87 inglish art of decoding. the explanatories of t

Introduction second part under all chapters " Arts of decoding. "
The note. Now you can esteem two books:
" Secret tomb Kv. 55. Empress Тии. A part 1 " /
" Art of decoding. In a pursuit of a wind. A part 2 ".
Actually - chapters it is more, up to two tens will be typed! Them so many that to me to understand, as it seems, in to certain secrets, and недоговорках, that have deduced me, and reader on new understanding!.
And if in a civil speciality I technologist =steel, I had to pass itself some period of entry in world of hieroglyphs, and next of  chapter it is my failure: as from errors, that the scientists have put forward, and authors of the books on several secrets of Ancient Egypt, and understand with not by correct conclusions.
Here, look figure three subjects, and in the book " In a pursuit of a wind " we shall be not so much гоняться for призраными conclusions, and we shall come, literary reception, there, whence I began the investigation. In the first chapters the hero Макс Гаклинг was thought up, that Девис Теодор has invited that it(he) would help it(him) распутть a riddle, and we shall be honour progress forward almost for 120 years is not present. Not at me, and that it is possible to look in films on a subject in Ютубе- their set, as well as books, that repeat: same, that the heroes археологи more than 100 years back have stated. I have thought up style of a statement, that you have accepted, and has named "antidetective". It as in a circus " inept фокусник " as an example: shows focus behind a screen, and it is not understandable - How the sphere will be rolled upwards? But whether here who about casual(casually), will include a bulb on a background, and it is visible, it(he) ассистентка will be rolled by(with) a sphere on дощечке behind a curtain. Here there is a study of the Texts with the images Egyptian: фараонов, and their wife of empresses of Egypt, and main there are texts, писанные by hieroglyphs, and if I write: Папирус- is lower _Хлеб, and Water = it not the ancient recipe of beer, and is simple in such order there are hieroglyphs, and they of years 200, precisely, - when Пушкин wrote " Евгения Онегина, or Captain's дочку " them As read! Now there are enough books on Египтологии, and there is and at us " a Grammar of the letter by hieroglyphs Петровского ", I use in ten of the books in English.
There, in Оцифрованном a kind up to 3000, or more books, and all of them on Egypt. As, and Museum at University there! They can be downloaded! As any book! Simply choose, and download! It up to 10- 100 Мбт, and traffic, your payment the Internet about 500 roubles per one month, also is Volume in 10 Гигабайт! So can though 100 books to download, and To work, if patience will suffice! It is portrayals from the book on Археологии, or Reports on excavation. There it is possible to look after a history of opening, and frequently with a photo of a subject with 1870, approximately, years. We are interested by(with) the period Ten years, with 1900 for 1910.
I again have seen(overlooked) about ten films on the Period Амарны, and there all same, that was offered in the period per Three years with 1907 on 1910, approximately, археологами Hundred years back!
Now on figure, or as I came to conclusions, and then them reconsidered, and it is the circuit will show the basic Three stages of investigation, and you will be, and it is my style to draw, and graceful portrayals class рисовальщиков and рисовальщиц will not confuse with my modest opportunities in possession of a pencil. As is spoken " we shall begin!! ".
I shall not constrain myself and you, and the text will be on some pages, that that can be read in more detail, it is hundreds pages up to this! Who reads that, how I at you frequently am enough to read Last, and here More rigid conclusions, пяток of last pages, who that reads in more detail! For those who read at me on a page this text, and main - figures, let корявые, but in them Sense and Conclusions! Instead of beautiful, but out-of-date, and probably not appropriate to essence, conclusions.
My first error from small knowledge, also is Solar names. It is more important than  that Can be, саркофаги empress Тии were used for погребения фараона Тутанхамона. I consciously lower(omit) frequently met, and unfortunately, in films, has reconsidered of lectures on pair of hours of length. It Мечтания such as " and, can ". And can, and can not!
1. Тутанхамон-son Нефертити, Аменхотепа 3, or Аменхотепа 4. It(he) Unknown жрец, that successfully having married, on the younger daughter Нефертити till names Анхесеппаамун became so фараоном! Ага! Married, so It is accepted then was, and became фараоном on the Minimal age per 13 years! So married, and kings on Руси in the Middle Ages - years in thirteen!? Game?
