That that is cool! перевод страницы 141. it is tim

// it is time us "поддать = drink"! - has offered Петька idea! But Чапай it has stopped, and has told, thus:
- " Наклюкатцы = drink? Up to chicken поносу we ищщо = well shall have time! - and, that накуролесил скромняга = say Картер it is necessary to tell, you, as to mine ЗАМу, and it(he) has reflected!
- You, at me, as Соправитель = The assistant фараона will be, like Сменхакара! - and, having understood, that the name it фараона anything did not speak it(him), beginnings..
Naturally, _ Tomb of Тутанхамон. This same, as a matter  fact, part those =To deceive_, than now all забито = have mutch  in  Internet. It seems, that Картер to Девису was adjusted skeptically, and possible discrepancies of his translation of  book, sepurcral canopy , about which you much know, and partially be its  kind restored and reconstructed, the interpreter has given out as " балдахин = Roof from a fabric above  coffin . As a matter of fact, I and have not understood, whom Картер has preferred "! It is possible on  text to understand, that it) considers nevertheless, faster mummy in Kv. 55 - Эхнатона, not excluding thus, that nevertheless it Сменхакр. But thus, it honourly admits, that THERE ARE NO data, that it is that, or another the mummy then in 1923 was not! However, as well as now. It truth, has not mentioned dispute, that it is possible, and female mummy. I "translate" before, having collected before sepurcral canopy, that is Female, the box, sepurcral canopy is exacter, has all attributes, that so have written down, having applied, as well as we in a word " the woman - фараон " having written so a name ,empress Тии.
Time of a reign. I just have written, that Эхнатон of rules 16лет, on other data - 17! But, it is found out Indirectly! As, Egyptians Never order  account of time, as we - Is continuous, and how? These assumptions do not have  end! For example, now Доктина, н she than is not confirmed, that from 365 days, 5 Were thrown out. Actually, " In a pursuit of a wind " also is devoted to  problem of Calculation of time in an Antiquity, my second book, it is irony! Would be exacter to write " In a pursuit of Time ", but you then have understood the title, as about certain sky man, that "tears" kilometers on  roud. So,  time царстврвания, let Эхнатона in my notepad, and books of other authors, is 16 years! But I wrote, that it определно in subjects, and it can be an inscription on a jug with вином. And, if фараон of saws this кагор in ten years, as бутыль have placed in his wine cellar. And these: whether 360, whether 365 days in one year, have confused all finally! Картер in the introduction to the book in general acted on fashionable now пинципу, I read and resulted this Question the Answer!
1. Эхнатон the son Аменхотепа 3? Certainly! - чо you, whether bad чо, time his number Four!
2. And, not the son Аменхотепа 3 can, Эхнатон! Quite probably, time his number Аменхотеп 4, could not
On that to be the son Аменхотепа 3. Frequently such несуразицу has deduced(removed) in the Introduction in the book Картер. There is still reason!
While I have come again on a History of Errors, it is not bad! So the present scientist works, and it is the Theory. That is  Temporary assumption, that can be replaced in process of Accumulation of  facts, or more detailed consideration  statements nobody. Nevertheless we need to return to certain Discrepancies, I shall write modestly! And, whether they Will deduce me on a conclusion " from whom are taken coffins, and sepurcral canopy - we shall decide on a course "!
1. On 100 % it is known coffin, sepurcral canopy not Тутанхамона, and originally there was other name.
2. On 100 % it is not known, whose then these subjects. The list is possible, I do not joke, to (drag out) up to фараонов, that царствовалм for, or after 100 years after that events. I did not see, for example, rests рисок on a gold foil NEVER, where Have smoothed down old name, or a part of hieroglyphs and have added a name  "Тутанхамон". How think, what for I have resulted сценку with the bug скарабеем?, how funny this ипостась of the god Амона roll his Solar disk as навозного of a ball, but скарабей will meet in картушах of tens фараонов, as well as empresses of years on 200 - 500! All business in "image". The seen part of the letter by hieroglyphs, best will give one Discrepancy, that is possible, but while, Предполжительно to consider, that name Тутанхамона was altered. Look in pair of pages earlier. A name Children's with -Скарабей. There for a Solar disk, goes not Скарабей, and Чаша_Cup_. I wrote Value of these hieroglyphs, но_ Чаша_Cup_- Last hieroglyph in a name! That "Authority" means usually.. We must to write this name as, Russian Does not allow to rearrange the Letter, or the word, and it is given it(him) by(with) the Terminations(ending) and the idea will not change Told.
Simply, переставимив the letter in a Surname we shall receive Another, but same and in hieroglyphs.
P/s. I Sometimes long and Tiresomely prove a simple thing, applying variants of Belief. Name in fretwork- it not a name, and Some words, for example Эхнатон- Угодный  = To please Атону, god!
Though Уховертов, Новоспасский Иван Иванович, similar word!
" As the god Ра, or Son Ра, you, as Катящий = roll the Sun Sacred Скарабей= bug, Is eternal in the sky, you to reign it Чаша. _Cup ". What will be, if Переместить_ = To rearrange the letter in a word
  Cup on the second position?
" Фараон, you, as the Sun, how Ра, so? But, Скоробей can not Roll the Sun any more, and it(he) Bears(carries) чашу_ Visually in лапках- you see it is the bug! Eternally! " It very much Gross blunder, and so will read картуш anyone египтолог, or жрец. It is impossible! .Как " казнитьнельзяпомиловать. P/s/. В переделанном картуше Скарабей катит не Солнце, а несет_ Чашу_Cup".142... @@...
