A Trap for a Thought-Form. 31. Gift of God


a novel in the series

Chapter 31. GIFTS of GOD

I woke up in the morning as a cat… I mean, according to the game of reincarnation. Maybe the Cat in the Mansion would take me for his own and finally speak to me.

Outside the window there was the same Blizzard. I should ask the Wanderer to send me another piece of the Sun!


“Mandarin fur?!” the Guardian exclaimed in surprise, meeting me at the door.

“If there is no Sun, we add orange color… Meowwwwwwwwww!”

The Guardian froze with my fur coat in his hands.

“I don’t get it! Did you say ‘meow’?”

“Would you like to hear woof-woof?” I screamed, and then continued, smiling, “Mour-mour-meow!”

“Today in the poster we have ‘The Gifts of God’, and not cats! What kind of Saint are you summoning here? My Mansion was created for Impure Souls, not for divine gifts! Who is the author?”

“Relax, Guardian. The author is a Mystic Lady. Analyst of ‘random non-accidents’. By the way, aren’t the members of the feline species the gifts of God?! Mrrrrr…”

The Guardian hung my fur coat on a hanger and, coming close to me, took my hands.

“Tonight, Alice, you will have an exciting tour of my Theater!”

“I think… it would be better to reschedule the tour to the last night. Moor-r-r-meow.”

The Guardian turned dark. We entered the cafe.

“Are you going to mock me for a long time?” he asked.


“Yes, yes! You!”

“I didn’t even think of mocking you! Why do you say that?”

“Because I… because you…”

The Guardian came up to me with a cup of coffee, his hand was trembling.

“Because you know how I feel about you! The Ball is already in 9 days,” he said and exhaled.

“Oh my God! I need a dress!!!” I remembered.

“I’ll get you a dress,” putting the cup on the table, the Guardian said very gently.

“Can I choose it myself?”

The Guardian grew gloomy, banged his fist on the table, but then pulled himself together and nodded.

“All right, Alice. Choose for yourself. Then tell me which one and in which store. I’ll buy it for you.”

The Cat came up. He sniffed me carefully and got surprise.


“Meow-meow,” I confirmed.


While the Mystic Lady was retelling to the guests her wonderful stories in the obvious incredible series, I invented one more glitch in the program of the party. During the Open Mic, in addition to poetry, each speaker would present to the public a similar story from their own lives, since everybody had a plenty of them.

Closer to the break, Roman appeared in the hall. The Guardian gave him a hateful look.

“MEO-O-O-WWW!!!” I greeted Roman.

“Woof-woof…” he smiled in response.


“The tour of the Dungeon has been postponed for the last night,” I informed Roman during the break.

“The Guardian has cleaned up his secret rooms, and the tour is not particularly relevant. Besides, if you wish, you can get into his Theater in a dream. I see you are a Cat-ty today!”

I got up to Roman’s cheek and, like a cat, buried my nose in it, and purred contentedly, closing my eyes.

Oh, if I’d had a tail!!!

“Crazy!” the Guardian’s voice boomed nearby.

I came back into reality, opening my eyes. The Guardian threatened me with a bell and left.

“And yet… he’ll kill me,” flashed through my head. “I don’t really understand, Roman, why there are so many dresses for only one Doll. By the way, the Guardian allowed me to choose my own dress for the Ball!”

“Very nice of him… However, the Wanderer is absolutely right. Don’t get hung up on someone else’s reality! You should spend energy only on what you want to make part of your world…”

“Sorry… What are you going to be at the Ball?”

“The Magician, of course!” Roman smiled.

The bell rang.

“So… Fears?”

“No! God first!”

Task No. 31. YOU ARE GOD!

…The Magician never puts himself above another magician or any object / subject ever manifested or even not yet manifested in the Universe.

The Magician knows and always keeps in mind a simple Truth: all the children of the Creator are equally dear to the Creator, since each of His children carries out a certain mission in the course of the co-creation of the cumulative history of the Universe.

The mission can be global and obvious, but in most cases it consists of a number of imperceptible actions (deeds, words, etc.) implemented throughout the entire incarnation, which are hard to realize even by the executing being, not to mention third parties.

In the case of equality, i.e. respectful attitude of the Magician’s ‘Self’ to other ‘Selves’ (of objects and subjects, the children of the Creator), the wishes of the Magician (by default good ones) will be heard and accepted for fulfillment, moreover, those other ‘Selves’ are to take part in it.

When the Magician puts himself above the other’s ‘Selves’, there are no way of any simple fulfillment of wishes, since such person automatically ceases to be ‘the Magician’ and becomes a coveted object for the Dark Forces, who promise to fulfill and sometimes fulfill a wish for a certain fee.

To maintain the balance of my ‘Self’ and other’s ‘Selves’, the Magician periodically practices the following affirmation: whoever you meet on your way during the day — an animate one or inanimate something — looking at him, say mentally, “You are God!”

Learn to see God in all you meet, even in a stone. And the Universe will answer you in return!


“Wanderer… Do ghosts have pages in social networks?”

“Alice djan! You are charming in the persistence of your thoughts! The World of Ghosts is a holographic extension of the World of the Living. People, becoming ghosts, transfer into it as much as possible of what they liked in earthly reality.”

“It turns out that by our actions in the social networks it’s also impossible to find out whether we are alive or not. May I ask you for at least one more… piece of the Sun?”

“I’ll send it to you tomorrow with pleasure, sometime around dinner!”