2. But all books about гробницу empress Тии, nevertheless refer, that could on Age Тутанхамон Be, and it is his(its) mummy in sq. 55. And, dexterous изворот: - " but, pier, гробница Тутанхамона is found, there it(him) Картуши. It is passion as антиресна, and that there would be no mess all фараонов - they - Subscribed. But there it is a lot of from names is altered!
..... And, I am farther was not confused any more, and ошибавшись on Solar картушах, thinking that it картуши nobody фараона, just are necessary to it(him) two картуша- of a framework, and empress always only One! I have left on empresses, a Hyphen - - фараонов, that were Приравнены IN ВЛАСТНОСТИ to Аменхотепу 3, and his(its) son Аменхотепу 4-Эхнатону. Археологи: Девис, Масперо, also have entered the term "еретик" under the attitude(relation) why that to Эхнатону, though all Religious component was already at his(its) father - аменхотепе 3! All then was written as, and it, and is essence of Reform, as a matter of fact изменеияв the Letter, and it is Authority! In all Western literature, and in очетах археологов from 1900, and all began from 1907. And, as well began!!!
That there Чапай entered in January, 1907 for the first time in гробницу sq. 55- is thought up by me, but there rather Exact translation I have given of this moment, and it(he) Продублирован in the book USSR of the academician Перепелкина " Secret of a Gold coffin ". But at Перепелкина word about the book Вейгала " Эхнатон. Фараон - веро- отступник ". There is and at the academician a conclusion, that is resulted in All books: as USSR of the authors, and new Russian writers, not speaking about the sea of clauses in the Internet.
" LIVING by the TRUTH ".
As on крупицам, reading inscriptions on the basis of statues of the Late period in a History of Ancient Egypt, then, when kings were the Greeks, and ambassador the Roman emperors, Precisely have established Alphabetic equivalents of hieroglyphs.
Соообщение: the empresses Беренике and Клеопатра, or Птолемей- are roots of the Greek influence in Egypt. It is the Greeks on a nationality. Шомпальон in 1822 Having compared the letters: P_T_L_E, and others, has found Conformity in names Клеопатра, and Птолемей! Here of Identical letters, л, п, т and so on a little, and them(him,it) There corresponded(met) hieroglyphs on the basis of monuments. And as syllables of a type: -nb-hpr, and others, the plate same Птолемея has helped, it seems 9 under Number, that has given стелу with the Decree on Greek, продублировав by hieroglyphs рисованными, and Скорописью!
So Перепелкин, and it is clear from the mentioned book " Secret of a Gold coffin " has given Interpretation, that
To the dictionary Баджа, and it " Living by the truth ". The hieroglyph, living life, Анх, in the texts meets tens time in each line on monuments, and others _Рука, Water, and Fabric curtailed(turned) the hieroglyphs are subjects, part of a body, as that: water, bird of tens, animal - from the mouse, зайца, up to the crocodile, and part of a body: a palm, hand, leg, heart. That is, the hieroglyphs have " biological semantic reserve.
In гробницах наместников there is an image Теленка, or Goose of two kinds: as Heads, and in the whole kind. Likely, it is Fried, and пешим by the course which has arrived to дворцу фараона отара овец, herds of birds, and other. By the way in food went and Журавли. It is an often plot! Cultivated журавль стайкой гонится by the shepherd, as well as herd of the geese on кормежку. " I simply give more Understandable perusal! So Перепелкин four hieroglyphs confusing Concept " словословие " has transferred(translated) as " Living by the Truth " and it Тиржируется IN ALL TEXTS NOW. In films in the Internet, and books, that send after " Secrets of a Gold coffin " 1967! Now 220022 years! But it is the following, фрамент.
It not Регент! Who has thought up this game in Russia! How you represent a Role регента- няньки, as a matter of fact, at сопливом мальчишке?
- Сю-сю! Ладушки, ладушки- where were? At the grandmother!
- Who would obey, and not 3, 4, 5 years THEM? Or, with погремушкой? Here all gracefully confusing! And, who to whom, and who on whom married? And what for it To fray? Let's tell, it in all кигах of Russia - сссср
- -: the father Тутанхамона Эхнатон, mother can Нефертити, and all? On Археологическим to the documents, though their interpretation is disputable, but from the nearest two states the letters were written, let is and clay таблички, but their daughter, and it I have proved in the first book " Secret гробницы empress Тии " and, there is the one who those mysterious регенты!
