Olvia - a musical discovery from Ukraine

Even if you feel tired, exhausted or you experience lack of energy, there is much more to Ukrainian music than you can imagine.

OLVIA is a young Ukrainian indie rock and jazz artist whose creativity is emerging and is about to flourish even more. There's notthing further from reality than her public image. It is sensual and provocative, especially given the fact that in real life she is a typically righteous, effective and highly inspiring creative young lady from the West of Ukraine.

For most of her life she's been studying music and she has a huge experience of delivering complicated messages via her creativity.

Olga Yaroslavivna Balandyukh (known under stage name OLVIA) does not only focus on music, her experiments include fashion, acting and creative writing.

One of the most unusual of her works and collaborations called 'Guby lypki' ('sticky lips') is a joint project with Yuri Izdryk and is a perfectly dramatized combination of long recitations and Olga's low and sensual vocals.

The recipient should not be fooled by the seemingly predictable sensitivity of these songs - deep down they are more complicated than you can imagine. These topics and plots include solitude, love, moral complications of modern people, ecology, philosophy, national identity and curiousity towards theglobal civilization.

Pani Balandyukh (miss Balandyukh) uses her wide artistic erudition and a range of refined artistic methods to promote Ukrainian and European values through her vocal and musical skills.

All this looks as promising as new books written by contemporary Ukrainian authors who belong to 'Y' and 'Z' generations. The more songs you listen to, the more you get caught up in those magnificent books full of high ideas and authentic inspiration.
