My asteroids - natal chart

I simply leave it here to read and complete.

Science topic asteroids -

Descartes - Cp 10 (7 h)

Universitas - 4 vi 20  (4 h)

Abstracta -  26 ar 19  (11 h)

Scientia - 16 cn 43 (2 h)

Sapientia - 0 le 13  (3 h)

Egyptian asteroids -

Nephthys - 4 h Virgo

Anubis - 25 Cp 8

Ptah 26 Aq (10 h)

24 ta  4  (12 h) - Hathor

Hathor is an ancient Cow Goddess of Egypt along with Isis she is said to be the mother of Horus and her name means the mansion of Horus.  Hathor is associated also with the Nile and childbirth in particular, when the waters break in labour it was seen as symbolic of Hathor.  Hathor also welcomed the dead into the new world, death was seen as a rebirth and it was very natural for Hathor to be connected as the Goddess of Birth.

The Cult of Osiris promised eternal life to those deemed morally worthy. Originally the justified dead, male or female, became an Osiris but by early Roman times females became identified with Hathor and men with Osiris.

Hathor in the natal chart is about the birth of ideas, creative expression, invention, nurturing, bringing joy and living in accordance with moral convictions.

Hathor in aspect to the sun denotes strong character and morals as well as a love of art and creative expression

22 li 53 Rx  - Osiris - 4th house

The story of Osiris is one of coppicing where we are cut down and torn to pieces only to be reborn and form new shoots of life.  It is a story that is familiar to us all for it is the story of rebirth through trial, that strengthens our roots and gives us a strong foundation from which to start again.  Osiris in the natal chart represents growth and strengthening through trial and tribulation.

Osiris in aspect to the Sun will denote many trials in life that will make the person develop a strong character and powerful sense of identity.

Osiris in aspect to the Moon denotes much emotional upheaval and creation of a deeply compassionate and empathic understanding of the pain and suffering of others.

Osiris in aspect to Mercury denotes the ability to understand trials and trauma as a learning experience and to take on board any lessons from these events.

Osiris in aspect to Venus also denotes much emotional upheaval and creation of a deeply compassionate and empathic understanding of the pain and suffering of others.

Osiris in aspect to Mars denotes strong ability to grow and develop through trials and trauma with a determination to overcome and succeed in life.

Kleopatra  8 aq 40  - 9th House

Asteroid Kleopatra is named after the famous Queen.  A key point in understanding Kleopatra is the chart is understanding that to the Egyptians Kleopatra was not queen of Egypt but Queen of all as other races were considered less, this meant she had absolute authority and was considered a Goddess in human form that was sent to rule the world.  This asteroid therefore on a basic level represents where we see ourselves as infallible Gods or Goddesses and struggle to see our flaws.

However there is much more to Kleopatra than this, Kleopatra was co ruler with her brother they took opposing sides with Kleopatra taking the view that the best position was to form an alliance with Rome and her brother believing they should fight for independence. This lead to Kleopatra committing what some would consider as treason in order to gain control of the throne.  However her sister Asinoe almost killed Caesar and he had to swim for his life before returning to Egypt with a larger army.  Asinoe was chained and dragged to Rome where she was meant to be killed in front of the Roman crowd for entertainment.  This backfired and the crowd were enraged Caesar then quietened the crowd by having her imprisoned in the temple of Artemis in Ephesis where she could claim sanctuary and be safe from harm but could not leave.  However after Caesars death Kleopatra broke the sacredness of the sanctuary by asking Mark Anthony  to drag her out of the temple and have her murdered.

In short Kleopatra gives great strength and charisma where ever it is placed in the chart, however it makes us blind to our faults and flaws which can lead us to breaking moral and legal codes and laws in order to fulfill our own ambitions in life regardless of the effects on others.

In aspect to the sun it creates a strong, magnetic and dynamic if somewhat ruthless personality capable of charming others.

In aspect to the moon it indicates a strong maternal influence from which the individual shares a lot of character traits and perspectives.

In aspect to Venus the individual may be very charming but capable of manipulating others easily and they may have many lessons in their life where they reap the unintended consequences of such actions.

History and astreoids

 13 ge 14 - Cicero - House 12

 16 vi  4 Rx  - Symmetria - House 4
19 sa 27 Rx  - Aurora - House 7

 18 aq  5  - Moira - House 10

 21 sa 11 Rx  - Fama - House 7

 20 aq  2  - Incidentia - House 10

 7 cp 36 Rx - Svoboda - House 8

  1 ge 52 - Autonoma- House 12

  1 ta 31 - Paris - House 12

Iris in Leo (House 4)

 21 vi 14 Rx  - Pandora (House 4)

 23 le 54 - Aristoteles (House 5)

 15 pi 48 - Parmenides (House 10)

 20 ge 38 - Avignon (House 1)

 26 sa 19 Rx  (House 7) - Tolosa

  19 ar 18  (House 11) - Lutetia

11 cn 39  (House 2)  - Italia

  19 vi 47 (House 4) - Roma

  5 cp 38 Rx  - Bologna (House 8)

 21 pi 56  - Florence (House 11)

  15 sa 23 Rx  - Verona - House 6

  20 cn 21   - Varsavia - House 2

 26 le 25 - Kiev - House 4

  5 cn 20  - Odessa - House 2

 26 pi 25  - Norge - House 11

   2 vi 58  - Harvard - House 4

  22 ge 14  - Pythia - House 1

  8 cn 21  - Hybris - House 2
 25 ta 35 - Nike - House 12/1

 17 ar 28 - Tyche - House 11

Sophrosyne (), spirit of moderation, self-control, temperance, restraint, and discretion  -  5 ge  8   - House 12/1 (Placidus/Morinus)

  11 ta 22 - Plato - House 12/1

Seneca - 6 ge 58 - House 12/1

 13 ge 13 - Cicero - House 12/1

10 vi 25  - Scythia - House 4

 5 ge  4  - Peitho - House 12/1 (spirit of persuasion and seduction)

2 sa 27 Rx - Nemesis - House 6/7

  2 aq 25 - Homerus - House 9

23 cp 17 - Elpis - spirit of hope - House 9

25 cn 16  - Dike - spirit of justice - House 2/3