- You шо, мужики?? Well, 2000 kms впрямки, and To extend of Nile it(he) извивается, all 40000! About Ten countries покорено: Митания Top, Babylon, Syria, and Нубия! All this not of Liechtenstein, and not the Ryazan area! Is not present, just approximately about ours Large губернии! In Russia Махоньких is not present! And Няньки correct, and them, How many? What till 15 years, and Няньки, also corrected(ruled)?
- Tell, where such country пойду there " усатым нянем "! And it талдычилось! So, Really, and it is simple a fragment
It for what not it is necessary to give me, and Гаклингу " Стаолинскую the premium " for 1908, Дадуть, prick догонють!! It turned at me in a head:
-Почем Девис HAS NOT COLLECTED Before погребальной сени- it is Enormous there would be a conclusion, and I so shall tell:
 - Let, all with gilding on саркофагах, погребальных сенях in залеNN 34 in Каирском a museum the hall Тутанхамона, gold on 200 kgs will be typed(collected), and in sq. 55 about ten kg remained, but Девис has not lead(carried out) reconstruction, has not collected before погребальной сени! There also there was an answer!
Задачка on ingenuity, As much you would give that from a kitchen case is: the top rod, lateral and average, and Two, I shall repeat - doors? It that I Have made earlier.
That is in гробнице empress Тии -Кв.55-могло but how to prove саркофаг One, but дверок two and, crosspiece between them, what for? As an example: at погребальной сени, one is exacter three - дверка, at each such box for Однй of a mummy Тутанхамона. And here Two дверки!! Возможео what to place there Second mummy! / the photo дверок, is seldom resulted, but them two Are exact /! Variant: in гробнице of empresses Тии TWO SETS FOR TWO ПРАВИТЕЛЕЙ.Но in the text - there only One governor is reflected in inscriptions it is empress Тии, but with Two imperial, and two Solar картушами! And There could be at Empress - Фараона, каой еше " she(it) - it(he) " Регент, скjрее - Рейган, Тии, then the Civil husband, what is represented on one panel, but it not First фараон, or husband Аменхотеп 3? Who? But, unfortunately, there is a portrayal only one, and Distant wall погребальной сени - figure could give the answer! The question, and it(he) completely is not clear: where, also that there was with a box - погребальной сенью, an absolute Silence. Will not appear yet certain наметки that Was represented on all погребальной сени, is useless to treat, not the answer and "tractor" will turn out! And it frequently матрешка from inserted one in another up to Three саркофагов.
Itself think, on Perimeter of such case on Three boards there is a Text, and there name! But there is No right extreme board, and in middle second? It is possible to restore the text, Which IS NOT PRESENT!
It is a hard Disk -HDD, and there secret is incorporated, that practically all 6000 years(summer) history knew, and used Egypt.
 How you think, that нужо, what the text at damage would not suffer, and it(him) it is possible Восстановитть, if,say, though the name empress on a monument - is lost? The answer in your computer, and it(he) on деваисе a hard disk. There - shortly I shall tell, the data write on a round disk by a diameter of centimeter five, and point of the information, it as on a recorder tape, but it(he) incredibly small. Approximately write down the data, as well as on a long play, but not on a spiral, it is complex(difficult)! And Sectors, that is the Circle is broken by Formatting, and the reading head can move upwards and downwards, and to read out so the data, though this text..
I put and 95, and ХР of the version Windows. I have a lot of familiar, and the disks with Installation went on hands, and it as a rule Heap them on a table! And, they Were scratched! Let, that that Was not read, as the disk and Was scratched, and on the other hand, where brilliant напыление - whole вырывы. The computer can not work, for example, if ten letters, marks WILL NOT ENTER INSTALLATION?
As you will write my name: ВЛАДИМИР? The computer instead of Russian -В, not вставит_V, W, B, that is -в sense -Б?! And so, I Put really system, and jumps out of a type:
................................. " I can not read! ":2334oi. Dll, repeat "................................
 Жму, and it is a file "bit" that is there scratch, and считываение it is not possible, whether?
Who has that One disk let with the distribution Kit by installation Windows XР, but at us all Was duplicated, and I simply put serially in DvD a drive three disks, and all was quietly put further! Under the Theory Идиотизма Never in One a place on Three my disks this "1234po.dll" WILL BE GONE! That is, if, that that Is erased, it is possible To restore, and in the letter иерглифами, that Is impossible in our Alphabetic letter, as the text, and was written on this by(with) the Egyptians, as though on two disks! Simply Зеркально was duplicated written Зеркально on the Next wall! If to look around, it is possible much to meet, that to us have left Ancient!
