A Trap for a Thought-Form. 22. Millionaire


a novel in the series


I woke up… in the morning!!!

Although it was not a fact that I was not a ghost…

I brewed coffee and… suddenly thought that one mage was good, of course, but two were better — the Wanderer! No, I didn’t know who he was, and I wasn’t even sure that the Wanderer existed, because there were no real photos but Shutterstock on his social network page. However, fortunately, we had met in the Dungeon, and the Guardian appeared almost at the same moment. So, the Wanderer couldn’t be the Guardian, it was already a big plus, I could discuss with him the glitches related to the Guardian.

I sent a request for help to the Wanderer, and he graciously responded, which meant he was awaken during the day. Perhaps the Wanderer wasn’t a ghost either. I listed some fragments of the discovered glitches.

“Alice djan! I think you are subconsciously afraid of something and take too close to your heart what is not worth your precious attention. Suppose you remind the Guardian of a certain girl. Perhaps his secret daughter. You just look alike. He loved her, no matter the way, then something happened to her. And here you are! He sees her in you, periodically realizing that she is not you, because you love winter, and she loved spring, because you have Roman…”

“This grandma said in two, whether there is Roman or not. Quite possible, I’m talking mentally to myself!”

“However, there is a clear conflict between the Consciousness and Subconscious of the Guardian. ‘I want, but I can’t’ or ‘I can, but I don’t allow myself.’ You aren’t a psychotherapist, Alice, are you? Neither the Doll, nor his actions with it in the Backstage — what dresses he puts it in and so on — should worry you! Suppose the Guardian doesn’t like the Witch, and he tries to prevent her from appearing on his territory, but it doesn’t mean he prevents you from communicating with her. Roman comes to the parties personally to you, and the Guardian cannot drive him away, because de jure you are not the Guardian’s girlfriend…”

“The Guardian was talking about Germany and Greece.”

“But not about Pasha!”

“And his phrase ‘Death has ALREADY defeated you!’?”

“According to the logic of the Guardian, as well as to some philosophers, Death has already defeated everyone at the moment of one’s incarnation on Earth! But not you and me, Alice djan, right?”

“Are you going to say…?”

“This is my personal philosophical view of the immortality of any light soul. Thus, if I were you, I would keep only the two most important glitches. First, you are not reflected in the Mansion’s Giant Mirror, blurred in the pictures and have no shadow. Second, your paintings or their reproductions, which have never left your flat, are in the Dungeon.”

“Maybe the Mirror in the Mansion is a special one…”

“Unfortunately, I won’t be able to bring any clarity here, Alice djan… If you need my help in other matters, I’m always in touch!”


The Guardian brewed coffee, put the cup on the table and sat down next to me.

“Tell me, will this Blizzard ever end?” I asked devastated.

“So do you love spring after all?” he smiled with difficulty, remaining sad.

“Will it end, this Blizzard?!” I asked him again.

The Guardian hugged me and began to rock me slowly from side to side, whispering softly,

“The Blizzard will lull you, Alice, lull you like a mother, end and start again, end and start again, it will circle us endlessly, in its magical dance, because it is — yes, yes, it is the Blizzard! — that can help us survive Death…”


The hall, as usual, was full of guests… The title of the book “Operation ‘Millionaire’” not contradicted the content, but had nothing to do with the instruction on catching oligarchs out. The presentation was held in absentia, or rather, almost in absentia, since the author, an absolutely healthy man in the prime of life, found himself confined to bed in just a few days of dealing with the virus and had been struggling for life for six months.

I greeted his Sorrowful Spirit, not being sure the auditorium noticed the guest. They still seemed to be just cards from the Tarot deck. Perhaps only the King of Swords stood out from the general background, being more alive, or real, or… what like?

“And the most important is… why?” Roman smiled, appearing in the doorway.

