about chess

Story about chess
  Frame with black cage on chalkboard 2. with white cage
  3. Board 4. king white 5. king black 6. king and queen white
  7. the king and the queen are black 8. all the pieces on the board 9. the chess clock is running and the person approaches the battery and the plumbing key, tightens the pipe, then looks for something else to twist and then sits down at the table with chess.
  10. the hand made a move 11. the hand pressed the clock 12. the leg pressed the clock 13. the head of the opponent in dark glasses looks up 14. pages of chess problems flash one after another in a row 15. shots of the bottom of the legs as a person jumps in place 16. plumbing  move the opponent's knight with the key 17. The opponent chatters his teeth 18. shakes his knees
  19. The frame is general, where the rival is sitting in masks and glasses and the ballerina is dancing on the back planet, the ballerina’s teacher is standing in a row and he doesn’t like how she dances, he points with a stick at the leg and raises the ballerina’s leg and then strikes with a stick in time with the music  floor 20. The cleaning lady wipes the floor with a mop and backwards knocks the teacher down, the teacher falls to the floor.  22 Close-up of the cleaner laughing. 23 the chess referee grabs the stick from the teacher and fights for dad, he runs away the ballerina dances and then the teacher runs to the chess players and knocks all the pieces off the board and all the pieces fall to the floor 24. the opponents stop the chess clock  with that teacher, frightened, moves away from them 23. chess players get up from the table and run after that teacher past the sitting watchman.  throat 2 4. frame of chess and half-scattered pieces 25. ballerina dancing with a chess judge 26. The watchman is sleeping on the table with a bottle of vodka clutched in his hand and you can see how a huge amount of vodka is poured
