What to us is imposed? перевод страницы 155. to yo

 To you датv an opportunity to not read the text, and to reject it(him).
" The Broken statue Тутанхамона? " It that is signed under a photo! And what actually? This Female person, if you mentally will study variant, that were not Регенты, as wrote and have confused, and Empress фараоны, as them Прабабка Хатчепсут in this 18 Dynasties, that rules, and her(it) деяния: the monuments and texts are not destroyed. And you see in a
postscript to a photo there is such " a statue Is seized  Хоремхебом " as a matter of fact Военначальником At them! It картуш on a belt. There Never name put. With old time nsmes king is  on shoulders and under бородкой = bear. That is, and this female person, and at desire  young man. Then who, Сменхакр, certain mysterious king, that  year corrected, where there are words " woman -king ??".
Also there is a photo, and it Pair, there two stattuet tree gilt, and there rather young man, but немес, that hides a hair,  crown confuses it as a matter of fact Make-up in details of a headgear and shadow at eyes all! It is difficult вывить a floor! As, and now you do not distinguish person Unknown to you in weight " faster! Not of film actors, that примелькался, and - Japanese, one of one million! There is No skill.
I was confused to the aunt Агатa- so I is one portrait with коноп from Kv. 55, and I have understood why. There there is a photo them sideways, and in фас. So, with the Left bottom portrait I can not precisely tell:  woman or man. As a matter of fact it is strange?! Probably, business in Clothes and crown Is comple the man seeing from the woman, especially on them so to look, how on the Sun! Is punishable!
Names empress Тии, and proofs, that it while I shall write modestly children, grandsons, and as or Sister, or daughter of king a statue Top Митании Дошуратты. Above  But not "presumably" and calculations, wrong  of the text on coffin Тутанхамона and, also it is time say, but Presumably. Тутанхамон- well?
That it is his Direct famyli- of the Aunt, foreman the sister, and then the family tree goes from Дошуратты, of time it(he) in the letters asks about the sister, daughter,, while the assumption. As мног I give Портрет,
It is my link to Two portraits, that say, all having mixed " empress Тии ". It is not correct. In 1907 the portrait, what not referred to as as him name " unknown - unknown empress a portrait " there is not present Картуша – non name this. Though per our years Томография see that, this high art and craft, under корой- parick as a matter of fact, thin layer three save the same crown. That is Nubian a wig put on Atop of a crown! And so it is understandable as fastened урей! To a crown, press or in it there was a groove such as " ласточин a tail and covered all a wig! So, empress Тии, that had Урей and Картуш on a crown, had the European Direct cut of an eye, and empress in нубийском a wig Swarty, as татарка or bridle and at (her) a Slanting see of an eye. At empress with уреем Округлое= round , slavic/ CCCR= RUssya/ if want  person, and that is now given out for empress Тии, Монголоидное, = Slanting section of an eye_ the person, but if to admit, that that the sister and daughter Дашуратты, or its) children from empress of the girl from гарема, it(he) Wery weell are similar! And on this - here European fase in a root of Bottom Egypt " of the bottle form. With уреем. And second then also sister or daughter Дашуратты. IT NOT DO a BRANCH. 
P/s. A little confusing has told, but that statue, that in  catalogue as Тутанхамона- female. On it there was I  assumption, as has understood that there were unknown king in Egypt except for Хатчепсут- this dynamics = input of the women in Maximum authority have continued  Аменхотеп 4.
P/s.  Во время Великой Социалистическойреволюции в 2010 в Египте были украдены две статуи. Там изображены? конечно Женские персонs с чисто женскими формами. Ну, вcе же грудь Шварцнеггера с женской Чапай пока не путает. Но дело в том, это Ипостаси Верхнего Египта и Нижнего, то есть были царицы Верхнего и Нижнего Египта. Если это Разные царицы, пусть фараона Сменхакра жена Меритатон, и Тутанхамона --Анхесеппаатон, то это возможный вариант. Но одна имеет Косой разрез глаз, я парой страниц я привел рисунок головы статуи, и царица, что имеет картуш на короне из букв “ Тии” это так, но есть и во многих гробницах, например, в гробнице Хьюйи, где иероглифы в картуше идут НЕ В ТОМ порядке . ПЕРЕСТАВЛЕНЫ местами_ Два пера и __Две косые черты. Звуковое прочтение будет “ Ттйи и Тии”. В гробнице из  / King valley= Долина царей=Кв. 55/ картуши царицы Прекрасно читаются, но все же не как “ Царица Тии” а как “ Ттйи” и то, что НЕ ПРОРАБОТАНО, ТО  Я ПРИШЕЛ К МЕНИЮ ЧТО Дважды написано имя “ Женщина фараон, так” Женщина= женский род, а Фараон Мужской род теперь, но это МОЖНО написать и иероглифами. Когда власть Претворяет женщина одна, например, вдова. Ну, Императрица по нашему пониманию, это же Женщина- царь, и это НЕЛЬЗЯ написать ИНАЧЕ?
P/s. Историки сами себя запутали, не Вникая в Символику прикрывшись словами “ регент”, а
-Что?- Египтом заправляли Жуковские?-  вопрос, “ конесно” интересныйЁ.......156......@@...


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