Burdock or golden rain?

 Golden rain showered wounds
 But the wounds don't care if it's golden or made of drops,
 Instead of an umbrella, a big paw,
 Very big and already withered
 What do you wish?
 Golden shower or burdock umbrella?
 Choose, I will fulfill your desire!
 But you have one try.
 Golden rain?
 Okay, take your time.
 If the rain of gold will drip and drip on the crown,
 Can you stand the pain?
 Can you?
 Then, is this your final answer?
 Are you asking for time to think?
 Okay, I'll give it to you.
 Do you choose a paw and a hand holding a paw from the rain above you?
 Do you choose love?
 Is this your final answer?
 Do not rush.
 Golden rain is also love!
 Hot love and passionate!
 But such love hits open wounds.
 The lapukh umbrella will fade and you will be left alone in the rain, without protection!
 -How much can you?  What are you croaking?
 And the first is bad and the second ... Even worse!
 So... I chose!
 - I chose the third one!  World without you!
 The world will perish without me!  It's impossible!
 -More as possible!  I hate borders!  I hate oppression!  Leave!
 -It was your choice?  I'm leaving.
 Now your fate is not written anywhere.
 Be careful!
