77 art of decoding, what is represented on walls o

Nevertheless - ащещ from the book " On Egypt " about  same year, as our narration. Who is , who?
Who here Девис, who Квибелл? It is possible an average figure of the unique woman   Лизой Квибелл. We should be interested by a pyramid of such unusual form. It is famous " a Step pyramid " in Саккаре, and she is famous for that,
That originally pyramids was lover, and not so is great. Then on her " Have reported up to this kind, and where then, and is tomb
Хеси- Ра. " Not случайна here road -line. He applied to transportation of a ground in
carriers, it is visible on other photos, where the small carriages with trolleys are visible!
What there occured? Just Лизу Квибелл have entered into conversation, trying at  to specify a place and quantity short lines on a spiral! But Лиза understand also reddened:
- I drew, getting on trap in height, and is modest say, that it was necessary doyng some parts of  snake, as nevertheless is a plaster, that has lain under a layer of ground, and was kept unimportantly!! Besides she traced a corridor, or picture gallery, as her has named Квибелл. It too of meters of 5-6 heights by the ornamented paint of a wall, and it took away all forces! That heat, a dust from desert to work under an awning from a canvas, that strewed all all by sand, a dust, heat! And Лиза particularly on one nothing could specify, and the more so, why the snake is drawn with deviations. An opportunity here has appeared to be photographed, and to be floating further on Nile. There were  many meters of a film.
- The photographer has combined devise both has cleaned in bug and has hurried to Nile!
Again wind from desert: hot, burning, is fast blow of a sail, and on a deck all have fallen silent! The men smoke, and saw coffee. Pair of thermoses just thought up miracle and incredibly expensive, but nevertheless vacuum between two бутылям held temperature, and the coffee was still hot some hours. This time I shall share collective of the scientists and heroes on two vessels, and womans will be floating on second bot. There also there will be in corner a kitchen pair керосинок-gas lamp! A feed was those, that ate canned food on  majority, drinck all coffee, or tea. As, as a matter of fact, all time the heroes carried out in a seat on  forage, and as order disputes, that Чапай could not them understand, with their letter by hieroglyphs!
Soon and  disputes have stopped, and everyone began to observe of Nile, and Чапай, раззявив  mouth has dropped трубку = peype in the river. It stammered: -Кра, кра! The mother my woman! Кrо-ko dile! "Эхнатон", if has overlooked his name, that is visible has winded from a circus on a nature, and was beat  company: went,  crocodile on back paws and горланил - roar, and thus уморительно=joke clicked челюстями=haws. But was, most likely is hungry, as it(he) hunted not important, differently simply would be floating, and here it(he) клянчил meal, and her(it)  achieved! Where it vanished, and as having made an arch on Nile miles in 100 has found ours mans, knew only!. Soon Sun has decreased so low, that all have hurried to a coast! It was necessary to prepare for searches of water, both fuel. And the heat could be replaced by a cold and заморозками- it is desert! Have helped, as always fishermen, and here about ten boats has appeared on have swept aside, and the question with freshen by a fish was decided! Having learned, that above small river, is exacter sources at bottom of rocks will give water, she  boat has gone upwards with utensils under water. Always already carried certain poles and and  from бамбука, and  tents began to put already in time, who fast will put (it), on time, as  tourists on meetings of times USSR. I shall describe, not crafty campaigns on  river Сива. Time a camera on 16 mm a film by then was thought up, and the cameras have appeared already under narrow film, the photo of Nile, hero was done also, and  turn Анки= Ennye.
So all for a long time called cuck woman, and was Анна Васильевна at height. And, if Лиза Квибелл as bad the soldier, cleaned potatoes, on Анке was a general management.
- -Воду = wather - Here! - Куды, прете сучья, сучья-slang_ a paw? Could not saw, water drag closer, I
not a tractor to move capacities with water! That that already kooking, шваркало bacon on meat for meat, also rattled gun krush! The ducks arrived in tens, and everyone became " перо- щипами ", as hooted Чапай! As it also forced itself do it game! As it is not strange, clean could only fish Али, Алибен, and the other sailors, but flatly утятину= duck have refused to fry and do. A duck not the menu of the Egyptian! As not strange  Чапаю began to help Девис, that duck of birds processed masterly! .He friend ship!! Has appeared Девис - at all say more!..
P/s. Это  “  Ступенчатая пирамида”и, ее фото приводится в книгах про Египет! Пирамида фараона Снофру, если не ошибаюсь. Дело в том, что  она первоначально была построена Ступеньками, н ее высота не была увеличена, но сбоку ее доложили блоками.! Для этого к ней “ прилептли бок” и она стала больше в основании! У подножия пирамид, и в Гизе у Каира всегда есть захоронеия, что смотрятся, как ангары при виде сверху. Гробница Хеси- Ра как раз в таком месте. Это не наши герои, вроде: Квибелла, или Девиса! Снимок правда, от 19910 года- время нашего повествования! Присутствие жены некого археолога частый случай, есть и других женщин фото! Помошницы, и главное, они как правило- иллюстраторы!..Потом- снова путь будет по Нилу........... 76....... @@.......
