A Trap for a Thought-Form. 29. Hanger


a novel in the series

Chapter 29. HANGER

I anticipated the Guardian’s amazement…

“I don’t understand. Where from?!”

“From the wardrobe,” I replied.

Yes, that morning I had racked my brains for a long time, but in the end, as another hack of the Matrix, I decided to change my mink, since a nightly trip to the Mansion in the same fur coat turned even elite furs into barracks uniforms! However, who could imagine that, I found as many as 12 fur coats in my wardrobe! Exactly one for each of the remaining parties.

“Have you been planning that, since we have ‘The Hanger’ on the menu tonight?” the Guardian grinned, sending my new (or rather, a well-forgotten old) fur coat to a free hanger. “What kind of Impurity is the author?”

“A Troll… Like most creators, he imagines himself to be God. His theater is his book. It is structured in such a way that the reader, opening it, enters the parterre for the performance — the 1st scene, the break, the 2nd one… And so on. However, the theater begins with a hanger and ends with it. Hence the name. By the way, I’ve long wanted to ask you. Would you give me an individual tour of your Theater’s Dungeon?”

“Of course, but not today. I have to prepare it,” the Guardian was puzzled, but he smiled.


The guests shouted “bravo!” to the Troll, the Guardian was watching me at the door, and I thought about the way to make talking the Cat, who had recently taken the habit of washing at the Giant Mirror.

“Give him a new bow, Alice!” Roman suggested, appearing in the hall.

“Is the Blizzard still there?” I asked, at the same time realizing that it was a rhetorical question.

“I’m sure, as soon as you materialize the Sun, the Blizzard will instantly go away!”

“It would be nice of you to help me with this!”

During the break, I told Roman that I wanted to get into the Guardian’s Theater and his secret rooms, but before the Guardian would put them in order.

“Are you going to stay here for the night?”

“The Guardian always escorts me to the door, the King of Swords pretends we are leaving together, but instantly disappears outside. I can’t stay. I can only return, but it’s impossible to enter secretly from the Guardian. It won’t be the Cat to open the door to me.”

“What are the options then?”

“Wanderer… Remember, I told you he travels in trance. I want him to help me get here!”

Roman patted my back. I paused, but soon I caught his questioning look.

(“What else is there to add, Roman? Didn’t I allow you to read too much in the book of my soul? Now being almost the Magician, don’t say anything in response, but, if you wish, create our common world by intersecting individual ones, in which you will feel happy. Take me away from here silently, by hand, passing through the Portal on the 40th night, and I will accept you — as you are, with all your problems and imperfections, and your world — as you create it, with all its cockroaches and restrictions, and my place in it, which you will give me, whatever it may turn out to be. With gratitude, love and respect to your ‘Self’. ”)

The Guardian rang the bell.

“Let’s go on?” Roman asked out loud.


...Making a periodical inventory of his reality, the Magician sends a request to the Heaven Exchange Office of exchanging something Old, survived in his world, for something New, that still doesn’t want to appear here and now from the Happy Tomorrow.

Take a piece of paper, divide it vertically into two parts. Create a numbered list: the Old is on the left, the New is on the right. What are we changing for what? In this case, you can exchange absolutely everything from different categories — feelings, objects, thoughts, illnesses, i.e. ill-wishers for patrons, negative memories for a piece of cake, a harmful boss for a fluffy cat… The number of points is not limited. When writing, be sure to charge the items with your energy by visualizing the Old and the New, at the same time experiencing the feeling of possessing the New.

While sending the application to the Heaven Exchange Office mentally, visualize its receipt in every possible way, after which hide the physical carrier in the far corner of the mezzanine and completely forget about it.


I sent my list to the Exchange Office, starting like that, “Death” for “Love”, and wrote a message to the Wanderer.

“Still awake, Alice djan? Today you don’t smell like pine, at least, it’s not bad!”

“Help me get into the Backstage… Please!”

“Well, okay. Although this journey seems to be a complete waste of your energy. Anyway, go to sleep. I’ll pick you up there, and we’ll visit the Dungeon of your Guardian together.”
