в России публикуют списки врагов народа

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От кого: lilia arbuzova <lilia@lilia.us>
Кому: lilia arbuzova <lilia@lilia.us>
Дата: Вторник, 22 марта 2022, 13:54 -04:00
Тема: "Шендеровичи и всякие там Шульманы ": в России начали публиковать списки "предателей" и "врагов народа"


From: Oleg Goykhman г
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2022 9:57
To: igoykhman
Subject: "Шендеровичи и всякие там Шульманы ": в России начали публиковать списки "предателей" и "врагов народа"

- And again, these so-called patriots confuse "Fatherland" with "Your Excellency", although there is a huge difference between these two concepts.


"Shenderovichs and all sorts of Shulmans there": russia began to publish lists of "traitors" and "enemies of the people"

 There are expectedly a lot of Jewish surnames on the list. This is what Putin's words "about the fifth column" led to.

In Russia, they are already publishing photos of "enemies of the people"

(Photo: Committee for the Protection of the National Interest)

After V. Putin's statement about the "fifth column", lists of "traitors", "enemies of the people", as well as "cowards and fugitives" began to be replicated in Russia. Moreover, a special resource "Traitors and Enemies" has already appeared, which, judging by the logo, is published by the Committee for the Protection of National Interests.

"In this section, we, the patriotic forces of Russia, publish a list of traitors and enemies, we consider it more important than ever to expose and make public the names and faces of these criminals," the website says. It is also explained that those, who oppose the "prosperity and security of our Motherland" are declared "enemies and traitors", and in their rhetoric "they reach the point of direct statements of support for anti-Russian sanctions and political pressure on our Motherland."

"They are traitors we will never forget or forgive. And we will make every effort to ensure that they are responsible for their actions," the "patriotic forces" assure.

As for the "enemies", they include those "on whose hands the blood and pain of the residents of Donbass who were subjected to genocide are on their hands." There is also a special column "cowards and fugitives", but no explanations have been made about them - probably the publishers believe that everything is clear here.

The "cowards and fugitives" include those Russians who have long lived and worked abroad. For example, the writer Boris Akunin. His transgressions before Russia, according to the "patriots", consist in the fact that "in the defense of the DPR and LPR he sees the decline of Russia," and also "is ashamed of the state tricolor, unlike the black and red flag of Ukrainian neo-Nazis."

Among the "enemies" you can find the name of a native of Dneprodzerzhinsk, singer Vera Brezhneva (Vera Kiperman), a former soloist of the group "VIA Gra". The following is reported about it: "She made capital on the Russians, and now she is trying to present them as his enemies and the enemies of peaceful Ukrainians. I was horrified that Russian soldiers would come to put an end to Russophobia in Ukraine."

Singer and composer Boris Grebenshchikov appears in the group of "traitors" for "despising people who stood up to protect the civilian population of the DPR and LPR from Ukrainian neo-Nazi criminals, meanly calling it a war."

The "traitors" also include journalist Yuri Dud, who "accuses Russia of the tragedy in the Donbass, forgetting that except for Russia no one will stop the genocide that has been going on for 8 years; expresses support for Ukraine, cynically forgetting about the part of it that has suffered since 2014 due to the actions of Ukrainian nationalists."

Actress Ksenia Rappoport became a "traitor" for "raising children in the spirit of hatred for Russia, suggesting to them that the protection of the civilian population of Donbass from neo-Nazi punishers is aggression against Ukraine." And Yevgeny Roizman, the ex-mayor of Yekaterinburg, was guilty before the patriots by "spreading fakes of Ukrainian propaganda about the alleged "war against Ukraine," identifying Russia's actions to fight nationalists and liberate Donbass with the actions of Nazi Germany."

В перечне "предателей" также находятся актер Данила Козловский, певица Светлана Лобода, кинорежиссер Кантемир Балагов, блогер Илья Варламов, писатель Дмитрий Глуховский, главный редактор "Новой газеты", лауреат Нобелевской премии мира Дмитрий Муратов, журналист Леонид Парфенов, рэпер Оксимирон, политик Лев Шлосберг, гендиректор телеканала "Дождь" Наталья Синдеева, предприниматель и общественный деятель Михаил Ходорковский, политик Илья Яшин, журналист Майкл Наки, адвокат Илья Новиков и многие другие.

"Доска почета", - как охарактеризовал публикацию "патриотов" один из комментаторов.


 Никогда такого не было, и вот опять!! Стоит только немножко поскрести русо-патриота, как из него немедленно начинает лезть антисемитское черносотенное рыло. И каждый раз это так неожиданно для окружающих ...

 Поздравляю! Маски сорваны и "истинные враги русского народа и страны" выявлены. Так было и при царе-батюшке, так было при сталине и гитлере. Все идет по накатанной дорожке - выявлен враг и на него спустят всех собак, и обвинят во всех смертных грехах. Это, очевидно, должно послужить объединению и сплочению всего "русского" народа в борьбе с мировым сионизмом, и прочих "сионских мудрецов"… 

Лучшего средства, для консолидации российского общества, чем зоологический антисемитизм ещё не придумали.

 У кого-то ещё остались какие-либо сомнения, что, фашистский по сути, строй неминуемо скатится к нацизму и зоологическому антисемитизму!  "Великая", в основном, в своей ненависти к окружающим и, особенно к успешным, страна - на марше!

