Flash. They arrived

Приступаю к новому жанру - флэш рассказы. Свой первый флэш сделал на английском языке, для глобальной аудитории...

A sharp sound above the mammoth's head tore through the leaden sky. Its source was a fireball that flew into the atmosphere. The animal stared blankly at the spaceship and returned to eating. After a while, the ship landed a few hundred meters from the chewing animal. The side hatch opened and the telescopic gangway went out. On it, holding tightly by the hands, a man and a woman descended.
“We have no way back,” Adam firmly said. “Are you afraid?” he asked, noticing how his companion warily looked at the huge beast.
“It’s our new home, we have nothing to fear here,” the fragile Eve answered.
