A Trap for a Thought-Form. 39. Life is endless


a novel in the series


I woke up in the morning in the darkest mood, threw on my furs and swam into the Blizzard. Yes, it would never end. Even if the Wanderer would send another piece of the Sun. There was only one season in that world, the Blizzard!

It sounded in me as an endless Moonlight Sonata, absorbing my Consciousness, splitting it into a multitude tiny atoms — snowflakes, circled it in a dance, then raising it like a whirlwind over the city, then returning it back, and I hardly reunited it again, but no matter however hard I tried to do it in a completely different order, making different links — in vain, it was still mine…


I flew into the Mansion, took off my furs and threw them straight at the Guardian.

“What is it?!” he exclaimed in surprise.

“The penultimate fur coat,” I said in an icy voice and went to the Portal room, which was locked. I turned to the Guardian, who was following me, “The key!”

The Guardian, not yet recovered from the failure in the Matrix, obediently took out a bunch of keys and handed it to me. I entered the room and flew to the fireplace.

“What’s the way to get inside?!”

“Do you have to leave right now?!” the Guardian was even more surprised at the obvious “breaking the pattern”, but I continued to glare at him with an unobjectionable manner. “Well, alright! Take it easy!!! Here it is!”

The Guardian pressed one of the facing tiles, and the fireplace, along with a part of the wall, moved out towards us, turning out to be just a door leading to the adjacent room!

“Now I see why I felt the Portal in both of them,” I breathed it out.

“I hope you won’t mind to wait until tomorrow!”

“Perhaps it will be my biggest mistake, but I promised to spend 40 parties here, and I will keep my promise!”

The Guardian sighed in relief and closed the Portal.

I left the room with the keys. The Guardian didn’t even notice that I had them. Or pretended not to notice?


The book “Life is endless”, which I presented the last night before the Ball, was written by Arachne. It was good that the author didn’t come to the presentation dressed as a spider. However, what was a real dress for her?

I stayed away from Arachne, but she constantly tried to get closer, violating the distance of personal space by touching me with her numerous paws as verses, glances, hands…

I could hardly wait for the break, apparently, like Arachne. Being the hero of the party, she instantly pounced on the hall, anticipating…

“What a great book title!” Roman greeted me mentally.

“Just in time for our task,” I sighed grimly.

“What’s wrong with you, Alice? What happened? Yesterday you were glowing with joy!” Roman hugged me, sensing my lack of mood.

“I returned home last night and remembered my paintings. The Guardian should receive them at the 40th night, but they had already been seen in his room.”

“Did you see them yourself?”

“The Wanderer did, as I asked him to enter the secret rooms of the Backstage.”

“He could have been mistaken! After all, when you ended up in the Guardian’s room…”

“Yes, there were none. But why would the Wanderer deceive me? Besides, he had no idea of ‘The Girl and the Moon Cat’ painting series! However, the Wanderer sketched and sent me exactly their copies! These paintings at that moment were and still are in my wardrobe at home!”

“Alice… You are so stubborn,” Roman smiled. “AND?”

“Yes, Roman, and tonight I returned to the Dungeon!”

“Did you find the paintings?”

“No. Much worse…”


“The Guardian’s diary on the table was open!”

“So what did you read?”

“… ‘Her 44th dress is much more beautiful than the previous ones!’” I was about to weep…

“Alice, never mind!”

“I’m a ghost! Ghost! The author of ‘The Legislator’ didn’t want to upset me! You see, those dresses, in the Theater’s dressing room are MINE!”

“Are you saying that the Guardian killed you 43 times in a row?”

“Even if a billion times in a row! Perhaps killers have such a post-mortem reality! I don’t know! But I’m not ready to go back to his bloody Mansion to let him kill me over and over!!! What does it have to do with me if I’m a victim?! Tell me, what for?”

“Well, calm down, Alice, please! After all, this is not the first and far from the last version of what is going on here and now.”

“Really?!! And how many versions do you have more in your mind on the 39th of 40 nights?! Why am I coming back here? To make you the Magician? Or to write a book, you’ll pass on to people later? What are you, Roman?” (“… and I wonder why, why you, who read my thoughts and feelings, never (!) stayed till the end of the party to walk the girl home late at night, not even once…”)

“Just trust me! You are not a ghost,” Roman said calmly and kissed me on the area of the third eye, interrupting the flow of my completely silent thoughts.

“Where did the Guardian get my paintings and so many dresses? I bet there were exactly 43 of them in that ominous wardrobe not long ago!”

“We talked to you yesterday. Perhaps the Guardian has certain problems that he is…”

“Spouting off in his diary?”

The familiar trill of the bell rang out.

“Are we going to save the fears for tomorrow?” Roman asked out loud.

“You know, to be honest, I’m afraid of… spiders,” I admitted and nodded towards Arachne. “And tomorrow she will appear at the Ball in her true image…”

“Well, tomorrow is tomorrow… But you should admit, Alice, that life is endless…”

Task No. 39. NO DEATH PLAN

…Imagine that your life will continue after your leaving the physical body, because, having fulfilled your current mission on Earth, you will definitely take on the solution of some new tasks of the Universe.

Think about it. What would you like to do after? Studying works on some topics collected in the Library of the Universe? Inventing something new, which will be first-discovered on Earth later? Perhaps you will become a Guardian Angel of some person, perhaps a Guardian of the Portal, or even one of the Heaven Gardeners?

…The Magician knows that his true ‘Self’ will exist as long as Love is alive in him. And he never wishes to die, because there is no Death at all…


“Alice djan! Are you still creating your Happy Reality?”

“Wanderer! Finally! You are back from the Tower of Babel!”

“Yes, I had to stay a bit longer. I was very curious to take part in their rituals!”

“I am a ghost. You knew, but you felt sorry for me and didn’t want to scare me, right? Probably, I won’t be able to leave here until I finish my book. The one in which I create my Happy Reality. What a funny post-mortem task of the Heaven Forces, isn’t it? I have to finish the book today, since tomorrow I enter the Portal to… disappear… forever…”

“Oh, the scent of sandalwood and iris!!! Oh, eyes like stars in the sky!!!”

“No, don’t feel sorry for me!”

“Alice djan! My darling!! You are not a ghost!!! Believe the old gray-haired shaman! I wish you to finish the book today, completing it in the most magical way, and to have a good sleep before the Ball!”

“Do you want to get to our Ball? Since you travel in your sleep…”

“Thank you for the invitation, Alice djan! However, I would prefer to meet you already in your New and definitely Happy Reality!”
