A Trap for a Thought-Form. 36. Optimist Travels


a novel in the series


“I’ve bought you the dress,” the Guardian said gently, taking off my furs.


“Let’s go to have a look at it, you will be the real Queen!”

I followed the Guardian into the Dungeon. We went into his backstage room.

I glanced at the table. His diary was on the right, and it was closed, but the Guardian gently pushed me towards the bed, where the dress was lying royally. Yes, the one I had chosen. With tags.

“However, as Roman correctly said, everyone sees what he is ready / expects to see. And the dress is not a proof that we are not ghosts,” I thought and sighed.

“Thank you, Guardian! Let’s go to the presentation of the Optimist!” I said and went to the table to look at the notebook again, “Your diary?”

The Guardian immediately grabbed the notebook and put it in the closet.

“No, just working…”

“Ah… Well, yes, you said, over the script?”

“Yes, you could say so, too,” the Guardian hugged me and whispered, “You will live forever, Alice, here with me, happily and for a long time, like in a fairy tale, and…”

“And we are going to die on the same day, aren’t we?” I laughed for some reason, “but what about to live forever?”

The Guardian grew darker instantly and threw me to the door, like a doll.


That night we had the presentation of “The Optimist Travels”, a collection of stories written by the Phoenix Bird. Countless years old, she continued to lead an active lifestyle and fly around the world.

“It’s a pity that the Professor, during his lecture about the Undead, wasn’t asked, if the Phoenix Birds really live forever…”

“Each of us is a Phoenix Bird, Alice!” exclaimed Roman mentally, appearing in the hall.

During the break, I refused coffee, but I made it for Roman.

“Probably, an evening without coffee is also a non-standard step. After all, we didn’t drink coffee with the Guardian today either, he took me straight to the Dungeon.”

“Dungeon?” Roman asked.

“The dress! He bought the one I had chosen. It’s in his room now. With the tags. However, all is in vain. All for nothing…”

“I agree, because…”

“Because today,” I remembered and smiled, “the Wanderer promised to send me a few of Babylonian miracles!”


“Not yet! Anyhow, you know, the Guardian’s diary haunts me. I tried to read it today, but the Guardian grabbed the notebook and immediately put it out of sight in the closet. I want to come back here at night, in my astral body. I hope the Guardian will get the diary and write something. Perhaps his words…”

“Your Consciousness is constantly evading the main task, Alice. There are 3 nights left and the Ball, the same 40th night when you will pass through the Portal to your new and definitely Happy Reality. You have to concentrate on it as much as possible, instead of switching to the Guardian puzzles! Is it scary to think about what happens after? You are trying in every possible way to distract yourself from dangerous thoughts, and your Subconscious is eager to make straws.”

“You’re right,” I put my head at his shoulder. (“…I’m afraid of losing you and perhaps of the Void, where there’s nothing and no one at all else, not even the Blizzard I’m already sick of…”)

“Alice, everything will be fine! Believe in yourself and trust me.”

“Perhaps you don’t exist, I’m talking to myself…”

“Perhaps we all don’t exist…” Roman smiled.

“Stop!” I exclaimed from insight. “Time! That’s what is wrong here!”

“Explain your idea!”

“The Wanderer said that Time is one of the coordinates of our Space. If we set the exact coordinate of Time when we move, we will get anywhere at any time.”


“Well, why can’t you understand! The Blizzard, in a circle, forever! We’ll live forever, while the Blizzard is circling! Time is stopped here on the Blizzard! There is no Death within this segment of coordinates along the axis of the Time! Or rather, until… the moment I enter the Portal!”

“AND…?” for some reason Roman added sadly, but I had no time to develop my idea.

The familiarly damn trill brought me back to reality.

“Are there still no fears on the menu?” Roman grinned.

“We have another 3 nights and… the Ball!”

Task No. 36. PLAN for ONE MONTH

…Take a plan for 6 months and imagine that you have only one month left in our Reality. Rewrite the plan, leaving the most important items you want to do here before the transition to the Other Reality, so that you won’t regret anything later…


Having fallen asleep around two after midnight, I instantly moved to the Dungeon. As I approached the Guardian’s room, I thought about Time and the Blizzard.

Soft lullaby-like music was playing in the Doll’s room, and muffled footsteps could be heard. The door to the Guardian’s room was ajar, I looked inside, and I found no notebook on the table.

“What a pity!”

I tried to open the closet door, but — of course! — I couldn’t, because I had come there without my physical body.

“Where are your Babylonian wonders, Wanderer?” I wondered sadly and flew back. It was only at the door to the Blizzard that I suddenly heard a lifesaver,


“Good night, Mister the Puss!” I smiled mentally. “You know, during the construction of the Tower of Babel, all humans communicated in the language of thought. I think it was easy to communicate with animals then, right? And now…”

“Everyone communicates as he is ready / expects / wants / used to communicate, Alice,” I heard in response.

“Mister the Puss!!! You can speak!!!” I exclaimed happily and gently stroked him.

“Oh, Alice, it’s just because you think you are in a dream and therefore ready to hear me.”

“Listen, what’s going on here? Can you explain me something? I’ve got only 3 nights left and…”

“It depends on how to count,” the Cat sat down at the door to the Blizzard and gave me a meaningful look.

“Is there something wrong with Time in this Mansion?” I supposed.

“Everyone has his own relationship with Time, of course,” the Cat answered evasively.

“Does Death live in the Portal you used to travel around the worlds?”

“There is no Death, all magicians know that!”

“Okay, I’m sorry… But how can I formulate the question correctly?!”

“If you formulate the question correctly, you’ll immediately get the answer without any help of me!”

“You are a philosopher, aren’t you?” I smiled, continuing to flounder in the chaos of thoughts in order to land on the solid ground of mind, at the same time realizing that due to such a convulsive work, my Consciousness was about to wake up, feeling glitches in the Matrix, and I would find myself at home. Oh, it was so difficult to think correctly in a dream! However, I asked the Cat again, “Is the Guardian crazy? Is he going to kill me?”

“All people are crazy in their own way, especially Creators, such as writers — they are engaged in real magic, the magic of the Word. The most talented are the craziest ones. But you keep forgetting that there is no Death! Who can kill you?”

“Is that Doll in his secret room… me?”

“That Doll is in his secret room, and you are here… Or isn’t that you?”

“Do you really exist?”

“Just like you, Alice…”

The boundaries were shifting. I understood that my Consciousness was about to kick me back out of the dream.

“Do you want some advice?” the Cat suddenly took pity on me, and I nodded, struggling to hold on to the door. “GO AWAY…”

I didn’t hear what he said next, if anything at all, as I instantly woke up in my bed…

I had no strength to go back, and my conscience didn’t allow me disturbing the Wanderer at that hour.
