, when the shaman found out that he has a sister and a little nephew with the same name as his, and his aunt and uncle and others are still alive relatives on his mother's side, saving these people became an extremely important matter for him.
Finally, Yang informed the master that the people had descended into the dungeon. But then a problem arose, if you light the torches, then the warriors of the night will not be able to see anything, the light makes them blind, and if you go without torches, then people will not be able to navigate in the dark.
However, that was the least of the problems now. And it was easily solved. Meanwhile, the water-sea dealt a second blow. The earth began to shake and the sea rose to an unprecedented height, but it could not reach the height of the penultimate hill. Stones fell, trees, uprooted, rushed along with the flow of water. The sea also penetrated the dungeon, but did not go far. The shaman was happy that the god he was praying to heard him and helped people get away from the tsunami. By the time the sea struck the third blow, people were already very far away. The sentinels went ahead with torches, behind them were people, the warriors of the night closed the column. The path was completed and people began to climb up. They came to the surface and immediately fell to the ground. Everywhere you looked, there was a forest. Birds were singing, insects were flying through the air, it was warm and nothing reminded of trouble. The air was clear and could be seen far away. There was no fog here. It was noon. It was noon on the fourth day, and he was not in danger. The young woman finally untied her baby, one of the sentinels helped her. A river flowed nearby. The woman washed the baby and changed his clothes. Returning to her father, mother and mother-in-law, she talked about something for a long time. Elderly people cried, and she consoled them. When the time came, the Moon woman became the head of the clan. She ruled fairly and lived long.
Let's leave the shaman's relatives and return to Haishenwei.
 The water-sea could not raise the waves enough to swallow the penultimate hill. The sea grumbled for a long time and the earth shook, but in the end everything returned to normal. Nature did not even notice that people had left. Year after year, and soon nothing reminded that people once lived here. After some time, a village of the Butramuss people settled here. Then… Century ran after century, and the radiant city of Yunmingchen arose on the lands of Haishenwei. Then ... Tell for a long time. What happened next is the history of other people and another century. Let's go back to the shaman.
The shaman was happy that the people of his clan were saved. A few days later he had a long conversation with his mother. He told her everything. He even offered to take her to where the people of her clan would settle, but her mother refused. She wanted to see her homeland, her Haishenwei, but if the place where she was born was washed away by the sea, it did not make sense for her to leave her husband and son. The Marine married Moon and adopted little Kip. In addition to this baby, the happy couple had many children. They settled in the lands that lay far south of Haishenwei.
The history of the shaman comes to an end.
He really wanted to meet his sister, even dreamed of going to where the small settlement of Mun settled, but time passed, and the shaman's legs completely stopped wearing him. Dreams have remained dreams. But every cloud has a silver lining, by changing the history of salvation, Moon, without knowing it, changed the future of the shaman. The time has come and the shaman met his chosen one, her thoughts were closed to the shaman, this is what attracted the young man to the girl. Soon the shaman's mother stopped remembering the past, the shaman's wife gave birth to many heirs, to the delight of grandparents. None of the children inherited the gift of the shaman. This was happiness for the young father. He did not want this fate for his children.
The end of this story is predetermined. Everyone stayed with their happiness, because happiness is different for everyone. Moon and her clan were happy to live far away from the treacherous and unpredictable sea. The shaman was happy with his wife and children. The land called Haishenwei was also happy. People living on any land are a burden. The land called Haishenwei knew that the people, the burden, would return in a hundred or two hundred years. But there were people, or rather, not at all people now, who remained deeply unhappy, and there was no end to their misfortune. I'm talking about the warriors of the night. Then, in the month of the triple tsunami, the warriors of the night remained in the dungeon. Zombie warriors escorted people to the exit from the sub Emelya, and then returned back. The warriors of the night could not die, but life, without purpose and joy, did not please them either. The years passed by, and nothing changed for the warriors of the night. They remained in the land of Haishenwei. They spent their days underground, but at night they rose to the surface. While the shaman was alive, the life of the warriors of the night had some meaning, when the shaman died, everything became meaningless. The hills were in place, the sea was noisy, people returned and settled a big city, but nothing changed for the warriors of the night. Before his death, the shaman realized what a monstrous mistake he had made when he had once awakened the warriors from eternal sleep, and the last picture of the future arose in his fading consciousness. The dying man called out to his faithful slave, the number seven warrior of the night, who once bore the name Yang.
“Yes, my lord,” Yang immediately responded, “you haven’t spoken to me for a long time.
“I am dying,” whispered the shaman, “thank you for your long service. And I'm sorry for leaving you. But someday your service will end. In a thousand years a man will come. I don't know if it will be a woman or a man, this person will descend into the dungeon in order to finally end your life. This man will be my great-great-grandson. You saved the people of my clan, and the great-great-grandson will save you, and finally let your souls go free. In return, give this man a black stone that does not let you stay hungry. If a big wave comes again from the water-sea, you will see in the dungeon, save... I want... Forgive me, I was wrong, I...
The shaman went to where all people go after death, but the warriors of the night remained. The dungeon is still located under the city and it is quite possible that the warriors of the night are still hiding there, if the savior of their souls has not yet come.
And the hills... Well, the hills remember the history of their rooting in this soil, but it was so long ago that the hills consider themselves the indigenous inhabitants of this land, and in some ways they are right. The water-sea never again raised a big wave, and I hope that it never will.
And yet, the great-great-grandson of the shaman Kip has already come to the warriors of the night, or has he not been born yet, what do you think?