P/s. It is reflected in portrayals, when the text is given by a dotted Line - it(he) Is copied with Next walls гробницы, and there same priests, or фараон there is in the Same pose, sometimes it(he), and not one!
Two Solar names the old with a Falcon here are shown, and New there in картуше a beginning with Кружочка, that I considered(counted) in the beginning картушами some Unknown фараона! I repeat before Reforms of the father, and son, Аменхотепов Third, and Fourth there was a rigid rule:
1. Фараон has Two картуша. A name home, and name at Коронации_ were written in a framework, and number(line). Between картушами First Словословие " the Son of the god Ра " at once will rush in eyes, though and in a portrayal on a sole саркофага from гробницы empress Тии_Утка, worth on ground с_ a Circle the Sun = it(he) the Son that is, god Ра.
2. If instead of _Солнца_ Каравай: it or princess, but she(it) in this case yet had no картуша - framework, and its(her) name with all Регалиями was written between Lines! It is an Attribute of a female sort. When princess became empress, and empress could be only One, the second wives фараона had no such status, increased hieroglyph - goose лапка. Simply To understand in Enormous official sculptures in tens meters in height - for фараона, empress on Height does not get up to a knee исполина- it as a matter of fact its(her) Present growth! Judge, what and authority фарапонов rather empresses? WAS! But, what has changed in years 100?
3. It in what that of a degree Was washed away, as the AUTHORITY, and as a matter of fact reform went not in Input of a disk of the Sun, that Perusal confused, as the Sun it and god Атон, that have entered, as Uniform, and it(he), and was on вере of the Egyptians Перво - the god, that has created, has created all Other gods! But Sun, it and hieroglyph of the god Ра, and at what in a line frequently Both gods! Explain this mess Their alphabetic spelling, that is Different hieroglyphs a little. The god Атон-I-tn = Атон, and god Амон was written by the letters, that is, иерглифами _I-mn=Амон. As, always Circle in them именах=Ra, usually write Амон-Ра, and Атон- Ра. The oil oil turns out "! ". Nevertheless on фрагмену -А! Here, I shall repeat - Two variants of a Solar name, and as a matter of fact, the hieroglyphs are a Title, Eulogy, but it is the First stage запутывания. It in addition up to 20 hieroglyphs, that was not earlier! Besides here I have given Seen differences in Old Top variant, and Below new Solar картуши. Here it is necessary to tell about Rocky гробницы Амарны, what I decently have understood, and the illustrations, are plots покзанные, there.
Амарна, or " эль - Амарна ", now certain городок in Egypt. In described period - capital, and New at Аменхотепе 4- Эхнатоне. " Ахет- Атон ", this name of city, and Эхнатон - his(its) Second name on Third картушу, have the termination(ending) a name бога_ Атона, and " Allocated Атоном " is Эхнатон, so his(its) name, and Ахет_aht, _Горизонт Атона is read. It is a hieroglyph, and it(he) Is easily read in Solar картушах!
It as though Heavenly dwelling фараона, подтвеждение of his(its) divine origin! Here hieroglyphs, and them two in Solar картушах, это_ a Circle, and in an as though Front sight on a trunk of a gun! The seen value потрясвющее_Солнце = Атон and Амон, that sits between mountains. And Mountains = Other countries, consider(count) All world!
It that to us Достуано on Epoch Эхнатона, is considered, that it(he) corrected 17 years! And, it is authorized first of all, on стелам - plates on грницам Ахет- Атона, as have put under the order Эхнатона, about it the inscriptions on them, name of the First wife - нефертити there in картуше, as well as Solar names by him(it) say!! Top old картуш_с the Falcon and Circle meets with 1 for 7 years of a reign Аменхотепа 4- Эхнатона, and без_Сокол, with _ only by one above by circle in рамке_Солнцем with 7 for 17 years of his(its) government. It is considered, that New Солнчные картуши have entered at moving for 5-7 years them into New capital Ахет- Атон. As you can see not so and is exact! And if tomorrow поннимут from sand a slice стелы with Картушем- Эхнатон, and там_ Two handles from навесного of the lock? So the Egyptians wrote Ten, and 2 Душки = to 20 years of his(its) reign!
