Comprehensive progress program

1.”COMPREHENSIVE PROGRESS PROGRAM “ is of the foundations of state-building, the goal: improving people’s lives, where the “DYNAMIC RECRUITMENT PROGRAM “ is used for anti corruption, fair and efficient distribution of human capital: in companies, in organizations, in ministries, in departments..., in order to create a synergy effect for comprehensive progress in countries using the program, and in the world as a whole,as you know: “PERSONNEL SOLVE EVERYTHING “, and the program should be used constantly for everyone, and once a year, and for a complete reassessment of the leadership, in addition, for comprehensive progress in society, it is necessary: fair pay and equitable distribution of income in society, through progressive taxation, the consciousness of balanced knowledge-intensive industries, and the main investments of people should be directed: on knowledge and skills, with the aim of consciousness among them intellectual personnel elites, it is they who will lead the whole society to comprehensive progress in their countries and in the world as a whole.
2.”DYNAMIC RECRUITMENT PROGRAM “ is a program for personnel selection (specialists) for, the organization, company, ministries, departments..., by comparative (mathematical) assessment of the assessment points of specialists with each other, that is, the higher the assessment score of a specialist, estimated by an integer in the hierarchy of numbers, the more valuable, more effective and become the winner of the vacancy proposed by the personnel service, the assessment score of specialist, estimated by an integer in the hierarchy of numbers, the more valuable, more effective and become the winner of the vacancy proposed by the personnel service, the assessment score of each specialist to participate in the program is created from the combined specialist points: from diploma points (these are points (grades) for the same number of subjects for all, or fora speciality defined in a vacancy), from points of professional Olympics and/or similar competitions estimated in points for victory: in the educational institution it is +10 points, in the district +100 points, in region +200 points, in the country +300 points, in the world +600 points, in the last of professional Olympics and/or similar competitions should be complied by the government of the country, with the condition of participation of students from at least 70% of such (of the same type) educational institutions of the country, and at the international level, students from such educational institutions from at least 12 countries included in G 20 should also participate, points are added for work experience in a specialty, given a vacancy, this is +1 point in one year of work, points are added for a degree by profession (in vacancies) for the candidate of sciences +100 points, for the doctor of sciences +200 points, for the occupation of the head of the highest level, in the assessment points of specialists-candidates, for their wider assessment, the assessment score for graduation from high , school or similar educational institution is added, where the assessment score consists of the sum of the points: according to the Unified State Examination ( Russia according to the USE, in the USA according to the SAT or ACT, in the UK according to the A-level, in Germany and Austria according to Abitr, in many European countries according to Matura, in China according to raokao, ...and so on), and for victories: in the school Olympics and/or in similar competitions, and in the camps (Germany...), where the highest rating in the diploma is 1, and the lowest 5, then in program 1 equals 5 points, 2-4, 3-3, 4-2, 5-1, which is necessary for an accurate assessment of the specialist by the program in these countries, “DYNAMIC RECRUITMENT PROGRAM “ is used in dynamic computer program for selection of frames, where assessment of the specialist is carried out online, according to the sum of the assessment score of the specialist decided above, wherein the computer program can: show the scoring score sent to the resume by the leading  specialist, and/or the computer program will block the sending of the scoring score by the specialist if it is lower than the scoring score sent to the employer with the data of the leading specialist, and/or below the level required by the employer, in order to avoid “clogging” the work of the HR department or similar organization, in the computer program for selection of personnel for the employer sent specialist data: profession name, specialist score, last name, first name, patronymic (if any), SNILS number, or number of such document, age work experience, photography, level of education citizenship, admission to work, and other information about the candidate for the job offered by the employer, except for computer programs for personnel selection, rating, points: specialists, students , graduates of educational institutions as the main element of their assessment, can be used in recruiting search engines, in databases, in dynamic lists of candidates, in diplomas, in labor books, and/or other documents.
3.To stimulate and evaluate the level: education, intellectual, personnel Pate tidal of the country it is necessary to assess the level of education of graduates of: secondary schools, secondary special educational institutions, to support the most gifted graduates, it is necessary in each country to conduct © 12.05.2020 year, “IQ Olympic” (“Olympic of the Intellectual Coefficient.”) annually, where assessment points are evaluated for graduates: secondary schools, that is the sum of points in the exam or in the USE in Russia, in other countries these are similar exams, and points for victories in professional Olympics and/or in similar competitions, for graduates who have graduated secondary special educational institutions and higher educational institutions, assessment points, of specialists are formed from the sum of points: diplomas, professional Olympics and/or similar competitions with the addition of scoring points for graduating from high school, assessment of graduates of secondary schools, secondary special educational institutions, higher educational institutions, takes place separately from each other, only the participant wins in his educational category, who received the highest scoring score relative to other “IQ Olympic” participants, the winner will solemnly receive: diploma, goal medal and cash prize (Sidorkin Prize). “IQ Olympic” is also held according to the maximum points in individual subjects, where the participant with the maximum score in an individual subject, formed from points: in the subject and for winning in this subject in the professional Olympics and/or in a similar competition, wins.
4. For universal access to education, it is necessary to create: primary, secondary and higher educational institutions for online education of people by the best teachers, for example, Nobel laureates, the mode: video,virtual reality, meta verse, exams and diplomas.

© 19.05.2022 year, “COMPREHENSIVE PROGRESS PROGRAM”, author Sidorkin Sergey Fedorovich, 06.08.1973 years of birth, address of residence: 107014, Russia, Moscow, Korolenko st., house 2/23, building 6, apartment 40.
