A Trap for a Thought-Form. 30. Soul to Soul


a novel in the series

Chapter 30. SOUL TO SOUL


No wonder that after the secret journey to the Dungeon, I had almost no energy left. The main thing was not to forget what I had seen, because when waking up…

Stop… or had it been just a dream?


“Didn’t you get enough sleep?” the Guardian wondered, at the same time assessing my black-silver fox with his eyes. “By the way, yesterday’s furs excited me much more!”

“I thought you’re excited by women,” I grinned, and the Guardian sent my fox to the hanger.

“Is one more God visiting us tonight? ‘Soul to Soul’, even the title… No fantasy! ‘The Hanger’ was better! Listen, Alice, the Impurities, are they from not pure writing or not pure hearing, what do you think?”

“Both options are possible. The presentation will be in absentia.”

“Help, good people! We are Gods, but not local ones!” the Guardian sneered, performing a fake street beggar, as he walked into the cafe.

“Do you want me to make your presentation here?” I asked as I sat down at the table.

“I don’t understand. You? Mine? Here? In my own Mansion??? What audacity!!!” the Guardian shouted, as his pattern had been broken.

“Deus ex machina! Does the real God always stay behind the scenes?” I grinned.

The Cat sailed past us. I took out a prepared gift of a new bow from my bag.

“Kitty! Come here!” I called the Cat, but he didn’t even turn around. “The Honorable Mister the Puss, I’m sorry! Could you be so nice to come to me, since I brought you a little gift? It’s time to change your old bow for the new one!”

Of course, the Сat immediately reacted to such a human addressing. In a minute, beaming with joy, with his tail trumpeted up and his purr turned on, he thanked me, “Mouuuurr!”

“Hooligan!” the Guardian threw to me and, taking the old bow with him, left the cafe.


Since the presentation was in absentia, I suggested changing its standard script.

The host of the literary party usually read fragments of prose or poetry of the absent author. That night I invited the guests to play the game “Telling Fortune by the book”!

Each guest went onto the stage in his turn and took the author’s book from me. The guest in the hall told the page number for the prediction, and the guest on the stage read the poem on the indicated page. Then the next participant of the party came on the stage and similarly guessed further.


“How was your night?” Roman asked, referring to my journey into the Guardian’s secret rooms.

“Like in a dream,” I made coffee for Roman and sat down next to him. “When the Wanderer and I appeared in the Backstage, the Guardian stayed in his room. The door was ajar, inside there was the muffled light of an antique lantern. The Guardian was sorting out the manuscripts and locking them in a closet. Then he took a book with fairy tales from the shelf and left for the Doll’s room. I couldn’t see her face, because the Guardian immediately slammed the door behind him, but the Doll seemed to be really alive! I came closer, the Guardian was putting her to bed, reading a fairy tale…”

“Did you hear which one?”

“No, I decided to take advantage of his absence and…”

“Did you find your paintings in his room?”

“There were only some by the Iconographer’s wife. Unlike them, my paintings are quite small and unframed. Perhaps the Guardian hid them in the closet.”

“You ‘booked’ him for a tour of the Backstage, and he promptly got rid of the evidence, didn’t he?”

“Perhaps. However, you know, there was an open notebook on the table in his room, and I looked into it. I noticed yesterday’s date on the left and the phrase under it, ‘She’s getting out of control again!’”

“Is that all?”

“Yes, there was nothing else on that spread. I wanted to find the script the Guardian is working on now, to read it, and ‘The Gloves’ story as well. But there was just a diary! Anyway, as the Wanderer correctly felt, it was a waste of energy. Imagine, I even overslept today!”

“Well, oversleeping is also a failure in the Matrix!” Roman smiled. “While making a trip in a dream is an unconventional experience! A new emotion!”

“I agree! I also changed the old bow of the Cat for a new one! As you suggested!”

“And how is going on your book about the Mansion? Didn’t you give up writing it?”

“I write down the events almost online. I wonder, you know, now it occurred to me. A book is a separate world, too, isn’t it? And the author is its creator, such a little god, right?”

“Of course, Alice!”

“And you and I live in my book, too,” I thought and sighed. (“… and, just imagine, we will stay in it forever.”)

“Of course, Alice!” Roman hugged me and, shaking from side to side, mentally replied, “We will live forever. At least in this book of yours…”

The Guardian rang the bell.

“Fears, Master?!”

“You guessed it wrong!” I laughed.


…Whether there is reincarnation or not, and, if there is, whether it guarantees the return of the soul from man to a man, and not to a stone, is an open question. But the Magician, like any child, loves to play.

The game of reincarnation brings not only new emotions, but also the opportunity to feel unity with the Creator and all his creations, since each of us has something in common with every object and subject that exists or once existed in the Universe, even if it seems incredible at first sight. At least, because we are all children of the Creator.

The beauty of the game of reincarnation is that it can be played an infinite number of times, each time in its own way, giving new emotions to the player.

The task is to imagine yourself as someone or something (dinosaur, snail, cheetah, fish, architect, artist, writer, monk, hermit, Sun, Moon, star, comet, stone, diamond, book, lantern, vine, lotus flower, waterfall, etc.) and to behave for a certain period of time so as to identify with the given object or subject as much as possible.

By default, it is assumed that your game doesn’t violate applicable laws and means no harm to anyone.

Try to feel what you have in common with the one you are playing.

Think about what qualities of the chosen object/subject you would like to borrow to solve the problems that you face on your life path, and what qualities you have, it lacks, and mentally make the interchange.

It is especially good to play reincarnation at night, when the door to the Subconscious opens a little, when you are alone, and no one is watching you. Perform in a spontaneous dance the typical movements of animals, plants or any animate creature, or, which is even better for the game, invented by you during identification, gestures and movements of inanimate objects that they dream of, but cannot perform.


“Are you okay, Alice djan?”

“Yes, Wanderer! Thank you… I just… wanted to…”

“Feel free to ask me!”

“Perhaps… we are neither ghosts nor people, but… dreams. Or we are alive, but the story I’m retelling now in the book is just a long dream.”

“Or we are ghosts’ dreams! And also, just imagine, you might be the Cat of the Mansion, who sleeps and sees himself as Alice djan! You just need to have a good rest! Good night and sweet dreams!”
