The Easter Morning. A drawing

The Easter Morning. A drawing.

Night turns into morning. It's getting light.

Some hot tea.

A couple of small pieces of kulich.

Looks like, it's possible to sleep for a couple hours more.

Had a good dream.

Awakening. Morning.

Flowers on the trees and a fresh breeze.

Birds are pecking millet.

The sparrows arrived first.

A jay appeared after the sparrows.

And then a dove descended from above.

Need to stand aside, at a distance, so as not to interfere for him of pecking the morning millet.

The sky is covered with clouds.

The sun broke through the clouds and illuminated everything around.

Morning - with flowering trees, with a dove and with the Sun. Today is the good day!

April 24, 2022 06:33

Translation from Russian into English: April 24, 2022 06:53
Владимир Владимирович Залесский «Пасхальное утро. Зарисовка».

{ 2934. Пасхальное утро. Зарисовка.
MMCMIV. The Easter Morning. A drawing. }
