On the issue of the treaty between Ukraine and Rus

On the issue of the treaty between Ukraine and Russia. A foreign policy note.

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The text is temporarily not published.

[MMDCCCXCVII. The useful Medinsky. A political sketch. - April 20, 2022.
MMDCCCXCVIII. A negotiating competence is transferred to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A foreign policy note. - April 20, 2022.].

April 21, 2022 05:00

Translation from Russian into English: April 21, 2022 05:27
Владимир Владимирович Залесский «К вопросу о договоре между Украиной и Россией. Внешнеполитическая заметка».

{ 2929. К вопросу о договоре между Украиной и Россией. Внешнеполитическая заметка.
MMDCCCXCIX. On the issue of the treaty between Ukraine and Russia. A foreign policy note. }