During the break, I recounted to Roman my conversation with the Wanderer and then told about the comic operation “The Millionaire’s Favorite Lady”. Yes, I had visited the main luxury shops in the city, and, making up a lot of images by means of branded clothes and accessories solely for a photo shoot, tested all the mirrors in the fitting rooms.

“What are the results?” Roman grinned. “Did you reflect in all the mirrors and even cast a shadow?”

“Yes, why are you smiling?”

“Everyone sees and gets what he wants, or what he is ready / expects / assumes from his experience / on the basis of acquired knowledge to see or receive, Alice!” Roman said sadly.

“Then how can we understand that we are not ghosts, if in the world of ghosts, I can’t pass through the wall, since I consider both myself and the wall to be physically material, while the ghost who understands that he is a ghost will pass through the same wall?”

“Quite right,” said Roman. “For the same reason, in the material world, a true magician, being absolutely sure that a miracle will happen after pronouncing certain words of a spell, will perform a miracle, or rather, ALLOW THE MIRACLE TO HAPPEN. And a common man does not. He doesn’t anticipate, doesn’t expect, doesn’t want or is not ready to…”

“Everyone sees and gets what he… These adjacent worlds are the Kingdom of solid Crooked Mirrors, Roman. ‘There’ looks like ‘here’. And ‘here’ is like ‘There’. But there must be, surely, some difference between the Worlds!!! It can’t help existing!!!”

Roman stroked my back to calm me down.

“You asked why the King of Swords seems more alive to me. Maybe because Love is still alive in him.”

Roman smiled, sitting very close by at a tiny table in the cafe of the gloomy Mansion, and I cautiously leaned against him.

(“Perhaps we’ll live forever as long as Love is alive in us. Even as ghosts.”)

“But if you and I are already ghosts, why then…” I stopped, wishing Roman not to read my mind anymore, but I couldn’t help continuing the chain of my thoughts. (“Why can’t I… Why am I embarrassed to be myself? Why are we meeting here during the break, and not dancing in the Blizzard over the city? Why did the fear of losing you — if I say I feel towards you the very Love, that prolongs the life of both people and ghosts — not die in me yet?”)

The Guardian rang the bell. I exhaled heavily.

“Let’s go on!” Roman said aloud, as if he hadn’t read my thoughts that had just flashed by.

Task No. 22. TRAPS of REPLAYS

…Proceeding the Path, also with the help of Forgiveness, Repentance, Thanksgiving and other practices that we talked about at the beginning, the Magician tries to avoid Traps of Replays.

The replay of some story in the scenario of fate (returning to a previous job, meeting a long-forgotten acquaintance from the past, etc.) is a typical sign that you are given a chance to correct a wrong step in the past that led you into the Replay Trap (or, on the contrary, to make a certain step, if it was missed, for example, to take a decision), because the Path is considered to be movement forward, which doesn’t deny its spiraling nature.

Replays are the exams we haven’t passed, any incomplete situation, or “dangling tail”. Replays are divided into fading* (like circles on water, sounding like a weak echo) and culminating** ones, reinforcing the previous similar situation at times:

* someone leaves the critical zone and should patiently finish, complete something in order to open the door to his New Tomorrow. All exams are passed, a small test is not yet, one needs to pass it to get a diploma.

** someone enters the critical zone, where one’s step will be fateful. Perhaps, all the minor subjects’ exams are passed, remains the main one, or one passed it giving wrong answers. In this case one will have to make another decision, to act radically different, not as the previous time.

The replays in the script indicates the presence of debts, which is an energy burden in itself. The Magician tries to act so as not to be listed as a debtor, because traveling light is always more pleasant and easier. Review your life to check it for replays and get rid of the discovered tails.


I returned home and lit the candles.

“If I am a ghost, perhaps these 40 nights are given to me to complete the unfinished? But which one exactly?”

It was necessary to analyze all the replays. However, my Consciousness categorically refused to work overtime, and I fell asleep.
