83 art of decoding in a pursuit of a wind. на поди

According to our script of a boat with our heroes were are met certain киносъемочной by the command, like " of Club of Film-travels ". It was the rather authentic channel when that on our TV. A set of the data, that we have dug out, conducted directly to Calendars, and Systems of the account of time on everything, then to ancient ground has resulted, banal to equipment two ships, by the ships, building under the drawings of an antiquity. To that times Юрий Сенкевич – T.V dictor, that was not only conducting mentioned a telecast, but also автороом of the book " Travels by a boat Ра, and on  Кон- Тики ". Very interestingly, but why that it is not recollected! Per 60 years the Тур Хейердал has collected the command, from approximately, 5-6 men and the doctor has come mentioned it is Сенкевич, as in (her) and. And they have floated on vessels, that have constructed
in same Egypt on ancient technologies. Papyrus the boat
"Ра" was connected, so is exacter, from many stalks Papyrus , and was floating it seems to America, and has reached or nearly so has reached, and " Кон - Тики " was floating in Полинезию, and it seems as has reached there! Полинезия- it there, where on cost of ocean stand) biges of a head from a stone. " As a matter  fact, was shown As the influence of civilizations till a means of navigation was distributed. The book is in the Internet! The same group of the extras, the announcers, operators, already on a copy " Gold bots " - фараона have floated, куды - way? And, all туды- this! Itself will guess, where pyramids still (stand)?
I not do to torment you, and say by all by these: кливерами-sail, полубаками- door, and forages by the ship, and sailing equipment! My knowledge in sailing- a small boat of meter of three lengths, ltitle  bout! 
As I in sea business not of dock, ладьи фараона =king of Egypt, or съемочная a brigade have arrived in a certain country in Southern America. If I correctly have understood, right, higher pyramid is especially interesting! Everything, that have not found in Egypt in a pyramid саркофаг, it is not known to me, and it inside this pyramid! The text is confused, and the link, that " above is a platform, probably behind supervision in the sky " is inexact. But these structures cost(stand) side by side, so, most likely is an one complex., how nevertheless have found саркофаг, mummy and some subjects I of the ladies on a course. Actually mummy and burial place seems 7 Centuries, By ours, of one Era, that is there, in depth is buried владыка of this territory, so we shall tell, as about a certain country there was no speech. Clause on Russian, so it is possible are not afraid of mistakes, and up to four photos will show a course of excavation, as well as Certain shifts, that practically would not give the robbers up to саркофага to get to the bottom. It is interesting археологам- to know dodges, and they in clause are described in detail! And that Чапай in a rate of a Calendar, if there will be a subject of Calculation of Time in an Antiquity, and will decide: as nevertheless Used a Calendar Майя, that that it(he) will specify! Not I,!
That I am going to tell, is probably little-known, and certain stratifications do not give Precisely To compare culture Майя, and Egypt! And their mysterious disappearance of years one thousand up to колонизаторов? Were, and Сплыли! Куды!? Not ушто, in Egypt! Not in затонувшую жа, Атлантиду? For the beginning - will suffice!
Now all Commerce, and antiquity - this sand of time, at what - gold, that flows from твего of a pocket. To приплытию флотилии from two copies, and ten boats of a class " Пивбар- ocean " and, them раношерстная флотилия was dragged " бомон - дина ", as well as in распрекрасные времна of our narration. So, if Колумб, and Васька де Гаммон were beaten arrived on pair of schooners fairly shabby by storm, these high-some ships " the hunters behind a wind " with speeds, as rocet, had time, and to bypass small штормец- storm, and to be covered, where нибудь in time on Haiti - Таите! And on the American coast, them as waited, and коихъ = he-I shall begin to not (transfer). But nevertheless Латино the Americans импульсивны, but not bad mans, and a certain governor of this region, rather lovely man, and most likely - not хапуга_ bad man_ has met of the heroes, certainly! With good (education), English, French, and похуже- German, has found quickly language, and with Чапаем, as well as Петькой поперву was казус- jpke. Can, in Greece all is! And there interpreters in one hour would stand in a rank choose anyone. Here only in couple of days have recollected about there is nobody, Is still white of the emigrant, that would not remember already as, and when has left Russia! It nothing knew about the country, nothing saw, so years 80! Simply протрындеть _ say_on Russia (he) has agreed without money! Who will understand them, Russian -?..
P/s. По одной их этих пирамид: в галереях и штольнях очень тщательно забитых обломками камней и песком на приличной глубине найдено захоронение, и некоторые ритуалы, и само захоронение имеет много общего с Египтом! Та же мумия, и маска на лице властителя этого края! Маска из нефрита, кажется вулканическая порода серого цвета на фото. Нефрит  ценился и в Египте. Эта маска, как мозаика собрана из кусочков, а сами раскопки представлены по 1960 гг_фото.. 83.... @@...
