Special operation war difference difference Ukrain

Special operation and war difference difference Ukraine
Strategy and tactics of warfare Operations Special Operations wars Ukraine
War is a global process of suppression of ideological, economic, social, and political opponents in general. War includes the whole complex of specific tactical methods in certain areas, which in turn include specific operations and actions in specific conditions. War is considered as the main strategy of imperialism for survival at the present stage of development of society. It includes tactics of economic blockades, tactics of dividing and pitting nations, tactics of sabotage and agents in the camp of enemies, tactics of bribery, methods of armed clashes. Specific methods of operations are considered in specific conditions in specific directions. Operations can be tactically economic, ideological, political, social, military...
For example, an operation to encircle troops near Stalingrad is a military operation. The fascist coup in Chile and the assassination of President Allende was a political, military operation, which was preceded by an economic operation to lower copper prices on the global market.
War includes the totality of all methods, techniques, tactics, operations. The strategy and methodology of imperialism, its essence is war. Economic operations usually precede combat operations.
In any war there are specific political and economic goals. Otherwise, it is an armed conflict, not a war. But not every war has an armed conflict - for example, the Cold War.
A combat operation can be of local significance and be directed against banditry, for example.
In Ukraine, the goals are political anyway. To fulfill such global tasks, there is no way to do without economic operations. For example, it is impossible to do without undermining the communication routes in the west of Ukraine. You can't do one operation in the East.
That is, the whole complex of the strategy of war is needed. From ideology to economics. And a complex of several combat operations in several directions.
But the Russian Federation is not the USSR . The economy and politics are completely under the control of the CIA. So, apparently... The tasks in Russia are the same as in Serbia. To bring confusion, bribery, discord, divide, finish off the economy, destroy. That is, the tasks of the imperialist war of the CIA, and not the Russian Federation, are being carried out. The whole complex of the strategy of war exists when considering the USSR as an object of attack.The strategy of war is observed against the USSR and its parts. The whole complex of the war is visible from this side. A hot war that became a continuation of the cold one. First it flowed into the Caucasian operations, then to Georgia and Karabakh, now to Ukraine.
There is a clear analogy with Yugoslavia and its parts, Serbia.
