A Trap for a Thought-Form. 38. Wise verses


a novel in the series

Chapter 38. WISE VERSES

The night with the Ghost gave me butterfly wings, I flew into the Mansion, overflowing with joy, and dropped my furs into the Guardian’s arms.

“What happened to you?!” he wondered. “What potion did you overeat?”

“Do you mean it’s impossible to come to your Mansion in a good mood without potion?” I grinned and, almost jumping, went to the cafe.

The Guardian followed me in bewilderment.

“Some ‘Wise verses’, ” he muttered. “Is it a philosopher on the menu today?”

“The stamp on the cover wans that this book contains profanity! A regular housekeeper, the Goblin. He has a collection of humorous quatrains for family holidays, about mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, unfaithful husbands, wives, and so on.”

“So was it his book that made you feel the incredible lightness of being?”

The Guardian made coffee and sat down next to me.

“I can have secrets, too!” I replied smiling as I stirred the sugar in the cup.

“Meanwhile, the Ball is already in two nights. I’ve sent out invitations to all your authors.”

“Well done, and I personally invited the Ghost!”

“What else Ghost?”

“The author of ‘The Legislator’. He is already There, but I presented him here. Have you forgotten?”

“Did you… see him?!” the Guardian asked warily.

“Don’t I have the right to see someone else besides you? Or should I ask your permission first?!”

The Guardian darkened, and the devilish gleam appeared in his eyes again.

“Children must obey their parents, Alice,” he said as he drank his coffee in one gulp, “because parents love their children and don’t wish them harm!”

I was about to object, but the Cat and the House Goblin approached us. They looked at me meaningfully, and I went onto the stage to declare the party open.


“Roman!!! I’m so glad!!! So glad!!!” I exclaimed mentally as I sat down at Roman’s table during the break.

“Did you get into your upcoming Happy Reality in a dream?” he smiled.

“I summoned the Ghost of ‘The Legislator’! Remember? The one who…”

“Yes, yes,” Roman nodded, although he might not have understood who I meant.

“And he… he said I am not in the World of the Dead!!! Do you understand? The Legislator made a request! I mean, first he came to my house from the mirror. I tried to explain my suspended state. The Legislator listened attentively to all my ‘pro’ and ‘contra’ the ghost theory, but immediately said he didn’t feel me the same way as himself and his compatriots. However, you know, his words weren’t enough for me. The Legislator could be wrong. He felt my doubts and contacted the Heaven Office! In general, I am not on the list of the dead!!! Yes, Roman!!! Hooray!!!”

Out of overwhelming emotions, I grabbed my coffee cup and clinked it with Roman’s.

“Notice, Alice: I’ve told you that more than once!”

“Sorry!” I hugged him and mentally whispered in his ear, “We are alive! You see, we’re alive, so everything is still possible!!!”

“I’m glad you truly believed it,” Roman smiled.

“Then it turns out that the Guardian is really crazy! He insists that I must live with him here, in the Blizzard, forever, because Death is waiting for me beyond the Portal. If we are alive, the Blizzard will end. Even if I stay in the Mansion for another 100 years. By the way, today the Guardian said I should obey him, like children obey their parents…”

“You should think about the Light and the Good, about your Happy World, you will enter in just one night!” Roman looked at me with tenderness and sadness.

(“… I don’t want to part with you…” I tried to hide my thoughts as usual.)

“Have you written your one day plan?” Roman asked, remembering my yesterday’s task.

“Yes…” (“…I would spend that day with you… even in the Blizzard… yes, just circling in the city… or over the city… it would be the happiest fairy tale I have ever read!”)

“And what about your book?” Roman sighed and patted my back. “Will you finish it before going to the Portal?”

“To finish it beforehand? What an interesting idea to anticipate the end of that story even before it actually happens!”

“You’re the Magician, Alice. It will be so as you write it down,” Roman smiled.

The familiar trill of the bell sounded.

“Let’s close the eyes and step on the throat of fears!”

“Be patient a little longer!”


…Take your plan for one day and imagine that you have only one hour left in our Reality. Think carefully: what would you like to do in your last hour on Earth before the transition to the Other Reality? This is the most important thing in your life at the moment. Do it.

Then take all the plans made before. Look through them in the reverse order — for one day, for one month, for half a year and for one year. In fact, you have identified the real goal points of your Path, their priority sequence and deadlines for realization.

Bring all the points of these four plans into the final one and follow it throughout the year, without postponing for Tomorrow what can be done here and now…

In high spirits of feeling truly alive, I returned home from the 38th night and pulled out 2 Tarot cards. This time they were “The Hanged Man” and “The Death”.

“Is it my Death in suspense or already hanged?” flashed through my head, and suddenly I remembered about… paintings!!!

My paintings in “The Girl and the Moon Cat” series! How could they be in the Guardian Mansion at the very beginning of that strange story, if they were still within my flat?!
