Union Goats

Union Goats


Видеоряд: на полу лежит карта СССР, по ней ходит проститутка в перьях и блёстках, и поёт низким грудным прокуренным голосом.
Музыка: гр. "Арсенал" - "Своими руками" / "Б Е З Д Е Л У Ш К А", также см. песню из х/ф "Земные женщины легко доступны", 1988.

Union goats, what the f**k,
Union goats, Scrooge McDuck,
Stupid people, which don't know Freedom,
Don't know Liberty, don't know Prosperity,
Union goats, it's a bullshit about Communism,
Your dead Lenin in red-marble coffin like Snow-White,
And you are only dwarves,
Who are enslaved by the ghosts of your past,
Union goats, a one button would be enough to kill all of you,
Union goats, a button of red colour, which is in the safe of our great President,
President of the United States,
A superstate, a greatest state of our planet,
Where all people love green bucks,
All have a Limousines, and private condominiums,
And no one living in a gray brick-made ugly boxes
For thirty eight naughty little rooms and one trashan in the end of corridor,
Which likes to same in Lubyanka,
Where your vaste lives are ending with a bullet in your skull.
Union goats, I hate you for all my hate that is in my heart,
Union goats, I want all your die,
Because you're never could understand all good of a Free World,
Free West World, which one day make you dust.
Ugly naughty worms in pit of manure,
With your pre-historical hammers and sickles,
In time, when in United States we have atomic bombs, computers and every man has a woman
For night, like me, and we drinkin' all alcohol from all over the world
Round o'clock eight days a week, and lis'ning jazz and rock-&-roll, and our secret police hunt communistes and spies,
For our children might go to Disneyland, and all American people hate you,
Union goats, look at me,
Union goats, do you like me?
My sense of life - is business and sex,
And my sex - is my business,
And what about your dopehead, such calling, women?..
Union goats, America will overcome your goat's land,
Union goats, the end!
- Пу-пу-пи-тю!..

Июнь 1998 - 16.02.2022. Восстановлено по памяти.
