Back - to the USSR from a parallel reality

I had an amazing dream in which the current political crisis was resolved and the threat of a third world war passed by and  left us forever.
 In this dream, the Russian leader was so depressed and upset by how the events of his special operation in Ukraine developed, 40 days after it began, that he practically stopped going out into the light of day from his bunker, because he became very small, shriveled from continuous failures and the defeats of his army and the loss of so many of his beloved generals and colonels.
So he decided to spend all the remaining funds on the creation of a time machine in order to go back to the very beginning of this adventure in order to abandon it. Then he would again be able to return to a time where he was loved and respected by everyone and all over the world and no one would dare to impose these damned doomsday sanctions on him and his country. Yes, and the savings would be huge: how much equipment - tanks, armored personnel carriers, cars, artillery installations, aircraft, helicopters, missiles were lost during this special operation! And at the same time, everything went down the drain: not a single city was captured and the whole world only hated Russia and its leader!
To this end, this lieder turned to Elon Musk and made him an offer:
-Listen, Elon, you defeated me in this war together with the West, and I will not see Ukraine as my own ears. Create a personalized time machine for me. I'm offering you 200 billion dollars right now, and then when you complete this project and send me to February 23rd. I will give you another 200 billion dollars.
A week later, Elon Musk completed the Kremlin’s task, but the car that he gave Putin was a one-time use, and sent him much further than onto the February 23 of this year, as he wanted, to return to the Kremlin again and without problems rule until the end of the fourth term and then after 2024 be elected again and so on.
Instead, Elon Musk sent Putin into a parallel reality in which the world was completely different. In this world, the USSR continued to exist at the present time, which, as you know, Putin so sought and about the collapse of which he lamented all his life and shed so much blood in Ukraine, and Syria, and Chechenstan, and Russia itself in order to correct this geopolitical tragedy. But only in this new world the USSR was completely different as her leader too, was  being originated  from Central Asia -  so there Union looked  quite different and its national leader was very reminiscent of our Nurlan Motuev. Or maybe it was him exactly.
So there this new leader established a completely different model of Eurasian civilization. What we used to call the Russian World has become completely different in essence and name. I can’t remember exactly what this USSR was called from a parallel reality: either  the Kara-Kitay world, or the Munduz Khaganate or the Sarybagysh horde, or maybe even the Altai-Ugric state, or the Kushano-Gagauz Mordvinia, but I know for sure that there was no place for Putin and today's Russia at all.
So in this new reality, the national leader had to get a job as a house manager in a city on the outskirts of this empire.
 All this has provoked another stride of wonderful  transformations. In our world, in which we all live at the present time, dear reader, everything has changed radically - everything has become completely different: Putin disappeared somewhere, as if he had evaporated into thin air together with his endless adventures and crimes. There was no mention of any war in Ukraine, or in Syria, or in Chechnya - in general, mankind forgot about wars, but instead of all this, they turned their eyes to space and already managed to conquer Mars, Venus, and even found the first colonies on the dark cool side of Mercury .
 The possibilities for life have become truly limitless and on Earth there are much fewer problems with apartments and border conflicts over land and disputes have come to the end. In space, we find out quite a lot of such goodness and things.
This was the coolest and greatest operation of Elon Musk, which completely changed our world - the main brake for all of humanity removed at all, who came to power at the very end of the 20th century and during these 22 years slowed down the whole world and rolled it far back.
Damn it and we  considered him almost as our god!
Allah will never forgive us for this!