If on simple to understand with System of the Account Времни an Antiquity, and on All Earth. It is Communication(connection) of civilizations Egyptian and Майя, and China, as!
Here we leave on the Zodiac! This Allegorical image of the sky, as it(him) represented Ancient. We take in Осенову a Setting! For example on Egypt, it to us is more understandable, as драконы- probably Chinese in the country Майя, their Mysterious Calendar it is more difficult to understand, but One unites them! We should Find a Mechanical calendar, that Really Considered(counted)! That is, Twisting the handle on it(him), we would receive Transition of days! For example has turned the handle in окошке-1 of January, on ours! For the second day turn - 2 of January! Also What is necessary? That it would be necessary to January 1, as, but already, Next year, and years though Thousand years:
1. Ours 2022 would be on Monday on " to our concepts ". / actually is a January 3! /
P/s. At once I shall explain, on an example Еггипта! Egypt had Hieroglyphs например_ of a Palm, it faster than Spring month, and Day of week, but why at us 7 days in one week, and in All the Ancient world considered(counted) as Tens, leaves that at us confusing it is impossible.
At us the day of a Beginning of year, that is January 1 Floats:
2001_1 January was =ПОНЕДЕЛЬНИК.
2022_ 3 Январь_был = MONDAY.
2010_ on January 4 was =ПОНЕДЕЛЬНИК. And on this the heroes in America in the country Майя also have floated, to get acquainted in due course.
Having 365 days in one year, is exacter 365 and 6 hours! And on this we of time have per Four years on Even years Leap-year, when February has 29, instead of three years 28 days!
Mechanical reducer with Шестеренками and зубьями: 366 even, it is possible to construct? Such reducer cannot be constructed will not give it to make 5 Superfluous days. A simple example:
If the week was TWO DAYS, dream! And Two Target(day off), that is and would work not 7 х7 what to be surprised! Now tents with products and work there seller трудится week, and 7 days have a rest! Then we cut the second wheel and a half зубьев, коль неднеоя Two - дневка, and we write on a wheel 160/2 =80 times, so it is easier:
1. 2 squares Black - to work.
2. Then 2 squares in succession - White, rest. Then on an imagined calendar with such Reducer a set шестерен will be 180 black squares - marks, and 180 white, just 360 days of an Ancient calendar. It is impossible at a Real Calendar look ПОНЕДЕЛНИКИ ON 3 YEARS ABOVE In ТАБЛИЧКЕ.
You did not see it(him)! That show to you as a matter of fact DECORATIVE УКРАШНИЕ, MY OPINION.
That is the head of the god in a circle a certain god Индейцев, but from a Calendar лунки till perimeter them is equal 360.
And Чапай already Тиа ку кане, or Паленке, and just at it, that is considered, but Symbolical image of a Calendar, as Крег with hands - as beams, image of the god Атона.
His(its) drawing in the Codes Майя, технарь the essence will understand at once, отбросав symbolics. Well, itself think, what attitude(relation) to Time on a dial of hours - ходиков had " Мишки in pine бору " - картинка Шишкна on Millions Russian "Ходиков". As is disguised рисункми of the people, and it is not possible to draw the gods a Calendar May and Ацтеков, but it(him) without Шестеренок, and механиз is submitted in ancient figures, and it(he) Considered(counted) days!
-Василий Иванович! We ask Чапая! - that has lead(carried out) by a hand on rough, and heated up as the Sun Майя of a surface of that circle, as consider(count) by a Calendar. It is Substitution of concept it not a Calendar, and Zodiac Ancient, and it(he) Is identical: China, Egypt, and at Майя. Such шуточки of the scientists, but though:
Though Conducting in performance on Ютуб to me and not the friend, but Истна дооже!
Or TRUTH, whether I shall add about a Calendar Майя- know Everything, but anything they do not know!
It is time to give a photo Чапая about "Calendar".
Whether - It(he) has departed a Calendar, and in the staff it(him) will not be. It(he) has gone to look on:
Mechanical Calendar, that considers(counts) Without Failures, and on it(him) MONDAY ALL 1000, or 10. 000 WILL BE On MONDAY.
-я, Сурьезен, as always! Read up a Part 2. WHETHER THAT КАЛЕДАРЬ МАЙЯ YOU SAW.
