Lost puzzle of the big screwdriver

Once upon a time, the steppe inhabitants, when they were colonized by representatives of a "more developed civilization", were doomed to jump from one cultural and economic context to another, bypassing millennia of industrial evolution in an incomparably short period of time - half a century.  And, following this, their descendants with other forms of management over the past hundred years were doomed to be more and more immersed in "civilization".

The context has changed terrifyingly fast! So much, that the steppes, in 4-5 generations, have moved from an agrarian-oriented natural economy and the corresponding way of life to supermarkets, bitcoins, electric cars and security cameras.  In fact, pastoral nomads from the Middle Ages were pulled by the ears into the information age, bypassing the industrial revolution, the formations of industrial and post-industrial societies.

We did not have the sacraments of initiation and revelations with Pavlovlovian reflexes from injuries at work and mental upheavals in the service of manufacturers.  It's just that the scenery and meanings have changed in alien interests.  And, on the rights of the defeated, the nomads accepted the new setting, as once the neighbors and relatives of the Luddites, intimidated and shunning the actions of the radicalists.

We, like them (relatives and neighbors of the Luddites) resigned themselves to progress. And our own radicals, who do not accept the regime of the new administration, have almost outlived themselves. Though not always intentionally and osrznano, but it happened.

And the hell coach, how we called any train, as the embodiment of the changes we have adopted, has become a semantic locomotive on which we can ride, but it is not at all necessary to know how the power of the new time is born in such a demonic machine. It turned out to be enough to leave the new and no longer nomadic administration, to send our children to the imposed civilizational educational stream with a superficial acquaintance.

And, voila! We can wear jeans, Cossacks, a cowboy hat over a Mongolian face!  Listen to Chopin and play the Beatles, drive Bentleys, code music, win Grammys, envy Grammys, and get a job from the US bank regulator.

What is the aim all this narration and how does it fit with the illustration attached to it? Let me explain: mechanisms as a means of production have been present in various local communities since antiquity. As the official historical paradigm teaches us, they were most actively used then in Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome and Ancient China.

Our ancestors, due to climatic features, were doomed to be content with their own goal setting.  There is a lot of land, but it mainly provides only fodder for livestock according to the climatic surroundings.  Therefore, it remained to follow the path of least resistance - to consume meat and dairy products, getting everything else through raids and barter.

Even our southern neighbors from the urban civilizations of Central Asia, in the context of social Darwinism, did not advance much further from us in comparison with the colonizers, who for epochs surpassed both the steppe nomads and the dekhan Sarts. Unlike us, mired in a climate trap, southern farmers and merchants fell between the hammer and the anvil of the despotism of their rulers and Islamic traditionalism.

Undoubtedly, there were mechanized means of production, both in the despotic communities of the urban centers of Central Asia and in the steppe zone.  But, these were isolated examples and without the organization of their mass production.

Since we, humans, once accepted the WHEEL as the cornerstone of the transition from chaos to organization, and, in particular, we, the steppes, dissolved in the colonial paradigm, skipping significant formations, then we all need to understand where we plunged. Do not to look like monkeys  with grenades. Intellectually capable of us, from childhood, it is necessary to initiate the sacraments of the forcedly accepted paradigm civilizational way. And not only within the framework of short historical courses with poor pictures in textbooks.

We need to experience in practice the principle of operation of pulleys, tape threads, lever mechanisms, steam power, the meaning of the crank mechanism and other things. Mechanics should be in everyday life, so that the practice of working with it allows both boys and girls to understand the fundamental laws of the current paradigm being.

If we take, for example, medieval apple presses and their later counterparts of the 19th century in Western Europe, the USA and industrializing Russia (although to a much lesser extent), then it becomes obvious that the means of production of such a small scale, being in everyday life, have always served  a visual aid for comprehending the principles and goals of the participation of individuals in civilizational goal-setting and progressive movement through the stages of enlightenment.

We were transported, in the general mass, on transit way like a ballast. And, this is a fait accompli. We were forced to adapt and delve independently into their sciences, their way of life. There's nothing you can do about it. It's worth accepting. But, now, it is necessary to correct these omissions through in-depth comprehension and included presence in the virtual reality we create, enlightenment into what the transit did not imply.

In each Kazakh family or tribal community of families, should be used if not a tokamak or a steam unit, then at least a press with a mechanical lever, belt or hydraulic jack for squeezing juices with their subsequent consumption or for the production of wines and cider. And, it is not at all necessary to put alcohol-containing drinks and the culture of drinking them at the forefront, as the final meaning, in order to lead oneself into the trap of doomed alcoholism. It is enough even just to have a working cast-iron model for a kilogram of apples, which is lacquered and never used for its intended purpose on a desk or on a bookcase as an exhibit on a scale of 1:10 above the head of the family patriarch or metriarch.

In each Kazakh family or tribal community of families, should be used if not a tokamak or a steam unit, then at least a press with a mechanical lever, belt or hydraulic jack for squeezing juices with their subsequent consumption or for the production of wines and cider. And, it is not at all necessary to put alcohol-containing drinks and the culture of drinking them at the forefront, as the final meaning, in order to lead oneself into the trap of doomed alcoholism. It is enough even just to have a working cast-iron model for a kilogram of apples, which is lacquered and never used for its intended purpose on a desk or on a bookcase as an exhibit on a scale of 1:10 above the head of patriarch or matriarch.

Grandchildren and great-grandchildren will always be interested in what it is and how it works. Hence the banal understanding of the necessity and basic principles of the production of the means of production themselves. And, if a family or a community of families has a garden with an assimilated culture of gardening, then the situation itself requires the presence of this kind of aggregates in everyday life, which, unlike commercial juicers from a Panasonic dealer, are understandable by their fundamentalism and even in a dusty state in the garage.

And, this does not mean at all that this should be followed by a total rejection of the nomadic past in favor of a techno-mind-frostbitten status. Vice versa! Collecting and enriching everyday and generational existence, we can thereby surpass communities that limit themselves only to their cultural and historical context.

Meanwhile, it is worth accepting and recognizing that for the Kazakhs there will never be a return, in the full sense, to a nomadic civilization, unless a cataclysm of a planetary scale occurs. We, as a whole globalizing people, will never live in real yurts again, and we will never live by subsistence farming and driven Khan hunting. If there are bows in our mansions, then only as a cultural artifact hanging on carpets surrounded by replica sabers and purchased, not mined, horns.

We are immersed in a different paradigm, which, in terms of effectiveness, surpasses that formation, the monuments of which we like to erect on the frontal places. Therefore, it must be deeply understandable for us. And also with our subsequent claim for a position of superiority in it.
