A Trap for a Thought-Form. 34. Rainbow


a novel in the series

Chapter 34. I SAW A RAINBOW

“Hello, Guardian!” I smiled as I flew into the Mansion. “It was nice of you to be kind to me for all the previous 33 nights: making me coffee, guarding from all the Impurities, worrying about me, because you didn’t want me to die, although you almost indicated the main Portal location to me. Therefore, today I’ve prepared my little surprise for you. I decided to give you a new experience!”

The Guardian tensed up. As if in slow motion, he took off my furs, approached the hanger and exhaled.

“Will you add a love-me-not potion to my coffee?”

“You can make coffee by yourself!”

“Are you going to spend the whole night at the Mansion?”

“No,” I laughed. “But you’ll like it, I’m sure!”

“You’re scaring me! By the way, do we have two ‘Rainbows’ at once on the menu today?” having brewed coffee for both of us, the Guardian asked caustically. “One for girls and one for boys? Are the authors g-g…”

“Do you want to say ‘gnomes’? No, they are not. Everyone understands to the best of his level. The book ‘I saw a rainbow!’, written, as you say, by a boy, is in high demand precisely because of the title. Already for half a year, its free fragment has been read about 10—15 times per day. The book ‘The Rainbow Life’, written by a girl, is not in such great demand, but still…”

The heroes of the party appeared in the hall. The guests applauded, expressing their impatience.

“Poems? Prose?” the Guardian sighed.

“Poems… And my surprise is connected to them!”

I went onto the stage and told the audience that the party tonight would be held by the Guardian!


“What a non-standard step to make him hold the presentation!” Roman appreciated my idea. “Your seven-mile strides towards the Happy Reality are an example to follow!”

“Come on! The Hymn to Mosquito was sung yesterday! Besides, I make all my steps thanks to you. Anyway, you are worthy of praise — not a single break missed and, apparently, all homework done. As from the point of view of Matrix provocations, all ingenious is simple. Sometimes it’s enough to swap only two figures for its failure.”

I glanced around the hall. The guests were getting the books, signed by the authors in turn, and chatting with the Guardian, who still hadn’t recovered from my ‘gift’.

“Tell me, Roman… Just be honest, okay?”


“Are you and the Wanderer the same person?”

“No, why?”

“Last night, in my dream, I visited the Guardian’s room. There was only one word in his diary, ‘Wanderer’.”

“Nothing else?”

“A question mark and an exclamation point. Nothing else. I confessed to the Guardian, when he asked me about the warming, that it had been the Wanderer casting spells on the Blizzard. What did the Guardian find in the Blizzard? And why did the Wanderer become so important to him all of a sudden? I don’t know much about the Wanderer myself. However, I’m sure now that the Wanderer is not the Guardian…”

“Do you plan to read his diary every night?” Roman asked, taking my hand and drawing some signs on my palm.

“I haven’t decided it yet. I’ve some other plans for tonight, but I don’t want to tell you about them, sorry… And one more thing. I remembered — the Cat! He came out of the Portal yesterday.”

“Out of the fireplace?”

“Yes, exactly… And it means, as I expected, the Portal works in both directions, not only with the World of the Dead, otherwise the Cat wouldn’t have returned back. Imagine! Mister the Puss is walking around the worlds! Cat the Traveler! I wish I could talk to him!”

“I’m glad the Cat came back to the Mansion from a walk not in the World of the Dead.”

“Unless the Cat himself is a ghost. And then again, it makes no sense. Why does the Guardian assure me that my Death is in the Portal? Is this Portal closed for me personally to all non-mortal worlds?”

“Alice, spend energy only on something positive! You create your own Happy Reality! Meanwhile the Guardian…”

A lady began to pester the Guardian. He abruptly took the bell out of his pocket and rang convulsively.

“Fears?!” Roman said out loud.

“Smiles!!!” I laughed.

Task No. 34. LAW of the MIRROR

…Any reality is a reflection of the Magician.

Each object and subject of the Universe, in one way or another, is a mirror of a person. Sometimes the mirror reveals our flaws, sometimes our virtues, but the like always attracts the like. Magicians, being aware of the law of the Mirror, trigger positive emotions in themselves as often as possible so that their radiation reaches the maximum number of objects / subjects, and then comes back as a reflection.

The task is to accustom yourself to catch something beautiful from reality, for example, to focus on a swirling butterfly, rather than on a croaking crow, on a pretty flower basket attached to the balcony of the house, rather than on a garbage dump at the front door, on a stylish passer-by, rather than on a bum, on the smile of a child, rather than on the evil gossip of old ladies on a bench.

Emphasis not only teaches us to notice the good, but also, as a result, to attract it into our Reality, shaping it according to the laws of harmony, love and goodness.

Devote one day per month purposefully to smiling. The task is to smile as often as possible during the day. To begin with, it’s easier to remember something that happened before, which automatically causes a smile. However, you can also imagine something that doesn’t exist, from which the smile will appear by itself.

Advanced magicians are always smiling at the whole world. And it smiles them back, because the whole world is our mirror.


That morning I agreed with the Flower Fairy that I would visit her after the party in the Mansion to summon some spirits of the dead to help me decide whether I was alive or dead…

However, that midnight we got only demons at the table. They flirted with candles, distorted mirrors, pulled the tablecloth, constantly giggled and talked complete nonsense…

Squeezed out like a lemon, I returned home and collapsed into the arms of Morpheus.
