Wo ai ni, Andy

Once, in China, Lilith saw a handsome, thin Chinese man on a poster.  Apparently, it was a famous Chinese actor.  The poster was advertising another Chinese film.  It was in Harbin.
 Glancing at the poster briefly, the woman wanted to move on, but suddenly stopped and took a few steps back.  Looking into the eyes of the man who was depicted on the poster, she suddenly felt that she wanted to cry and laugh at the same time.  It felt like she had been punched right in the heart.
 Time passed, Lala's companion looked at her in bewilderment, but Lal could not move.  Reaching out to the poster, she touched the eyes painted on the poster.
 If there weren't so many passers-by around her, Lal might have tried to tear off the poster and put it in her bag, but now she contented herself with taking out her camera and taking a picture of the actor.
 Then, later, she found out that the actor's name is Andy, he lives in Hong Kong, acts in films, and also records songs and performs in major concert halls in China.  He was a famous Chinese singer and actor.
 He did not understand a word of Russian, he was a cheerful and sociable person.  The Chinese actor was a rich man, but all his money, down to the last yuan, he earned through hard work.
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