133 inglish art of decoding, whether and тутанхамо

 Let's continue subject begun  earlier. Also we shall look for Alterations in text, in name "Тутанхамон".
What to bear( some judgements, concerning, why here author does not like some place on coffin Тутанхамна.!.
And one of my enthusiasmes, radio amateour, about what in at me read, gives the help! It is necessary to think on a payment as: by the form from above, and from below on the part of explorers. It almost same, that the Symmetric text of the Egyptian
hieroglyphs the mistakes are possible(probable). Is necessary сценка, that is easy for you will give the help with the Right figure. It is fragments from the previous page.
Let Чапай, and it at us wanders frequently alone, and occurrence of his right hand, here is! The table of his chief, certainly Дзержинского, is not possible without these photos, as well as jokes. We shall be limited nostalgue to memoirs, and work nevertheless among  of enemies, though also of scientists, as there joked great юморист, on arrival to us on an exchange of experience of the foreign workers, and as we работяг were trained by(with) the Responsible(crucial) Employee:
-помнитя хлобцы! To us best will arrive придствавители. So to tell their worker to a class! That is  enemies, but workers, and ыы should by him(it) show, шо we not лаптей a russian cabbage soup хлебаем, and plug! Лейтенант Петро / Петька, that is / I do not remember yours Хвамилию? And what whether to give the hero of the stories and friend Чапая Петьке, surname, what that in a case подходяшею? Иванов отметем is a way to a failure, means иак, the Jews are perceived By west well, and верняк=yes so it a German surname забабахаем = do! But, as that at me with German, not so! Sugars Цуккерман, Smiths - Cмит, but it on Английски. In, has thought up! ПОТЕМКИН.
--- Even the chief ЦРУ likely слыхал about, and this revolutionary броненосец= warior ship, 1905 " ПОТЕМКИН ТАВРИЧЕСКИЙ ". Though, they, Englishmen in USA, certainly further
- " Потемки, that is СУМРКИ= darkness will not be advanced. " Everything, Пчевдоним is ready!
Петька Потемкин- Сумароков, it seems last: Сумароков,
Twilight, mother my woman, father сответсвенно the man! - вдрызг will not guess, to you, and on whom work .П. Э. Потемкин- Сумароков.
As on Древне-= old Egyptian Петр Экквайр Потемкиен- Сумароков, as was оболтусом= boy in the Soviet high school, and in the Appropriate institution has not reached heights of Knowledge, and heads appreciated it for non- joke of thinking! In a Going joke. What it be necessary to think up?
.... It for you! All not so is complex in Readings  hieroglyph. Right картуш- this Children's name, but not Сумарокова- Таврического, it not is from a Field of Miracles in " Дискавери- Travel, if  English not
It is a lot of! Ох-хо-Хаханьки, yes Хиханьки сии the figures of a Videocamera, and microphone deed fotos!, and to assort to us. It Чапай could tell, but then and Т.В yet have not thought up, and химичили with колбами, and inside впихивал a Disk with прорезью by Sector, as in cameras on 8-mm a film. It Затвор also gave Освещеность of the staff!, and now Просветвленный, listen to dialogue of the Protagonists of Civil war, which as though, and was not! / About the device of a lens/
.. The beautiful tune sounds! At Чапая beautiful a vote!
As in the distance behind t river, burnt down fires! In the sky dark заря burnt down, - and stopped silent) Петька, having (forgotten) about несклалеую a surname прочувственн басит – sing song bass:
- One hundred young бойцов= soldiers, from Буденновских of armies on investigation in fields To skip on the horse! Here Чапай as everyone drinking man in all throat:
- - they, йеххали  = To skip of the debt and - аа in night silence!
- Yes! Was thought Петьке! - and, rights Эдмундыч,! – спекси = destroid, (he) is tired from them расфуфыренных of the scientists! Yes! It has thought, and it has turned out aloud:
- -спасибачки = Well_a decanter Голицыной! - поучила старушка, шик- модерну! It is a pity, that she(it) remembered manners of times Пушкина, and as that, хихикнув, as has sung, прокуренным by a baritone:
- Hours to 24 hours, and where подлец= bad man? -Петька has not understood at first, that has sung сухонькая струшка= old woman, and that that old карга = woman, хранительница = Knowing of a secret in " to Peak lady " this старушенция = old woman, that кутаясь in облезлый плед= Being warmed by an old dress, and is merciless дымила smoke "Беломором" - shaking ashes on a papiros, on which went Пушкин. Is not present! Has not opened серет of three maps artful, Poet woman, and that the horse-radish for Пушкин would give back a duty after duel the emperor, who there was, Александр. So we have not disassembled here Discrepancy! Well-well, it is necessary to devote a page to this subject, that is Alterations in tomb Тутанхамона, and empress Тии still page another. Let's leave Чапая and Петьку, and we shall give them to be betraid memoirs on a native Land. A joke about them?.......................... 133........... @@........
