Дневник Сумасшедшего 1070


Was in the library and took plenty of new books, most of which are written in Russian and dedicated to psychology. I was looking for books which could help me better understand group dynamics, but ended up with a bunch of scribbles about the human mind. In addition to that, I picked up one English book, from which I want to start a new reading session.

Today, I wanna think about Peterson’s lectures. I’ve almost finished watching “Maps of Meaning 2015”. In the beginning, this course was inspiring, but in the end, turned into trivial moralization. Although Peterson is quite smart to present his views in a non-dogmatic fashion, emphasizing his skepticism (or fallibilism) at every turn of his train of thought, even though he repeats over and over that he considers things from multiple perspectives—in the end it’s just a sort of verbal chicanery backed by the bursts of emotions and nothing more. When he says that Marx “invented” communism, whereas whatever is on the other side has “naturally evolved” throughout history of mankind; when he says that he evaluates the validity of ideologies (capitalism and communism) by looking at their underlying structures and concludes that one of them is wrong because many people died as the outcome of its implementation (as if it was implemented by some higher authority not involved in the process!); when he is yelling that everyone has to have family, friends, jobs, etc, etc—I feel nothing but the mixture of contempt and pity towards him. It’s like a shameless public opinion which reached its full actuality, manifesting itself through the hero of an hour, an impeccable windbag, an “interational” Don Quixote, kind and honest Jordan Peterson.

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